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~Who I Am~ : I am Free! Freespirit.....Azteclily
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From: MSN NicknameAztecLily1  (Original Message)Sent: 12/5/2007 6:05 AM
Well I guess it`s about time that I let everyone know who I trully am.  First of all my screen name now is Azteclily......MSN, made me change my name from Freespirit (Free for short )  to another named  ,because I had a new email address and could not use Freespirit anymore.  So I picked Azteclily....I love everything about the Aztecs and I love the lily  ,come to find out that azteclily is a name of a flower. I love flowers. But I still am Free!  Free to be me !  My name is Elaine , I live in Windsor,Ontario..Canada (Oh Canada! my home and native land , LOL!) this is our country`s song!  Anywho I am a single mom of 3 beautiful children, my oldest is 18 ,(Angela), and I have 13 yr old twins , a boy and a girl ,(Aric& Arin) . And I now have a beautiful grandson ( Mathew). And I was not supposed to be able to have any children! Done pretty good didn`t I ? And I thank God every day !  I have been on hemo dialysis now for about 20 some years . Out of that 20 yrs I have had 2 kidney transplants which each gave me 5 yrs free from dialysis.  I have suffered a massive heartattack for which I had to have a tripple bypass done  and I had a mitral valve replaced. 5 yrs later and I have had 3 more heartattacks. With all of this going on I managed to contract Hep C through tainted blood from transfusions I recieved .And now I am told I had Osteoporosteous ( bad spelling LOL!) weakening of the bones ,and artheritis. Gosh I`m like the energizer bunny ! take a lickin and keep on tickin !   Talk about Mountains to climb! But I keep climbing them . And I thank God everyday for allowing me to climb them . I`m not sure what my purpose is here yet ,but God sure does not want me to leave here yet . I  willing to bet that he wants to show everyone who will listen to him ,that there are miracles happening every day . And myself and my children are just a few to mention.  I want in life to make people smile and not feel down . I want to lift everyones spirit, to be happy and..................Free!  short for ... Freespirit`s
                           loads of love to all.................................Free
  My thinking......(my ill`s  takes away someone else`s ) ...................Free

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