Warning: This roleplay could contain:sexual scenes,sexual language and foul language.It may become very graphic.If you cant handle it hit the back button now.If you read further it is your own fault.This is your only warning. |
Title: People Used: OOC: TBCB: |
Tasha got a hotel in Sin City as she was looking for a place to live but first she wanted to check things out and to make sure it was a good place for her to live! She checked out a few homes she liked and after a few days of looking she got a pretty good idea that this place could be great to live at. After a long day of looking at the city and its homes she went back to the hotel and got cleaned up and went out ofr a nice dinner. She had a great meal and then went for a nice long walk as she wanted to see the sun set and while she stoof there drinking a glass of wine someone walked up to her and started to talk to her... |
This Layout was made for Tasha Collins by Pink Diamonds .Be kind and dont steal.Stealing isnt right.Ill be forced to chop off your fingers if you steal this layout. |