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word meanings : Blackfoot Language - Siksika dialect
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From: MSN NicknameWitchway_Pawnee  (Original Message)Sent: 8/23/2007 4:50 AM
The Siksika alphabet:

a ("a" in father)
h ("ch")
i ("i" in kiss)
k ("g")
o ("o" in woman)
p ("b")
t ("d")
Pronounciation tips:

The vowels

Sounds like the "a" in father
If before a double consonant, then it sounds like cut

Sounds like the "i" in kiss

When written long (ii), sounds like the "i" in machine

Sounds like the "o" in so
With double consonants, it sounds like the "o" in woman


If before a double consonan, it sounds like "ai" in said
If before the a', it sounds like the "ai" of paid
On the norther reserve, it sounds more like the "i" of bite
On the Blood reserve, it sounds more like the "ai" of plaid

Sounds like the "aw" of dawn
If before the (`), may sound like the "ou" of out

Sounds like the "oi" of coin
If before a long constant, may sound like "i"

p, t, k
the "p" sounds like b
the "t" sounds like d
the "k" sounds like g

Sounds like "ch"
Is an interruption or pause in a word or a phrase

*any long vowels (aa, ii, oo) or long consonants (ss, kk, hh) are to be drawn out when speaking




Backbone /'kakín

Bladder: .....moa'pahkis

Body: .....motstóm

Breast / Chest:.....máókayis


Buttock: .....mootóópis

Calf .....mohkinán

Cheek: .....mootstsipinnaan

Chin / Jaw:.....mohpsskína

Derriere: .....móós

Ear: .....mohtóókis

Elbow: .....mohkínsstsis

Eye: .....mooipssp

Face: .....mosstoksis

Forehead: .....moonsskis

Guts / Intestines:.....mottsis

Head /'tokáán

Heart: .....mósskitsipahyo

Heel: .....mootohtón

Kidney: .....mótookis

Knee: .....mottoksís

Larynx: .....mohkíítohksiston

Leg / Foot:.....mohkát

Lip: .....mootóónis

Lung: .....mohpín

Navel: .....móótoyi's

Neck: .....mohkokin

Nose: .....móhksisís

Rib: .....mohpikis

Ribs: .....mohpikíístsi

Shin: .....motsínaa

Shoulder: .....mottsikis

Shoulder Blade:.....mohkatsíkin

Stomach: .....móókoan

Teeth: .....mohpííkiistsi

Thigh: .....moápisakis

Throat: .....mohksistón

Toe / Finger:.....mookítsis

Tongue: .....maisiní

Tooth: .....mohííkin


**Information from Donald G. Frantz and Norma Jean Russell's Blackfoot Dictionary of Stems, Roots,and Affixes, Second Edition

Note: anything in ( ) means the "literal meanining of the word".

Animal: (runs about on the ground) ......kaawá'pomaahkaa

Antelope: .....saokiawakaasi

Baby Rabbit:.....poká´aatisistaawa

Badger (marked face):.....siinaisski

Bald Eagle (White Head):.....ksikkihkíni

Bat (Bad bird):.....makápipi'kssi

Big duck / goose:.....ómahkssa'áí

Bighorn Sheep (Mountain sheep):.....miistáksoomahk ihkiaa

Bird .....pi'kssíí

Bison: .....iiníí

Black Bear.....sikohkiaayo

Brown Bear.....ootsimiohkiaayo

Cat: .....poos

Chipmonk .....i'kayssi

Cougar / Mountain Lion:.....omakatyo

Cow: .....áápotskina

Coyote: .....aapí'si

Deer: .....áwákaas ii

Dog: .....omitaa

Donkey: .....omahksstooki

Elephant (has long nose): .....innóóhksisii

Elk: .....innoka

Frog: .....matsiyíkkapisa a

Golden Eagle (Gold head):.....otaikimmio'tokaan

Grizzly Bear (brown nosed bear): .....otahkóíssksisi yoohkiaayo

Horse: .....o'ta's

Jack Rabbit:..... omahkááaitistaawa

Lark: .....mia'tii

Meadowlark: .....soohkiisimsstaan

Muskrat: ......mí'sohpsski

Owl (Night announcer):.....sipisttoo

Prarie dog:.....kitsisomahkokata

Puppy: .....sisomm

Rabbit: .....ááattsishaa

Rattlesnake (rattle tail):.....sáí'ittsikotoy i

Raven (large crow: .....omahkai'stoo

Red Fox: .....máóhkataatoyi

Salmon (pink fish): .....i'kotsóómii

Swan (large gull):.....iimahkáyii

Thunderbird:.... ksiistsikómiipi'kssii

Turkey (big bird):.....ómahksipi'kss< u>ii

Timber Wolf: .....ómahkapi'si

Black: .....sik

Blue: ....ótssko

Brown: .....sikotahko

Green: .....saissksiimoko

Grey: .....ikkitsinááttsi

Red: .....máóhk

White: .....áápi

Yellow/Orange: .....otahko

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     re: Blackfoot Language - Siksika dialect   MSN NicknameWitchway_Pawnee  8/23/2007 4:51 AM
     re: Blackfoot Language - Siksika dialect   MSN NicknameWitchway_Pawnee  8/23/2007 4:53 AM
     re: Blackfoot Language - Siksika dialect   MSN NicknameWitchway_Pawnee  8/23/2007 4:54 AM
     re: Blackfoot Language - Siksika dialect   MSN NicknameWitchway_Pawnee  8/23/2007 4:56 AM