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 Message 1 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknametigerlilymadison  (Original Message)Sent: 7/1/2008 3:34 AM

robertdonovan1.jpg picture by skcaga6

Robert looked at the printer and sighed.  The story he had worked hours on was jammed in there somewhere.

Robert; You've been talking to the toaster haven't you?  It told you to do this didn't it? I swear I'm going to become Amish and get rid of everything.

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 Message 6 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCrystalSweetMysterioSent: 7/1/2008 4:03 AM
dannitop.png picture by xxbadkitty

ooc// here

dannimiddle.png picture by xxbadkitty

Danni looked at him as she rubbed his arm a bit..

||Danni|| Let Sandee and I help, if you need money you know i'll give you some, You helped me when i needed it, so let me help you Robert

She smiled softly as she looked at him.

dannibottom.png picture by xxbadkitty

 Message 7 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknametigerlilymadisonSent: 7/1/2008 1:07 PM

robertdonovan1.jpg picture by skcaga6

He looked at her and shook his head.

Robert: I'm fine financially.  It's just the damn appliances.  They don't like me.

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This layout and banner was made by Southern Charm at LRU.  If you want one, please come request one.  It's not hard to do.  Just click on my pretty little green link and ask.  

 Message 8 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCrystalSweetMysterioSent: 7/1/2008 1:10 PM
dannitop.png picture by xxbadkitty

ooc// here

dannimiddle.png picture by xxbadkitty

She smiled softly as she nodded her head as she listened to what he said, she was getting worried about him.

||Danni Sweet|| Alright, but you really should take some time off.

She said as she looked around the room as she came in for something, but at the moment couldn't even remember what that was..

dannibottom.png picture by xxbadkitty

 Message 9 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknametigerlilymadisonSent: 7/1/2008 1:22 PM

robertdonovan1.jpg picture by skcaga6

He looked at her and frowned.

Robert: I can't find my phone.  I need to make some phone calls but my phone went on vacation.

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This layout and banner was made by Southern Charm at LRU.  If you want one, please come request one.  It's not hard to do.  Just click on my pretty little green link and ask.  

 Message 10 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCrystalSweetMysterioSent: 7/1/2008 1:25 PM
dannitop.png picture by xxbadkitty

ooc// here

dannimiddle.png picture by xxbadkitty

Danni looked at him as she looked around, she then saw it on the table by the printer as she picked it up handing it to him..

Danni: There you go..

dannibottom.png picture by xxbadkitty

 Message 11 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknametigerlilymadisonSent: 7/1/2008 1:30 PM

robertdonovan1.jpg picture by skcaga6

He took the phone from her and smiled.

Robert: Thank you.  I'm going to keep ahold of it to make sure that it doesn't get away again.

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This layout and banner was made by Southern Charm at LRU.  If you want one, please come request one.  It's not hard to do.  Just click on my pretty little green link and ask.  

 Message 12 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCrystalSweetMysterioSent: 7/1/2008 1:34 PM
dannitop.png picture by xxbadkitty

ooc// here

dannimiddle.png picture by xxbadkitty

she sighed looking at him as she shook her head a bit.

||Danni|| You really need to take a break Robert..

She said as she was looking at him.

dannibottom.png picture by xxbadkitty

 Message 13 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknametigerlilymadisonSent: 7/1/2008 1:42 PM

robertdonovan1.jpg picture by skcaga6

He looked at her and shook his head.

Robert: I don't have time.

He leaned over and kissed her cheek.

Robert: Thank you for being so caring.

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This layout and banner was made by Southern Charm at LRU.  If you want one, please come request one.  It's not hard to do.  Just click on my pretty little green link and ask.  

 Message 14 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCrystalSweetMysterioSent: 7/1/2008 9:29 PM
dannitop.png picture by xxbadkitty

ooc// here

dannimiddle.png picture by xxbadkitty

Danni looked at him as she was really worried about him knowing that he was needing to get away for a bit.

||Danni|| How about I help you catch up with things around here, then you take a vacation.

she said as her concerned for him was showing.

dannibottom.png picture by xxbadkitty

 Message 15 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknametigerlilymadisonSent: 7/1/2008 10:36 PM

robertdonovan1.jpg picture by skcaga6

He looked at her and nodded.

Robert: I would like that.  Thank you.

He leaned over and kissed her cheek then smiled.

Robert: I need more reporters and another photographer.  If you can help me find them I'd really be grateful.

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This layout and banner was made by Southern Charm at LRU.  If you want one, please come request one.  It's not hard to do.  Just click on my pretty little green link and ask.  

 Message 16 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCrystalSweetMysterioSent: 7/1/2008 10:38 PM
dannitop.png picture by xxbadkitty

ooc// here

dannimiddle.png picture by xxbadkitty

She nodded as she looked at him thinking about it..

||Danni|| I know a couple of people from back home who are good, I'll give them a call and let you look them over, even have a cousin sho is a freelance reporter...

She said looking at him.

dannibottom.png picture by xxbadkitty

 Message 17 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknametigerlilymadisonSent: 7/2/2008 12:25 AM

robertdonovan1.jpg picture by skcaga6

He nodded and smiled.

Robert: Thank you, Danni.  I knew there was a reason I kept you around.

He grinned at her.

Robert: Aside from you being good to look at.

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This layout and banner was made by Southern Charm at LRU.  If you want one, please come request one.  It's not hard to do.  Just click on my pretty little green link and ask.  

 Message 18 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCrystalSweetMysterioSent: 7/2/2008 12:27 AM
dannitop.png picture by xxbadkitty

ooc// here

dannimiddle.png picture by xxbadkitty

Danni looked at him a bit shcoked he said that at first then after a moment started to laugh..

||Danni|| Haha very funny..

She said as she shook her head a bit..

||Danni|| Anything else you need? Or do I make you start packing your things now to take that vacation?

She teased looking at him.

dannibottom.png picture by xxbadkitty

 Message 19 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknametigerlilymadisonSent: 7/2/2008 1:52 AM

robertdonovan1.jpg picture by skcaga6

He looked at her and smiled.

Robert: You know, just because I'm married to one beautiful woman, it doesn't mean that I can't still find other women beautiful.

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This layout and banner was made by Southern Charm at LRU.  If you want one, please come request one.  It's not hard to do.  Just click on my pretty little green link and ask.  

 Message 20 of 20 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCrystalSweetMysterioSent: 7/2/2008 1:56 AM
dannitop.png picture by xxbadkitty

ooc// here

dannimiddle.png picture by xxbadkitty

She looked at him as she nodded her head as she thought about Savannah a moment...

||Danni|| This is true... and I know Savannah is all open for the looking and all..

she said laughing a bit.. She then turned away as she didn't want to think about it, she knew she had a thing for her boss, and she had kept to herself. After Evan had left her for Candice she hadn't done much talking..

||Danni|| Well I'm going to get back to work so you can get to taking some time off..

She said as she hurried out the door not wanting him to see the look on her face as she went from there to her office as she started to make the phone calls needed...

dannibottom.png picture by xxbadkitty

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