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word meanings : Algonquin words
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From: MSN NicknameWitchway_Pawnee  (Original Message)Sent: 9/20/2004 9:09 PM
Wiyaw-Body Parts  
Algonquin English Pronunciation
Onindji hand oh-knee-dgee
Okaad leg oh-kad
Ozid foot oh-zid
Odoon mouth oh-dune
Okwegan neck oh-kway-gun
Okiwan nose oh-key-won
Onik arm oh-nick
Otawag ear oh-ta-wok
Oshtigwan head osh-te-gwan
Oshkinjig eye osh-key-jick
Ogidig knee oh-gee-dig
Ominisis hair oh-mee-knee-sis
Odey heart oh-day
Wibida teeth we-bid-ah
Omisada stomach oh-me-sa-da

Ajigan sock ah-gee-gun
Pabagiwayan shirt pa-ba-gee-wa-yan
Kamizon vest ka-mee-zone
Wiwikwan hat we-we-qwon
Okonas dress oh-ko-nas
Pitoshkadjigan underwear pee-tosh-ka-dgee-gun
Nibewayan pyjamas knee-bay-wa-yan
Pibon-makizin winter boots pee-bone-ma-key-zin
Pibon-nabikagan scarf pee-bone-nabi-ka-gun
Kidjipizon belt key-chee-pee-zun
Nabikagan tie na-bee-ka-gun
Kabashimowayan bathing suit ka-ba-she-moe-wa-yan
Agwitoshkadjigan sweater ah-kwee-tosh-ka-dgee-gun
Agwiwin suit ah-gwee-win
Algonquin English Pronunciation
Niwikanis my brother knee-we-can-iss
Nigwisis my son knee-kwee-sis
Nidanis my daughter knee-dan-iss
Nimishomis my grandfather knee-mee-show-miss
Nigokomis my grandmother knee-go-ko-miss
Nigahigog my parents knee-ga-ye-goak
Niwidigik my sister knee-we-wee-gick
Ninidjanis my child knee-knee-janis
Seyenz older brother say-ense
Misenz older sister mee-sens
Shimenj younger sibling shee-meesh
Nijishenj maternal uncle nee-gee-sens
Nimishomenj paternal uncle knee-me-show-miss
Ninoshenj maternal aunt knee-no-sens
Nizigos paternal aunt knee-ze-gos
Akwadjing Etegin-Things Outside
Algonquin English Pronunciation
Zibi river see-bee
Nibish leaf knee-bish
Michikan fence mee-chee-can
Kitigan garden key-te-gan
Minitig island mee-knee-tig
Nengaw sand nay-gow
Ajashki mud ah-jash-key
Asinin rock ah-sin-knee
Sagahigan lake saga-ye-gan
Pawitig rapids pa-we-tig
Mijashk grass me-jashk
Asekamig sphagnum moss ah-say-ke-mick
Neyashi peninsula neya-she
Mashkig swamp mash-kick

Ejiwebak Akwagjing-Weather  
Nigwanakwad it is cloudy knee-gwa-na-quod
Mino-kijigan it is a nice day me-no-key-gee-gun
Kimiwan it is raining key-me-wan
Sokipon it is snowing so-key-pun
Animikika itis thundering annie-me-key-ka
Kisina it is cold key-seena
Kijate it is a hot day key-ja-tay
Pimaanimad it is breezy pee-me-knee-mutt
Abawa it is mild abba-wa
Mishakwad it is clear me-sha-quod
Sesegan it is hailing say-say-gun
Nodin it is windy no-din
Kashkawan it is foggy cash-ka-win
Wawasakonese it is lightning wa-wa-sa-ko-nay-say
Pisibisan it is drizzling pee-see-bee-sa

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     re: Algonquin words   MSN NicknameWitchway_Pawnee  9/20/2004 9:16 PM