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Resident Stats : Aurora Blade
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From: MSN NicknameDannyandDonniesSlave  (Original Message)Sent: 6/30/2008 9:40 PM

01-1.jpg picture by foxy1350


Name Aurora Blade
Face Used Ashlynn Brooke
Age/Birthday 22/ July 3rd
Hometown La, Cali
Family [Parents & Siblings]

Brother shawn Blade; Sisters: Vessa, Madeline, Stacy, and Angel 


CSI Agent


She was adopted at birth so never knew her real family, she was raised by a kind loving couple though with a couple kids of there own, She was never treated like an outsider but was told at a young age that she was adopted...


Has a twin sister she doesn't know about, is part of a really bad family that she doesnt' know about either...




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