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Resident Stats : Barbie Granger
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From: MSN NicknameDannyandDonniesSlave  (Original Message)Sent: 6/30/2008 9:42 PM

s7882_i3283_l.jpg picture by foxy1350


Name Barbie Granger
Face Used Sunrise Adams
Age/Birthday 25
Hometown London England
Family [Parents & Siblings]

Father Rick Granger
Mother: Deceased
Brothers: Way to many for Barbie to handle
Sister: Starting to get up in numbers


Teacher's asstiant


Barbie was always a bit close to her family but never liked how her father and brothers were so over protective so she went to a college quite a distants away to get some freedom, got herself a little degree and has now moved to a place where she is finding is overly crowded with family but is happy to see them and be able to spend time with them...


Same father as most just different mother




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