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~Who I Am~ : A Little Bit About Uma
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameleprechaunlight  (Original Message)Sent: 6/27/2007 9:16 AM
 I finnally found time to introduce myself to the group. I am sharing with you my fifth thing I love doing best, which is crocheting, I make all my own crochet dresses, I did the one in the picture. My fourth love is gardening, My third love, is reading, I have read and own almost 5,000 spiritual books, my second love in life is angels, my first love of doing what I love doing most is............HEALING. I love doing healings, I knew I was going to be a healer, since I was a little girl, every time another kid made me mad and try to hit me, I would see another hand folding my hand back and telling me "this hands are for healing not hitting"! So I knew I could not hurt anyone. I love People!
I am 66 years young and still have not grown up yet! hehehe

Besides being care giver to two loved ones, and spending weekends with the grandkids, taking them swimming and fishing, my husband and I enjoy going to the mountains and rivers and brooks. Rocky (my husband) enjoys fishing and I always go with him, but I hunt for pretty rocks, crystals and watch the birds, talk to the animals, they really pay attention to me and talk back. I also read a lot  in the peace and quiet, it seems then like everything I read, is happening in the now. Of course I also love to meditate in mountains, rivers, brooks, and forests it is awesome when you go near water.

   I am international, the smallest city I have ever lived is Las Vegas, so when I married my husband (37 years ago) after being a city girl all my life, he took me to visit the Colorado mountains and I fell in love! I went to visit his favorite, which is called by the Indians "Thunder Mountains" now they call it "Grand Mesa" and the very first time I went up, I never wanted to come down! I started to bawl and kept saying 'I am home I am home",  it was such an emotional visit.

    I went down just long enough to buy a motorhome and took it up the mountain and did not come down till it started snowing real heavy! I did that for five beautiful years, I also love forests. I  had my church in the Colorado mountains. We still visit Grand Mesa, everytime I go, I want to tie the mountain behind my car and pull it to LasVegas.hehehe  We have Mount Charleston here in Las Vegas, about 20 miles from us, we just love nature, so we try to be among nature as much as we can.


     I earned second degree reiki in 1988, my third in 1989,and became a reiki master in 1994, I was ordained a minister in 1993 and had a church, when I was in Colorado. I have lived everywhere in the world, first with my military dad, then with my husband, Honolulu, Germany, well just about everywhere. I think that is why to me, we are all ONE, I learned how to understand and speak different languages and how people are all alike. My path is full embodiment of Christ Consciousness, I practice Tai Chi, Reflexology, Acupressure,Therapeutic Touch and many more different ways of healing.


   Now my ministry is all over the world, it all started with my patients going back to their doctors and the doctors sending me people, like the patient I had help, so it has spread out to Germany, Honolulu Tibet, Mexico, Australia, America.............. I have never charge for any of my healings, I am aware that some people charge and that is perfectly okay with me, you have to follow your heart, to do what is right for you. I try to help as many people as I can, because that is what life is all about, helping each other and teaching each other about our God. I do long distance healings in the average of 18 to 20 a day and some locals, I love doing them.

        I know we have to unite in love, light, peace and prayers, so we can bring back the essence of , love, health and harmony to our lives and the lives of every man, woman and child of our beautiful planet and our precious universe.Lots of love, light and hugs.

&, leppi~Uma




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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_Sent: 6/27/2007 3:21 PM
Hi Leppi
I have known you for quite a while now.
It's great to know more about you then before.
You have done healings on me and I am
always amazed at the healing power you
are graced with. Your beautiful soul
has touched hundreds (maybe thousands)of people
for which we are all grateful. Never an angry word,
always peaceful and that's what I love about you.
Thank You for being who you are Dear Friend.
Love and Light