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The Heart Speaks : wolf quotes
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From: MSN NicknameWitchway_Pawnee  (Original Message)Sent: 1/21/2004 6:51 AM

May the Wolf Spirit guide you on your path
May the Wolf Spirit touch your heart & soul
May his howls be heard thru the valleys and forests
And carried like whispers on the wind.



If all the beasts were gone,
Men would die from loneliness of spirit,
Since whatever happens to the beasts
Also happens to man.

All things are connected.

Whatever befalls the earth
Befalls the sons of the earth.

~Chief Seattle~



If we could open our minds
And open our hearts
They could enter our lives
Instead of living apart.

What we don't understand we destroy
What we know we embrace
Please let us come to "know" the wolf.



Grey Wolf....we are sending you to that Great God
Tell Him that we, who invented forgiveness
Do Not Forgive;
That we, who speak of trust
Can not trust;
That we who invoke faith would not believe.
I write as though you could read,
but I know you understand.
When you have left the forests and the tundras
And no longer leave your sinewy trails within the snows.
Tell Him that...You were made on a different day.
Your howls of belwilderment will echo with the mountain winds.
And your songs will join those of the whales.
Tell Him for me,
"Forgive them Father for they know not what they do."

~O. Fred Donaldson~




The spirit of the wolf lives in us all.
To look in their eyes will tell the tale of thousands of years.
Their courage and endurance through time,
shine through these majestic creatures.
Now all of this might be coming to an end.
Many men want to see them destroyed.
These beautiful creatures are feared and hated.
They can't defend themselves, so it is up to us.
We are the ones who believe in their magic.
We are the ones who have to fight to protect them,
before they are all gone and all that is left is a memory.

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     re: wolf quotes     1/22/2004 6:57 AM