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Prayers For.... : Prayers For ButterFly Lady
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_  (Original Message)Sent: 7/17/2007 1:47 AM
Hello Friends
I got word that our ButterFly Lady
had surgery this morning.
Let's all think of her in our prayers
and wish her the best in her healing
process. Let's think of her with loving
thoughts so she can be with us here again.
Thank You
Love and Light

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameleprechaunlightSent: 7/17/2007 5:43 AM



Hi Butterfly Lady, I will pray that everything goes in divine order for you and you heal fast and can get back to your happy self again. Lots of love, light and hugs.
&, Uma



 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamebutterflylady57Sent: 7/21/2007 1:37 AM
Hey everyone thanks for prayer and i still need prayer to healing more and i be around and im home now resting and enjoy talk to rainy  i miss uma too .. others also.. i see ya later love you  the light and hugs.  butterflylady .