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.warning. This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUALCONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. | | .:The Title:.?? .:People Used:.??? .:My Sweetheart:.??? .:OOC:.??? | Marky stood up as he lefted her up wrapping her in a towel as he then carried her out laying her down on the bed, ||Marky Mark Madison|| Just rest, you have nothing to worry about right now.. He said as he laid there holding her in his arms | Candy Kisses made for Christina and her use as Marky Mark Madison.. Don't steal this layout if you need one just requestand one can be easly made for you.. | | |
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.warning. This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUALCONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. | | .:The Title:.?? .:People Used:.??? .:My Sweetheart:.??? .:OOC:.??? | Marky held her close smiling a bit as he pulled the blankets up around her knowing that she had been thru so much today already as he was just wanting her to rest a feel safe.. Marky: Just rest Kimmy, He said kissing her softly as he laid there with her. | Candy Kisses made for Christina and her use as Marky Mark Madison.. Don't steal this layout if you need one just requestand one can be easly made for you.. | | |
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.warning. This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUALCONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. | | .:The Title:.?? .:People Used:.??? .:My Sweetheart:.??? .:OOC:.??? | He smiled holding her close ||Marky|| I love you too Kimmy | Candy Kisses made for Christina and her use as Marky Mark Madison.. Don't steal this layout if you need one just requestand one can be easly made for you.. | | |
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.warning. This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUALCONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. | | .:The Title:.?? .:People Used:.??? .:My Sweetheart:.??? .:OOC:.??? | Marky looked at her as she slepted as he smiled softly watching her, She was beautiful as he moved his hand over her, He felt bad for what had happened to her, but he planned on making the memory of them go out of her head, She slept for ahile before he started anything as he kissed her cheek a bit as his hands moved over her, removing the blanket from her as he looked at her body. ||Marky Mark|| So beautiful.. He smiled as he looked at her.... | Candy Kisses made for Christina and her use as Marky Mark Madison.. Don't steal this layout if you need one just requestand one can be easly made for you.. | | |
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.warning. This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUALCONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. | | .:The Title:.?? .:People Used:.??? .:My Sweetheart:.??? .:OOC:.??? | He smiled watching her as he moved down kissing her again as he then kissed her neck and shoulder as he watched her, seeing how relaxed she looked, as he then laid her on her back as he moved down her body, his hands running over her thigs as he slowly and carefully spread her legs as he looked leaning down as he lightly licked her watching her as he did so. | Candy Kisses made for Christina and her use as Marky Mark Madison.. Don't steal this layout if you need one just requestand one can be easly made for you.. | | |
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.warning. This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUALCONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. | | .:The Title:.?? .:People Used:.??? .:My Sweetheart:.??? .:OOC:.??? | He looked at her smiling a bit as he then went sliding a finger inside of her, loving how she reacted to him... As he contued to lick and nibble on her clit wanting her to feel nothing but pleasure so she would know that it wasn't bad, and that she had nothing to be afraid of. | Candy Kisses made for Christina and her use as Marky Mark Madison.. Don't steal this layout if you need one just requestand one can be easly made for you.. | | |
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 | |  | She opened her eyes and saw what he was doing. She panicked a little when she flashed back to what happened before, but as soon as she realized that it was Marky and not Clayton, she relaxed again. She smiled a little at him then moaned again. Kimberly: That feels really good. | |  | |
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.warning. This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUALCONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. | | .:The Title:.?? .:People Used:.??? .:My Sweetheart:.??? .:OOC:.??? | Marky looked at her as she smiled softly kissing up her body, he slowly and carefully slid into her, showing her that it didnt' hurt and could feel really good as he leaned down kissing her deeply.. ||Marky|| Are you ok? Do you want me to stop? He looked at her wanting to make sure this wasn't to much for her right now as he looked down at her smiling softly. | Candy Kisses made for Christina and her use as Marky Mark Madison.. Don't steal this layout if you need one just requestand one can be easly made for you.. | | |
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.warning. This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUALCONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. | | .:The Title:.?? .:People Used:.??? .:My Sweetheart:.??? .:OOC:.??? | He looked down at her as he smiled as he leaned down kissing her as he moved slowly in and out of her, taking his time with her so she would knwo just how good it would feel.... | Candy Kisses made for Christina and her use as Marky Mark Madison.. Don't steal this layout if you need one just requestand one can be easly made for you.. | | |