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Mailboxes : Uma's Mailbox
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 Message 1 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameleprechaunlight  (Original Message)Sent: 9/18/2007 7:15 PM





Home is not far away and hard to get to. It is the place underneath your own skin inside your bones, behind every dream and song in your own heart-the place you discover when you are not afraid anymore; where you are always safe and protected; where there is an infinite playground for your enjoyment with no hidden agendas.

Home is a place not of boredom, but of tranquillity-not of blindness, but of clear vision where one can see, without reacting; a land of deep faith and beauty. An inner Heaven where all things bring Peace and all roads lead to Harmony. There is no time there, nor distance to the self, nor any other blockage obstructing the sunshine of Being.

When we are Home there is no distance to the self; no route being followed to the GoaL The traveler has arrived, and with him comes all Creation in his pocket. He does not strive for glory, power, or riches. He has become them; he embodies them. He carries them as effortlessly as the air he breathes.



Welcome to Uma's mailbox. I am welcoming you to my home away from home, come on in and make yourself at home.....stay awhile and relax..... I would love to hear from you. I love getting messages, thanks for stopping by. I am here with a circle of friends, in a friendly comfortable, interactive environment for one and all. I truly feel we are all ONE. We are not alone, we are an integral part of One Divine Conciousness with infinite members.To me, Oneness is the experience that speaks in all languages, addresses all beings, answers all longings, respects and nurtures all hearts. Blessings to you,and yours, lots of love, light and hugs.

&, Uma



A Bee bg


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 Message 5 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamebutterflylady57Sent: 9/23/2007 9:26 PM
 Hi Uma,
 thanks you for posting and  think of me and i have always think of you and rainy and also others who join this site..  loveyou all ... butterfly lady

 Message 6 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAztecLily1Sent: 9/24/2007 9:27 PM
Uma! Thank you hun ! You trully are a gift from God......I really do feel the healings continue in me , and I feel marvelous miracles are about to happen soon. I thank God every day for bringing you into my life, he really knows what he is doing . Thank you so much for being so patient with me through all of my troubles.. I Love You !

 Message 7 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_Sent: 9/25/2007 7:41 PM
Hi Uma
Have a sweet day dear lady.

 Message 8 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_Sent: 9/26/2007 7:48 PM

 Message 9 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAztecLily1Sent: 9/27/2007 2:34 AM
Uma, my dear sweet friend....I miss you as well...........I must tell you this is the most fabulas news I have heard in some time....My docs have told me that since my last ecocardiogram ,my heart is now functioning at 32 %, that is 2% more than it was.
God is working his miracles hun , I can feel it in my heart.........see ya tomorrow  night hun!      Love ya !         in God`s light.....Free        

 Message 10 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameleprechaunlightSent: 9/27/2007 6:34 AM
Good evening, I just got a chance to be in the internet before I go to bed, and my heart is so happy, because yours is getting better! Is an appointment for your six then, so happy about this. Lots of love, light and hugs.
&, Uma

 Message 11 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_Sent: 10/1/2007 5:56 PM
Hi Uma
I hope today goes well for you.
Have you heard from Anna?
Please let me know.
Lots of Love

 Message 12 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameitzonlyme1976Sent: 10/2/2007 10:16 PM
soul mama Uma, i know you havn't heard from me in a bit.
but i am well and everything is all ok, my computer
caught a virus from myspace... so i was outta cyber world
awhile but here i am  thanks much for your caring n love

 Message 13 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAztecLily1Sent: 10/11/2007 4:07 AM
Just want to tell you ...
            I LOVE YOU!!

 Message 14 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_Sent: 10/11/2007 5:47 AM
Hi Uma
I hope your week is sucessful
and prosperous. Thank you for all
you do here. I truly appreciate it.
Love and Light

 Message 15 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSweetNativePrincessAnnaSent: 10/23/2007 3:08 AM

 Message 16 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAztecLily1Sent: 11/9/2007 1:55 AM
 you are the sunshine in my day`s                Love ya !    Free

 Message 17 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAztecLily1Sent: 12/2/2007 5:14 AM
Sorry I have missed you lately , but as you probably already know  , I was back in the hospital again ,with yet another heartattack , a small one , it did not do any more damage to my heart  . so sorry I missed my healing , but in reality hun I did not miss it .  I was sitting in my hospital bed as I would at home , and prayed, I could feel the healings going on . You are my Angel and I love you !          Free
 Wishing you all the best for the Holidays!    

 Message 18 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAztecLily1Sent: 5/25/2008 1:51 AM
Hi Uma!  Just wanted to let you know hun , i`m doing ok and I am still recieving your healings you are sending . Life is still a little hectic and i`m having such difficulties with my puter again. I`m dealing with my life as best as I possibly can right now,and just knowing that you are with me always really makes things so much better and easier to deal with. I do miss chatting with you so much . I have a new phone number as well, ( 519-252-2804 ) . I also have you and your sweet family in my prayers, I know with Gods love for us all  your family will be healed. Miss you so much ! 
                                                                        much love and many blessings!

 Message 19 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameUma7777Sent: 5/29/2008 2:08 PM
Hello Free,
Thank you so much for your nice email, I am so happy you are enjoying the healings and that they are helping a lot. Sorry you are still having a hectic life, I always pray that your life will get a lot easier for you. This is the group link I told you I would send if Lucky closed the group. I really did put it together so we can still be together.  See you there, I will not be back till tomorrow night so see you then, lots of love to you, Uma
----- Original Message -----
From: AztecLily1
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2008 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: Uma's Mailbox

New Message on Rainy's Realm

Uma's Mailbox

  Reply to Sender   Recommend Message 18 in Discussion
From: AztecLily1

Hi Uma!  Just wanted to let you know hun , i`m doing ok and I am still recieving your healings you are sending . Life is still a little hectic and i`m having such difficulties with my puter again. I`m dealing with my life as best as I possibly can right now,and just knowing that you are with me always really makes things so much better and easier to deal with. I do miss chatting with you so much I have a new phone number as well, ( 519-252-2804 ) . I also have you and your sweet family in my prayers, I know with Gods love for us all  your family will be healed. Miss you so much ! 
                                                                        much love and many blessings!

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