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| Destiny was running a bit late, thanks to the truck that was parked right in the way so she had trouple getting into the parking lot, but she had not only gave a ticket but finally got in there as she took her things and then went walking in... She asked for the DA's office and then went walking ot his office as she knocked on his door then when she got the ok as she walked in. {Destiny Sweet} I'm so sorry that i'm this late, Mr. Granger, I had a bit of trouble getting in, She said msiling softly as she was looking at him. | | 
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| Destiny looked up at him when he said that, shocked that he had kissed her, but found herself smiling as she licked her lips a bit, still feeling the kiss on her lips a bit. {Destiny} I look forward to it too.. she said meaning it. | | 
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 | He grinned and led her back inside. Reese: We might as well start now. | |  | |
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| She walked back in wiht him as he closed the door as she was looking at him a bit cofused as seh didn't really have any work for them to go over. {Destiny} I dont' have any work to show you right now though? She said as she smiled soflty as she was walking as they sat down on the couch as she wasn't really use to this but didn't mind. | | 
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 | He sat down beside her and smiled. Reese: If we're going to work so much together, we should get to know each other. | |  | |
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| Destiny nodded and smiled softly as she looked at him. {Destiny} Alright.. She said looking at him. {Destiny} What would you like to know about me? | | 
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 | He wanted to know how she tasted and felt but that could wait awhile. Reese: You married? | |  | |
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| She shook her head as she looked at him. {Destiny} Nope, never have been either, never really had anytime to date. She said honestly {Destiny} What about you? Are you or have you ever been married? | | 
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 | He shook his head. Reese: Almost once. Made it to the door of the church then ran. | |  | |
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| Destiny nodded as she felt a bit bad for asking. {Destiny} Oh, I'm sorry. | | 
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 | He shrugged and looked at her. Reese: The way I see it, if she was the woman I was supposed to marry, I wouldn't have run away. | |  | |
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| She nodded as she looked at him. {Destiny Sweet} Yeah, I guess you're right.. She said as she was thinking about it, she had never been in that spot, hell she had never even been with anyone who wanted to go that far in a relationship.. | | 
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 | He thought about it and grinned. Reese: I was 18. Just out of high school. She was my high school girlfriend. I never even told my family about it. | |  | |
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| She sat there as she listened to him talk as she smiled softly as seh was looking at him. {Destiny} Oh, I see, well why didn't you tell your family? | | 
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 | Reese: Because they didn't like her. He looked at her and grinned. Reese: And they would have tried talking me out of it. | |  | |
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| Destiny nodded as she looked at him, as she was thinking about it. {Destiny} Oh I see, well its better i guess to do that, then risk the chance of losing the one you love, even if that time didnt work out.. | | 
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