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 | |  | She looked at Ricky as she smiled when he said that, it had been so long since anyone really hit on her, ya Robert did a bit, but it was nothing, seeing as he was happily wedded... She leaned over and kissed Ricky's cheek.. ||Danni|| Goodnight Ricky, Thank you. She said as she was really starting to like him. She then stood there a bit, as she then turned around walking across the hall to her bedroom as she looked around a bit... before stripping down as she cleaned up a bit then went sitting on her bed as she was deep in thought. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Whatever you want here | | | Ricky tool a quick shower and climbed into bed. He laid there and stared at the ceiling. He laid there thinking of Danni. He couldn't believe how horny he got just thinking of her. He rolled over punching the pillow and sighed. | |  | |
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 | |  | After a bit Danni went getting up as she closed the balcony door locking it and then went cracking her other window a bit as it was hot in there...she then went and laid onto of the covers as she read for a little while not all that sleepy, she then put the book down as she was feeling really horny as she went and laid back on the bed as she closed her eyes thinking about Ricky as her hands went over body as she moaned out feeling really horny right now...She never had gotten laid, but she knew how to pleasure herself as she rubbed her hands lower down her body as she started to rubbed herself as she moaned out softly.... ||Danni Sweet|| Oh...Mmm She said as she sighed softly as she moaned out even louder as she was starting to feel good as she was wanting release... | |  | |
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 | OOC: Whatever you want here | | | Ricky heard the noises from across the hall and pulled the pillow over his head. Ricky: Please lord give me strength not to go in there and fuck her brains out. | |  | |
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 | |  | Her thoughts were on Ricky as her eyes were closed as she could picture him naked and making love to her as she moaned out a bit louder unable to help herself or to realize how loud she was. ||Danni|| Oh... Ricky... She said not even realizing that she had said his name as her body was heating up as she was feeling like she was on fire, her body was just burning up. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Whatever you want here | | | He sat up in the bed shocked. Ricky: Oh Ricky? He jumped out of bed and ran across the hall into her room. Ricky: Have no fear. SuperRicky is here. I'll take care of all your horniest needs. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Whatever you want here | | | Ricky moved toward the bed and moved over her kissing her deeply. Ricky: Good thing I sleep naked and didn't think to grab my pants. He thrust into her. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Whatever you want here | | | He looked at her and shook his head. Ricky: He's an idiot. A big idiot. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Whatever you want here | | | He pulled back from the kiss and looked down at her. Ricky: I'm glad he never touched you. I like being your first. | |  | |
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 | |  | She looked up at Ricky when he said that as she found herself liking that as well for a reason... ||Danni|| I like it that you are the first guy I've been with. | |  | |
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 | OOC: Whatever you want here | | | He looked down into her eyes. Ricky: I like you alot, Danni. I could fall in love with you in a very short time. | |  | |
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 | |  | Danni looked at him when he said that as she ffelt her heart skip a beat when he said that, she wanted to let herself all in love, wanted to risk it again, as she then leaned up kissing him softly. ||Danni|| I could find myself falling in love with you very eaisly Ricky. She admitted honestly as she was putting her heart on the line, but slowly taking it easy. | |  | |