Ok well here it is.. In all its Glory.. You are looking at Sin City. Hawaiian Nights...Stay a spell take a look around...If you like it why not move on in.. We have everything you could ever need right here. Be it a beautiful beach.. or just a peaceful layout if you're not wanting to be bothered at all... So weather you're here to stay or just to visit Hawaii has it all... 07/04/08- Happy Forth of July Everyone.. Some shops are opening up to celebrate while others are taking the weekend off... Make sure to have a safe holiday and if you drink, don't drive.... Do the Watermelon Crawl.. Have a good one everyone.. and even if its here or away, make sure to enjoy it while you can... 07/03/08- Lots of people are now finally coming back home, So far the body count isn't up, and even surviors are being found... Bob Badstreet had found and saved long time family friend Ashley Blake.... New agents have come in, to try to lend there help in finding the missing people, as it is now clear that the storm has done more than just lose people, but it has brought in something wicked... 07/02/08- People are slowly coming backk to the island, but it seems that there is a list of missing people as well...So police and agents are going thru the ruble just to see who is missing and who is simply gone... Shops seem to be restered but up so don't be afraid to check them out to see just what is going on with them....A porn studios had re risen and is looking for its stars to come back or any new people wanting a job, talk to Stephen or Jessica they will be sure to help you and see if something can't get started.. 07/01/08-July 6th 2007 is the orginal date that Sin City was opening, but due to reason that we were able to prevent it had been faced with a tropical storm and everything was destroyed, but it didn't remain down for very long as people are rebuilding, shops and stores are back up...So it was only a temporary down, so lets see if people can start coming back, or if they are MIA... 06/30/08--Unsure what the reasons for but the City has been destoryed but not for long,, The storm that would have watned to keep the City down and out, has failed as people are slowly coming back to pick up the pieces.. So come back as we are once again restarting the lives over...Are things going to be the same? You can never tell... .Random Link | . Navigation... | Link Us... | 
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