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| __//Warning- This rp contains GRAPHIC & SEXUALCONTENT that may be harmful to your eyes. If this stuff offends you in any way then STOP reading and go home you pussy. Now if you like this kind of stuff and you think you will be able to live with yourself tomorrow by all means read on and enjoy the show. | | {Mark Jacobs} My thoughts here | ||Mark|| There much better... He said as he smiled a bit looking around this time looking for his wife and kids as he smiled seeing her sitting on the couch as he walked over to her.. | Blood Passion made for Chris and her use as Mark Jacobs.. Dont' steal this layout if you need one just ask... Always better to have your own than someone elses... | | | | | | |
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| Mike Jacobs | This is an official Michael Jacobs role play. It's most likely to be full of sex and other naughtiness. You are welcome to read on if you like to. I don't mind. I actually hope that you do and that you enjoy it. If you don't feel like reading it now, that's alright too. I'm not going to force you to. It's not like I'd twist your arm or anything. I'd just set here and cry and think that you don't like me enough to ready my stuff. You wouldn't want to make me cry now would you? That would just be mean. So if you don't want me to cry and you don't want me to think you are mean, then just read and make me happy. | xxTitle - xxCharacters - xxStatus - xxSweetheart - xxBitching To - xxBitching About - xxMike's Thoughts - xxMy Thoughts - xxTBCB - He reached over and held her hand in his. Michael: Jacob saved me after the storm. He took me in until I recovered. I had planned to take Ashley back with me, but she's already moved on. Probably thought I was dead or something. I'm glad it's you I'm taking back with me. | | This layout was made for Mike Jacobs by Southern Charm at LRU. Please don't steal it. If you do I'll find out and come for you in your sleep. And sleeping with one eye open won't save you. I'll just superglue your toe to it. If you want one, just ask for one please. It's not that hard. | | | | |
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 | title: here ooc: msn hates me TBCB: here | |  | She smiled as she looked at him.. ||Virgina|| I'm glad that you choose me too. She said as she thought about it. | |  | |
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| Mike Jacobs | This is an official Michael Jacobs role play. It's most likely to be full of sex and other naughtiness. You are welcome to read on if you like to. I don't mind. I actually hope that you do and that you enjoy it. If you don't feel like reading it now, that's alright too. I'm not going to force you to. It's not like I'd twist your arm or anything. I'd just set here and cry and think that you don't like me enough to ready my stuff. You wouldn't want to make me cry now would you? That would just be mean. So if you don't want me to cry and you don't want me to think you are mean, then just read and make me happy. | xxTitle - xxCharacters - xxStatus - xxSweetheart - xxBitching To - xxBitching About - xxMike's Thoughts - xxMy Thoughts - xxTBCB - He tugged her toward him and smiled when she was leaning against him. He slid his hand inside her pants rubbing her softly. Michael: We won't have to go to the community rooms. Since we're already married, we're going to have our own room. He hit a bump as he turned down the driveway and grinned when his finger slipped and ended up inside of her. | | This layout was made for Mike Jacobs by Southern Charm at LRU. Please don't steal it. If you do I'll find out and come for you in your sleep. And sleeping with one eye open won't save you. I'll just superglue your toe to it. If you want one, just ask for one please. It's not that hard. | | | | |
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 | title: here ooc: msn hates me TBCB: here | |  | Virgina moaned out as she closed her eyes a moment as she then looked at him as she smirked a bit.. ||Virgina|| Mmm you keep that up and we won't make it inside to our room, She teased looking at him as she moved her hands to his pants as she undid them a bit then slid her hand inside as she started to stroke and squeeze him. | |  | |
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| Mike Jacobs | This is an official Michael Jacobs role play. It's most likely to be full of sex and other naughtiness. You are welcome to read on if you like to. I don't mind. I actually hope that you do and that you enjoy it. If you don't feel like reading it now, that's alright too. I'm not going to force you to. It's not like I'd twist your arm or anything. I'd just set here and cry and think that you don't like me enough to ready my stuff. You wouldn't want to make me cry now would you? That would just be mean. So if you don't want me to cry and you don't want me to think you are mean, then just read and make me happy. | xxTitle - xxCharacters - xxStatus - xxSweetheart - xxBitching To - xxBitching About - xxMike's Thoughts - xxMy Thoughts - xxTBCB - He thought about some of the things he had seen around the house and grinned. Michael: We wouldn't be the first ones. | | This layout was made for Mike Jacobs by Southern Charm at LRU. Please don't steal it. If you do I'll find out and come for you in your sleep. And sleeping with one eye open won't save you. I'll just superglue your toe to it. If you want one, just ask for one please. It's not that hard. | | | | |
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| Mike Jacobs | This is an official Michael Jacobs role play. It's most likely to be full of sex and other naughtiness. You are welcome to read on if you like to. I don't mind. I actually hope that you do and that you enjoy it. If you don't feel like reading it now, that's alright too. I'm not going to force you to. It's not like I'd twist your arm or anything. I'd just set here and cry and think that you don't like me enough to ready my stuff. You wouldn't want to make me cry now would you? That would just be mean. So if you don't want me to cry and you don't want me to think you are mean, then just read and make me happy. | xxTitle - xxCharacters - xxStatus - xxSweetheart - xxBitching To - xxBitching About - xxMike's Thoughts - xxMy Thoughts - xxTBCB - He pulled up infront of the house and jumped out. He grabbed her pulling her across the seat and laid her back as he tugged off her pants. He grinned at her and spread her legs. He thrust into her and yelled out in pleasure. Mike: Anyplace, anywhere. | | This layout was made for Mike Jacobs by Southern Charm at LRU. Please don't steal it. If you do I'll find out and come for you in your sleep. And sleeping with one eye open won't save you. I'll just superglue your toe to it. If you want one, just ask for one please. It's not that hard. | | | | |
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 | title: here ooc: msn hates me TBCB: here | |  | She yelled out in pure pleasure as she laid back in the seat as her hands came up to his arms a bit holding him to her as she moaned out.. ||Virgina|| mm oh god baby you feel so good.. She moaned out as she looked at him. | |  | |
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| Mike Jacobs | This is an official Michael Jacobs role play. It's most likely to be full of sex and other naughtiness. You are welcome to read on if you like to. I don't mind. I actually hope that you do and that you enjoy it. If you don't feel like reading it now, that's alright too. I'm not going to force you to. It's not like I'd twist your arm or anything. I'd just set here and cry and think that you don't like me enough to ready my stuff. You wouldn't want to make me cry now would you? That would just be mean. So if you don't want me to cry and you don't want me to think you are mean, then just read and make me happy. | xxTitle - xxCharacters - xxStatus - xxSweetheart - xxBitching To - xxBitching About - xxMike's Thoughts - xxMy Thoughts - xxTBCB - He pulled most of the way out of her and grinned. He looked at her then thrust deep inside of her again. Mike: You been with anybody else recently? Any chance of me raising someone else's baby? | | This layout was made for Mike Jacobs by Southern Charm at LRU. Please don't steal it. If you do I'll find out and come for you in your sleep. And sleeping with one eye open won't save you. I'll just superglue your toe to it. If you want one, just ask for one please. It's not that hard. | | | | |
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 | title: here ooc: msn hates me TBCB: here | |  | She moaned out as she looked at him shaking her head.. ||Virgina|| You were the last man i was with, and that was a few weeks ago.. and then before that I didn't do anything unsafe i was on the shot and they wore a condom. She said honestly | |  | |
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| Mike Jacobs | This is an official Michael Jacobs role play. It's most likely to be full of sex and other naughtiness. You are welcome to read on if you like to. I don't mind. I actually hope that you do and that you enjoy it. If you don't feel like reading it now, that's alright too. I'm not going to force you to. It's not like I'd twist your arm or anything. I'd just set here and cry and think that you don't like me enough to ready my stuff. You wouldn't want to make me cry now would you? That would just be mean. So if you don't want me to cry and you don't want me to think you are mean, then just read and make me happy. | xxTitle - xxCharacters - xxStatus - xxSweetheart - xxBitching To - xxBitching About - xxMike's Thoughts - xxMy Thoughts - xxTBCB - He put his hand on her stomach. Mike: We might already be having a baby then. The thought of it made him smile. | | This layout was made for Mike Jacobs by Southern Charm at LRU. Please don't steal it. If you do I'll find out and come for you in your sleep. And sleeping with one eye open won't save you. I'll just superglue your toe to it. If you want one, just ask for one please. It's not that hard. | | | | |
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 | title: here ooc: msn hates me TBCB: here | |  | Virgina looked at him as she hadn't thought about it before until now.. ||Virgina|| Yeah I could be, she said smiling softly | |  | |
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| Mike Jacobs | This is an official Michael Jacobs role play. It's most likely to be full of sex and other naughtiness. You are welcome to read on if you like to. I don't mind. I actually hope that you do and that you enjoy it. If you don't feel like reading it now, that's alright too. I'm not going to force you to. It's not like I'd twist your arm or anything. I'd just set here and cry and think that you don't like me enough to ready my stuff. You wouldn't want to make me cry now would you? That would just be mean. So if you don't want me to cry and you don't want me to think you are mean, then just read and make me happy. | xxTitle - xxCharacters - xxStatus - xxSweetheart - xxBitching To - xxBitching About - xxMike's Thoughts - xxMy Thoughts - xxTBCB - He leaned down kissing her deeply as he started to thrust in and out of her again. Mike: I love you, Virginia. | | This layout was made for Mike Jacobs by Southern Charm at LRU. Please don't steal it. If you do I'll find out and come for you in your sleep. And sleeping with one eye open won't save you. I'll just superglue your toe to it. If you want one, just ask for one please. It's not that hard. | | | | |
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 | title: here ooc: msn hates me TBCB: here | |  | Virgina moaned out as she looked at Michael as she heard him say he loved her. ||Virgina Jacobs|| I love you, Michael. | |  | |
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| Mike Jacobs | This is an official Michael Jacobs role play. It's most likely to be full of sex and other naughtiness. You are welcome to read on if you like to. I don't mind. I actually hope that you do and that you enjoy it. If you don't feel like reading it now, that's alright too. I'm not going to force you to. It's not like I'd twist your arm or anything. I'd just set here and cry and think that you don't like me enough to ready my stuff. You wouldn't want to make me cry now would you? That would just be mean. So if you don't want me to cry and you don't want me to think you are mean, then just read and make me happy. | xxTitle - xxCharacters - xxStatus - xxSweetheart - xxBitching To - xxBitching About - xxMike's Thoughts - xxMy Thoughts - xxTBCB - He moved his hand lower rubbing her clit as he thrust in and out of her. Mike: God baby, you feel so damn good. | | This layout was made for Mike Jacobs by Southern Charm at LRU. Please don't steal it. If you do I'll find out and come for you in your sleep. And sleeping with one eye open won't save you. I'll just superglue your toe to it. If you want one, just ask for one please. It's not that hard. | | | | |