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 | OOC: Put what you want here | |  | Now that we have sine new place for things but what going on lately? U only have to find out so watch. Ryan walking down teh hall in BJHardway not knowing this place fully but h takes his chances. He walk into his room then says to himself. Ryan Burgess: I have notice this is new place for me but I should make it as i can. He look at his chair and his tea maker as well then sit. He relaxes for a while but all the suddenly he hears a knock on his door. He says Ryan Burgess: Who is it? | |  | |
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Jessica opened the door as she looked at Ryan as she smiled softly, she walked in holding some paper work.. ||Jessica Hunter|| Hello I'm Jessica I'm one of the managers here, and I was hoping you would fill these out.. She looked smiling softly. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | |  | Ryan look at her then the paperworks as well. He smiles tehn says Ryan Burgess: You want me to fill out the paperwork for? Jessica Hunter: Well, If you don't sign these? It means that I can't book you in anything. Ryan look at her then smiles as he get handed the paperworks. He sit down in the chair as he fills out the paper works then hand them to her as he says. Ryan Burgess: There you go, Miss? | |  | |
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She took the papers back ||Jessica Hunger|| Miss Hunter.. and thank you.. She said looking over the paper work. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | |  | Ryan smiles as he had complete the paperwork for a sexy lady that seem to be an angel from heaven but he didn't wanted to embrassed. He look at her then says. Ryan Burgess: Nice to meet u Ms. Hunter. I hope i get to see you again down the line some day. He smiles as he opens the door for her knowing that she have her hands full. He watches her walk out of the room. He look at her but shakes his head trying to get those stupid ideas out of there. | |  | |
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Jessica walked down the hall as she was heading to her office to file the paper work, she sat at her desk for a bit working at her computer as she was wanting to get him in the system just incase he was needed soon for a movie.. ||Jessica|| There.. She smiled pleased with herself as she was now all caught up, she was just waiting on the rest of the staff to get there. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | |  | Ryan was seen sitting in the chair as he couldn't stop thinking about her but he knew that she was looking sexy but he some how knew that she wouldn't like him. He blushes kept on thinking of her as he says out loud Ryan Burgess: She seem respectable person and cute sexy person as well. He kept on talking out loud as he turn around and see someone standing there. Ryan Burgess: Oh boy. Hi | |  | |
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| OOC: Type whatever you'd like here to the person you're rping to. |
Carli looked at the man as she smiled softly... ||Carli|| Hello there, um Jessica asked if i would have you come to her office, I'm Carli by the way... She smiled softly looking ||Carli|| I do hair and make up... She said as she could see he was curous to who she was. | | 
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | |  | Ryan see a sexy lady named Cari who had tol dhim that Jessica wanted to see him. He didn't know what Jessica wanted to see him for but he look at Cari then says Ryan Burgess: Thanks, For letting me know that Jessica wanted to see me. It's nice to meet you too Cari. You can call me Ryan since others always call me that.. Can you show me where Jessica's office is? This is the first time walking around in this place. Ryan smiles at Cari, Knowing that he would get lost in the place but he get up then smiles. Ryan Burgess: So, You do make up? That sound awesome job. | |  | |
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| OOC: Type whatever you'd like here to the person you're rping to. |
She smiled softly as she looked at him nodding her head at what he had said... She then after a moment as they are walking starts to talk.. ||Carli|| I love my job, I love to do make up on people and well working here has been fun and exciting. She smiled softly as she looked at him she then stopped at Jessicas door as she looked at him ||Carli|| There you go, it was nice meeting you Ryan take care... She said as she then went walking off heading down the hall as she went to get ready for anyone she may have to work on. | | 
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | |  | While Cari is walking away as Ryan look at her then thin to himself. Ryan Burgess: She seem respectable person. I know i would let her do my make up at any time. Ryan was still thinking as he wakes up from the day dreaming. He knock on the door then says Ryan Burgess: Jessica? i heard you wanted to see me? He stand outside of the office while waiting for a respond from her knowing that is safe to walk in. | |  | |
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Jessica smiled as she looked at him nodding her head and motioning him to come in as she was sitting at her desk... ||Jessica|| Yes I just need you to look over this contract and make sure its alright with you, and if so, to sing it please.. She smiled looking at him. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | |  | Jessica wanted him to make sure that the paperwork is fill out right before sigining it to make it official. Ryan smiles as he walk into the office then look at the paperworks. He makes sure that it was fill out correctly. He sign it then hand it to her as he says Ryan Burgess: Here you go Jessica. Everything been signed. Is there anything else you need me to do? He look at her wondering if there anything he need to do for her before walking out of the office. He look at herr as she get up from her chair while she was walking toward to him. He look at her wondering what she is doing | |  | |
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Jessica looked at him as she walked over putting his contract away in his folder as she then opened the file cabnet as she smiled softly looking at him... ||Jessica|| Nope, that is everything, Thank you for coming back to do this, She said smiling as she looked at him greatfully. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Put what you want here | |  | I had pretty much signed the paper work for her. I have to admit she is one smart lady for sure. Now let see what going to happen shall we? Ryan looked at her then says Ryan Burgess: Okay, I'll be in my dressing room if you need anything else from me. Ryan smiles as he is happy that he signed the contract for working as a porn star. He get up and smiles to Jessica tehn head toward to the door but stop and says Ryan Burgess: Let me know if you need anything at all. | |  | |
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