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 | She was angry as she thought Batista was messing with her again, he hadn't said a word when he came into her hotel picking her up and just carrying her out, kicking and a screaming as he then tossed her into his truck, when she went to open it, she felt the needle go into her side as she passed out. but when she woke up, he was lifting her up and carrying her inside as he tossed her on the bed, but he didn't stay he walked out, mumbling something that she was too out of it to understand, but now she was awake and she was pissed. {Melina} Let me out of her damnt it, Batista, this isn't funny any more, let me the hell out of here. She siad pissed as she was banging on the door.. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Whatever you want here | |  | Martin: You won't be alone, baby. You won't be alone. He looked at the mark on her neck and sighed. Martin: I'm sorry he hurt you. | |  | |
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 | She held onto him. {Melina} I tried to fight, but i was just too out of it, he had me tied down before I even had the chane to do anything. She siad honestly. | |  | |
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 | She looked up at him when he said that as she sitll didn't know what was going on, or why she was even brought here.. but herard that he had gotten her mixed up in this. {Melina} I don't understand.. What is going on? | |  | |
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 | She looked up at him when he said that as she was thinking about it, she was shocked hearing it all, as the then lieaned up kissing him tenderly.. {Melina} I love you, Martin... | |  | |
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 | She nodded as she looked up at him. {Melina} Yes I forgive you | |  | |
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 | Melina laid there holding onto him as she was listening to him talk as she nodded but still didnt' let go of him, as she was still scared. {Melina} Alright. | |  | |
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 | She cuddled close to him {Melina} I love you, Martin. | |  | |