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^j^Angels^j^ : Angel Miracle: A Light Unto Her Path
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From: MSN NicknameUma7777  (Original Message)Sent: 1/28/2008 12:11 PM

angel5-1.jpg picture by leprechaunlight

Good Morning dear cyber family, it is time for another special angel miracle, so here is "A Light Unto her Path". I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did. Lots of love, light, hugs and blessings.

&, Uma


Margaret Baucom of Shreveport, Louisiana, a private duty nurse, had been caring for an elderly man for several nights in a row. Usually her shift ended about seven, but the man's wife had awakened early one morning and told Margaret to go home and get some much-needed sleep. Margaret pulled away from the house in somewhat of a fog, so tired that she forgot to press her automatic door lock. She would avoid the high-speed interstate, she decided, yawning, and take a slower route home. "It went through a tough section of town, but I assumed no one would be up at four A.M.," she says.

Margaret was wrong. Drowsily, she drove down the seedy, poorly lit avenue, then stopped for a traffic light behind the only other car in view. Almost immediately, all four doors opened, and Margaret saw three young men get out of the three passenger seats. Slowly they started toward her, menacing, terrifying. Margaret's heart started to pound. Her doors were unlocked! And for the life of her, she couldn't remember where the automatic switch was!

Everything seemed to click into slow motion, "as if a record or movie had been slowed down," Margaret says. Wildly she considered putting the car in reverse or speeding up to run over them. But she seemed paralyzed with fear. "God, help me .... " It was all Margaret could think to murmur.

Instantly two enormous headlights shone right behind her, as if a huge eighteen-wheeler had pulled up inches from her rear bumper. The lights beamed through her car and seemed to flood the entire avenue with a radiant white glow. Margaret looked at the storefronts, the parking lot several yards ahead ... everything was bathed in brilliance. "It was brighter than the pictures on television of the Gulf War bombing raids," she says.

Yet how could that be? For she had heard no truck approaching, no sound of an engine revving or shifting gears. And despite the powerful glare behind her, the night was completely hushed.

At that moment the driver emerged from the car in front of Margaret and started toward her too. Oh, God, please! she prayed. She was going to die here. She knew it. Then, incredibly, Margaret saw a look of shock, fear, terror replace the young man's threatening expression. "He put his hands way up, almost in a gesture of apology toward the light," Margaret says, "and backed up right into the car." The others jumped in, and the car sped off and squealed around the next corner.

Margaret slumped against the seat, almost weeping in relief. It had all happened so fast! Had it been a dream? But, no, the headlights were still there. Slowly she stepped on the gas and pulled away from the corner. The twin beacons followed her, illuminating the night in a glow that was almost ... heavenly. Margaret began to feel serene, protected, almost blessed. And yet there wasn't a sound behind her.

When she reached a forested area, she saw the lights silently turn off to the left and disappear. Just a few blocks more and she was safely home. "I was shaking, almost a holy trembling, and my husband knew something important had happened," Margaret remembers. She told him of her close call.

"Where did you say the truck turned off?" Bob asked. "Right at the woods." Margaret described the scene. Bob shook his head. "It did, Bob," she insisted. "I saw it go left."

There was a look of wonder on Bob's face. "Margaret, nothing could turn there. There's no road anywhere near the woods."

Margaret still wonders what the driver of the car saw behind her that night. But she'll never forget the silent, steadfast beacons that came as a "light unto her path."

Assembled by ~ Uma

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