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All Message Boards : Lanny Getting a room
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From: MSN NicknameDannyandDonniesSlave  (Original Message)Sent: 10/16/2008 7:54 PM
Lannytop.gif picture by foxy1350
:*:Title:*: Getting a room
:*:OOC:*: Here

 Lanny had been standing out in the lobby as she had been talking with Nicole, they were old friends and use to work together, but Nicole had retired and started up Hotel Erotica so Lanny was enjoying the catching up...She looked as she saw someone watching her as she just figured it was a shy fan and didnt' think anything of it, she then hugged Nicole..

{Lanny Barby} Its been a pleasure talking to you... If you and your hubby are wanting to play just look me up..

She teased a bit as she kissed her cheek then turned walking up the lobby stairs heading to the elevator as she then stepped on and went up to her room.  Once there she started to unlock her door and walking in as she was wanting to relax a bit...

{Lanny Barby} Oh this is nice.

She girnned looking around the room...

{Lanny Barby} Always did love bondage...

She laughed a bit seeing all the restraints and stuff around as she walked in licking her lips a bit as she was liking her room.

Lannybott.gif picture by foxy1350

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