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 | :*:Title:*: Here :*:OOC:*: Here | | Kat walked around as she was handing out paper work that she had just made copies of, she was the securtary of the agency and knew that it was getting late, but she wanted to finish up before leaving.. {Katrina} Last stop.. She said to herself as she opened the last door and walked in as she saw it was dark figuring the agent just went home for the night as she then just laid the paper work down on the desk and then turned to leave. | |  | |
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 | :*:Title:*: Here :*:OOC:*: Here | | Katrina yelled out when he thrusted into her as she felt the pain going thru her as she was crying a bit as she held onto him tightly her nails digging in a bit.. {Katrina} It hurts.. She said as she buried her face in his chest, knowing that there wasn't anything she could do about it. | |  | |
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 | :*:Title:*: Here :*:OOC:*: Here | | He pulled out of her and laid beside her holding her in his arms. Danny: You virgin. Good. My country, women virgin when marry. | |  | |
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 | :*:Title:*: Here :*:OOC:*: Here | | He held her close talking to her until she was relaxed more. Danny: I not know family grow up. Me and Brother sent India orphanage. Just find family recent. | |  | |
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 | Kat laid there as she was listening to him as he was talking about his life a bit as she felt bad that he had to grow up alone like that.. {Katrina} I'm sorry you were alone, growing up. | |  | |
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 | :*:Title:*: Here :*:OOC:*: Here | | He looked at her and shook his head. Danny: Have twin brother. Donnie. | |  | |
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 | She looked at him as she was thinking about it.. {Katrina} I dont' know if i have any siblings. I can't remember... | |  | |
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 | :*:Title:*: Here :*:OOC:*: Here | | He thought about it then smiled at her. Danny: We find out. Ask jacob. | |  | |
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 | Kat looked at him as she had no idea who Jacob was... {Katrina} Who's Jacob? | |  | |
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 | :*:Title:*: Here :*:OOC:*: Here | | Danny: Me brother. He looked at her and smiled. Danny: this him house, | |  | |
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 | She nodded as she looked at him as she was just laying there thinking about everything, she just sighed not fighting or even trying to think anymore as she just rested her head on his chest, finding her only comfort was with him so she wasn't going to fight it... ||Kat|| Oh. | |  | |
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 | :*:Title:*: Here :*:OOC:*: Here | | He had kept her distracted by talking so she hadn't even noticed when he had slid inside of her again. He hadn't moved though. Just laid there like that. He kissed her softly as he rolled her onto her back to make love to her again. | |  | |
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 | She gasped out as she looked at him when he rolled her onto her back, she felt him deep inside her as she moaned out softly when he started to move slowly in and out of her as she raised up a bit arching some. {Katrina} Oh... This feels nice | |  | |
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 | :*:Title:*: Here :*:OOC:*: Here | | Danny: No hurt. He leaned down and kissed her softly. Danny: Only good now. | |  | |
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 | Katrina looked at him when he said that... She moaned out when she arched up as she leaned up more as he went even deeper as she yelled out in pure pleasure... Loving how he felt... ||Katrina|| No pain, all good, ooo very good.. She said as she loved how he was making her feel. | |  | |