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The Heart Speaks : Just wnated to share this with you....
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 Message 1 of 1 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWitchway_Pawnee  (Original Message)Sent: 4/30/2005 7:29 AM

As I Sit Here
By Joseph Chunn

I sit here,
I see a vapor 
rises  from  the
spring. In the vapor
I see a strange ghost like
movement. What kind of  thing
moves  around  me in  this  ancient
ring. I see tepees, circled smoke rising
from internal fires. My pulse quickens as
I see the old ones come from the teepees, the
old ones were here hundreds of years before me.
The vapor rises  higher and the sun casts a rainbow
The old ones call to the children to come and see. They
laugh and point, their smiles growing. I shudder a bit, I
am to witness this,  awakening inside me is a knowledge I
have been this way before.  Soft South winds blow the vapor to
the  side and my vision is cleared, I am moving toward the center
of the ring.  Something pulls me from where I am to where I used to
be.  I hear the rush of sweet hot water and know I am back at Manataka
The children notice me first, they seem aware I am floating into their world.
Silently, I  see a young boy point in my direction and his  sister see me also. They
are not afraid but call to their Grandfather. He says he knows me, that I come to visit
on gentle days on the light South wind when spirits are blown back and forth in time. I
wish I could speak to tell them I was here long ago and they must treasure what they find here
but I know they already do so. Grandfather tells them that the Gray Ghost they see only wishes to check on the tribe and  see that  they  love the valley and once  satisfied he  will drift  away  on  the  South wind that brought him here.  The children watch as I moved by and the little girl  waves, the  little  boy  looks  at  me  with  hard  eyes.  Grandfather  tells him there is no need to  be concerned
that the Gray Ghost is a white path spirit with a
heart of  red. That softened the little boy's eyes
and  brought  a  slight  smile.  Grandfather said
you will  see him  again on  the soft  South  wind
days and  he will come to know you and  you him. So when I am gone and your 
grandchildren see him you can  tell  them that he is a spirit of long ago.  He only
wishes to see if they love Manataka  as he does and then he will drift away. 
As I sit here the  smoke from the fire blows to my eyes and they tear.  Was I
there? When I wipe the tears from my eyes the old ones are gone.   Hau Ho!

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