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From: MSN NicknameCrystalSweetMysterio  (Original Message)Sent: 7/1/2008 1:30 PM

10-1.jpg picture by foxy1350


Name Hope Sweet
Face Used Briana Banks
Age/Birthday 25
Hometown Coweta County Georgia
Family [Parents & Siblings]

Too many to name




Hope has dedicated most of her life to her work, but at a time she did take the time off to fall in love and have a daughter, When her sister went missing she became obbessed with trying to find her, and found that she was working later nights, and a couple times not coming home because she was close to finding her... Lucas thinking she was getting too obbessed and wasn't going to find Destiny decided it was in their daughters best interest if he left with her


Has been hunting Lucas in order to get to her daughter... When she was working he packed up and ran off with there daughter...




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