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Rainy's RealmContains "mature" content, but not necessarily adult.[email protected] 
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~Who I Am~ : Rainy I Am
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From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_  (Original Message)Sent: 3/8/2007 4:31 PM
I grew up in Burbank California and was raise by my grandparents.
They were very old fashion but taught me values that I still
carry with me today. I have 3 kids. Ages 36, 27, and 25. They
are the base of my life. I am single after 23 years of marriage. I love
the forest and the ocean. There seems to be a certain energy
that draws me to them.
I live in Palmdale California which is known as the high
desert. The temperature is extreme in summer and winter.
But I love it here.
I am a poet with about 80 poems under my belt. Someday
I hope  to publish them.
I have a zest for life that only showed it's head within
the last 3 years. I am no longer the sheltered being I
was in years gone by. I have become independent
and strong through the hardest time of my life.
I Will Survive!
Well that's me :)

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