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Layout storage : Katja
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamelady_Katja  (Original Message)Sent: 7/27/2008 2:18 PM
Katja.gif picture by foxy1350

||Role Play Title||: Here
||Fucking||: Here
||ICC||: Here
||OOC||: Here
||TBCB||: Here

Role play here...

BloodPassionAnimation.gif image by foxy1350%Blood Passion  Aka Spoiled Kitty...You like....You love...You lust...
Then you request...

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamelady_KatjaSent: 7/27/2008 2:19 PM


Whatever Stats








Here you go. I hope you like this layout, if not I can redo it for you. 3 days to save and upload to your own server. If you don't know how to save these, I'll keep it uploaded for you and all you'll have to do is copy and paste this where ever you'd like to roleplay. Please don't remove my tags and say thankyou for the graphic I created and please come request again. Thankyou.
