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^j^Angels^j^ : My Own Angel Miracle Number 5
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From: MSN NicknameUma7777  (Original Message)Sent: 1/18/2008 7:34 AM


UmasAngelMiracles.gif picture by purplepansy31

Good evening dear friends, a friend in my sister's group made me this background, so I started to post another  one of the angel miracles I collected, when Rocky told me, that it said Uma's angel miracles, so I should post one of mine. Well I have already posted 4 of mine, so I did not wanted to bore you guys with anymore of them. hehehe But he said this is a good one to post, so many people will think about calling for their angels if anything close to this happens. So here it comes! Lots of love, light, hugs and blessings.

&, Uma


I have never written this story before, because it seems incredible, even to the people involved in the angel miracle.

When my son Al was two and a half, his half brothers, Bill 5 and Gilbert 4 wanted to go swimming in a swimming pool that we went to all the time, inside an army post that was a block from our house.

 I told them I would take them, but did not know that they had already asked the parents of three of their friends if they could go with us. I never got sick and never had gone to a hospital except to have the kids in my life, so I did not think anything was really wrong, when I noticed I had a fever and was not feeling to good.

I decided to take them, even though I had only two seat belts in the back seat, so I had to put two kids to one seat belt in the back and two kids in the front. I did not think it was dangerous, because we were a block from the post and it had a 20 miles speed limit once we were inside. When we were one block inside the post, there was a deep hill, I did not count on me fainting, for the first and last time in my life.

When I woke up, the kids and I were bouncing inside the car and me asking God to help us! We rolled 5 times, and the car landed with the wheels up, would you believe the car following us was a doctor and his wife, which was a nurse?

They had a doctors bag in their hands and a first aid kit, so when they saw , that none of us even had a scratch, they were astounded, they could not believe their eyes! They said after they saw the car roll five times, they were looking for seriously injured or dead people!

We were surrounded by military police, all of them shaking their heads when they saw all of us walk out of the car, they said they could not believe it, because the car top caved in, and none of us even had a scratch.

I asked them if I could drive the car home, after they lifted it up, but they said someone had to check it first. When they told me the car was okay, I drove it home.

The kid's parents did not believe them when they told them that we had an accident, they told them to quit lying or they were going to punish them, so the kids told them to come ask me. When they saw the caved in top, they were also surprised, and thankful, that we did not get hurt.

I truly believe, that we had many angels holding each one of us, because we should at least have had some scratches on us. I will always thank God, for sending our angels that  day and blessing us with their help.


Background from Artlor's Background shop .. Glitter from Artlor's Tile & Glitter Shop .. Tile and Tag created by PurplePansy using artwork by © Rainbow Coffi

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