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 Message 3 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWitchway_Pawnee  in response to Message 1Sent: 8/23/2007 5:00 AM

each (one): iyóhila
eagle: waŋblí
ear (human): nóŋge
ear (animal): nakpá
early morning: híŋhaŋnahci
earth: maká
(on) earth: makáta
east: wíhinapa
edge: óhuta
egg: wítka
eight: w'aglógan
elders: huŋkákepi
elk (male): heháka
elk (female): uŋpáŋ
elm: pecaŋ
elsewhere: leháŋyaŋ
end: oíhaŋke, íŋkpa
enemy: tóka, tóka wicáša
English (language): wašícuŋ iyápi
entirely: átaya
entrails: taníga
equally: ákilecelya, iyéhaŋyaŋ
evening: htáyetu
evening glow: wiágahpetu
everybody/everyone: taŋíyohila
evildoer: šilwáecoŋ
exactly (so): ecéhci
example: wóiwaŋyaŋke
exceedingly: iyótaŋ
experience: akípa, wóakipa
expert: wópika
extroardinarily: lílahci
eye: ištá
eye-glasses: ištámaza

face: ité
faith: wówicala
fall/autumn: ptaŋyétu
(last) fall: ptaŋyétuhaŋ
falsehood: wówicakešni
family: tiwáhe
famine: wicáakihaŋ
fan: ícalu
far (away): téhaŋtu
far from: ítehaŋ
farm: owójupikiŋ
farther (back): hétawapa
fat: wašiŋ
father: até
(you) father: niyáte
fatness: wicácepi
fear: okókipe
fearlessly: iníhaŋšni
feather: wíyaka
female: wíŋyaŋ
fence: caŋkáška
few (people, things): huŋh
field: mága
fifty: wikcémna záptaŋ
fight: kicízapi
fighting: kicízapi, okícize
finally: hankéyaš, óhaŋketa
finger: napsú
fingernail: šaké
fire: péta
firmly: sutáya
first: tokáhe
firstly: tokáheya
fish: hogáŋ
fisherman: hokúwa wicáša
five: záptaŋ
flesh: cehpí
(human) flesh: wicácehpi
flock: optáye
floor: owáŋka, cówiŋja
flow: kalúze
flower: wanáhca, wahcá
flu: koáktaŋ wicókuje
fly: tehmúnga
fog: po
food: wóyute
foolishly: witkótkoya
foot: si
football: sítapa
for (because): icíŋ
for (preposition): kíci
forehead: itúhu
forever: oíhaŋke waníl
fork: wícape, wótapi
formerly: héhaŋ
fortune: wápika
forty: wikcémna tópa
fountain: wiwíla
four: tópa
fox: šuŋgíla
frankly: taŋiŋyaŋ
frequently: ijéhaŋ
Friday: aŋpétu záptaŋ
friend: kóla
friendly indian: lakóta
frog: gnaška
from: etáŋhaŋ
from above: waŋkataŋhaŋ
from below: kútaŋhaŋ
from here: letáŋ
frost: heyúŋka
fruit: waskúyeca
fur: hiŋ
further (on): akówapa
further (away): heyápaya

game: oškáte
garden: owóju
garments: hayápi
garter: húŋcase
gate: tiyópa
general (of an army): akícita
generation: wicóicage
gently: wáhwaya, wáhwayela
ghost: wnági
girl: wicíŋcala
gladly: caŋtéwašteya
glass: janjáŋ
glasses (eyeglasses): ištámaza
glory: wówitaŋ, wókiŋhaŋ
glove: napíŋkpa
God: Wakáŋtaŋka
gold: mázaska zi
goodness: wicówašte, wówašte
goose: magá
gopher: wahíŋkeya
grandchild: takója
grandfather: tuŋkášila
grandmother: uŋcí
grape: cuŋwíyapehe
grass: pejí
grasshopper: gnugnúška
gravel: ihé, ihémaka
grave: wicáhapi
grease: sla
ground: maká
(on the) ground: makáta
guide: tuŋwéya
gum: caŋšíŋ
gun: máza wakaŋ
guts: šupé

hailstone: wasú
(animal) hair: hiŋ
hair (from the head): pehíŋ
half: okíse
hammer: imáziyapa
hand: napé
handkerchief: itépakiŋte
hangover: itómni-opisni
hardware (store): mázatipi
harness: caŋpágmi-iciŋ
hat: wapóštaŋ
hawk: cetáŋ
hay: pejí
he: íye
head: natá
headache: natá mayazaŋ
health: wózaŋni
heart: caŋté
heaven: mahpíya
heel: siyéte
help; wóokiya
hen: šiyó
henceforth: letáŋhaŋ
her: íye
herb: wató
here: lel, léta
hide: ináhma, naháma
hill: pahá, pehá
hip: nité
hired man: wóilaka
hog: kukúše
hole: ohlóka
honesty: wóowotaŋla
honor: wókinihaŋ, wówitaŋ
hoop: caŋgléška
hope: wóape
horn: he, ptehé
horse: súŋkawakáŋ
hospital: okúja tipi
hour: oápe
house: típi
how: tókel, tóketu
how long: toháŋyaŋ
how many: tóna
however: tókehci
humbly: iglúhukulyakel
humility: óŋšihaŋpi
hundred: opáwiŋge
hunt: wanása, ikígni
husband: hignaŋ
hymn: olówaŋ

I: miš
ice: cága
if: eháŋtaš, kiŋháŋ
immediately: wáŋcak
in: el, ektá, mahel
incense: wazílya
indeed: áwicakeya
Indian: Lakotá, ikcé wicáša
indoors: timá
ink: mnísapa
inquiry: igní
insect: wablúška
inside: ímahel, mahel
inspector: wapásikiŋ
instead: ée, ecáŋleš
interpreter: iyéska, iéska
intestine: šupé
iron: máza
island: wíta
it: íye

jail: okáške
jar: céga
jawbone: cehúpa
job: wicóhaŋ, wówaši
journey: oíglake
joy: wówiyuškiŋ
joyfully: caŋtéwašteya
judgement: wicáyasupi
justly: owótanla

kettle: maká cega
key: tiyópa iyúšloke
kidney: ajúŋtka, tajuŋtka
kind (as in, a type, a kind): ocáje
(what) kind: tákca
kindness: wówašte
king: wicašayatáŋpi
kingdom: wókicoŋze
kiss: oíputake
kitten: igmúla
kneww: caŋkpé
knife: míla
knuckle: ókihe

labor (work): wówaši
labor (childbirth): hokšíksuya
lake: ble
lamb: ciŋcála
lamp: wápaha
land: maká, makóce
latchet: haŋkpáŋ
lately: lecála
later (on): tokáta, tokátakiya
law: wóope
lead bullet: mázasu
leader: itáŋcaŋ
leaf: caŋwápe
left side of body: catkátaŋhaŋ
leg: hu
leisurely: asníkiya
length: oháŋska
leper: wayákayaha, špaháŋhaŋpi
lesson: wóoŋspe
letter: wówapi
life: wicóni
light: iyóyaŋpa
lightning: wakáŋgli
like (similar to): iyécel
likely: itéka
limbs: háka
lion: igmú táŋka (lit: "big cat")
(lower) lip: ihá
(upper) lip: puté
lively: niyákel
liver: tapí
loaf of bread: agúyapi, agúyapi špaŋ
locust: gnugnúška
log: caŋ
log house: caŋtípi
loin: pagé
looking glass: míoglasiŋ
loud voice: hótaŋka
love: wówaštelaka
lovingly: caŋtógnagya
lowly: óŋšike
luck: oglú
lumber: caŋbláska
lungs: cagú

magician: wicáhmunga
magpie: uŋkcékiha
maid (servant): wówaši wíŋyaŋ
mail: wówapi
mail carrier: wówapi tokšú
male (human): wicá
male (animal): bloká
man: wicáša, wicá
(young) man: koškálaka
(old) man: wicáhcala
mane: apéyohaŋ
map: makóceowapi
mare: šuŋkwíŋyela
marrow: tacúpe
mask: itéha
Mass: wócekiye
match: yuílepi
maybe: uŋgnáš
me: míye miš, míye
me too: míseya
meantime: koháŋ
measure: wíyute
meat: taló
medicine: pejúta
medicine man: pejúta wicáša
meeting: omníciye
messenger: oglígle, wahóšiyapi
metal: máza, mázaska
middle: icókabya, cokáŋyaŋ
midnight: haŋcókaŋyaŋ
mile: makíyutapi
milk: asáŋpi
mind: tawáciŋ
nevermind: tókašni
mine: mitáwa
minute: oháŋko
miracle: wicóhaŋ táŋka
mirror: míyoglasiŋ
mission (religious): Sápauŋ
missouri river: mníšoše
mist: po
monday: aŋpétu tokáhe
money: mázaska (synonym of metal)
month: wiyáwapi
moon: wi
moreover: nákuŋ
morning: híŋhaŋna
early morning: híhanahci
mosquito: capúŋka
mother: iná
motion: óškaŋ
motor: iyéciŋka
mountain: he
mountain sheep: héciŋškayapi
mouse: itúŋkala, hitóŋkala
mouth: i
human mouth: wicái
mower: wínakseya
mule: šóŋšoŋla
multitude: wicóta
murderer: tíwicakte
music: lowáŋpi
mute: iéšni
my: mitáwa
mysteriously: wakáŋyaŋ