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 |  | Fancy had come back to the room after seeing and hearing Tyson as he was down in the whore house, She was heart broken as she knew that he was enjoying this too much... She moved around the room as she didnt' know what to do.. She looked out the window as she felt tears... ||Fancy|| Not like I can just leave... But she knew she could go for a bit of a walk and not be hurt by the others... So she grabbed her coat as she put it on and then walked past the whore house seeing Tyson stil there having a fucking good time as it made her growl a bit, but she just ran by and went out the door. as she just ran off into the woods crying as she just wanted to hide from the world right now... | | |  | |
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| Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it. | | Name: ??? People: ??? Woman: ??? OOC: ??? TBCB: ??? | | | | He kissed her softly. Tyson: I'll never tire of you. And just so you know, I wasn't with the women. Tyrone was. He's trying to find the one he wants to claim. He's a bit nervous for some odd reason so I've been going to the rooms with him. | | | This masterpiece was made by me. I'll let you have it if you ask me nicely. | | | | | |
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 |  | Fancy looked at him as she was thinking about Tyrone.. She knew why he was nervous...Knowing that he only had one girl on his mind.. ||Fancy|| You know who he wants love.. She said as she looked at him, as he looked back down at her. ||Fancy|| Angel.. He said her name not sure how he was going to react... He knew that Tryone and Angel use to mess around before, things started to get strange. | | |  | |
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| Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it. | | Name: ??? People: ??? Woman: ??? OOC: ??? TBCB: ??? | | | | He looked at her and nodded. Tyson: I know. He won't do anything about it though. He's afraid of people saying bad things about her for being with him. | | | This masterpiece was made by me. I'll let you have it if you ask me nicely. | | | | | |
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 |  | Fancy looked at him as she thought about it.. ||Fancy||She doesn't care... I saw her out looking for him on my way back here. She said as she looked at him. | | |  | |
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| Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it. | | Name: ??? People: ??? Woman: ??? OOC: ??? TBCB: ??? | | | | Tyson: He cares though. He loves her too much to be the cause of problems for her. He kissed her softly and smiled. Tyson: I wouldn't want anybody saying bad things about you. | | | This masterpiece was made by me. I'll let you have it if you ask me nicely. | | | | | |
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 |  | She looked at him as she smiled softly , kissing him tenderly ||Fancy|| I wouldn't care either if people said bad things about me, as long as i'm with you I'm happy and can close the rest of the world out... | | |  | |
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| Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it. | | Name: ??? People: ??? Woman: ??? OOC: ??? TBCB: ??? | | | | He kissed her softly and smiled. Tyson: I love you, Fancy. You are the best wife I could ever have. | | | This masterpiece was made by me. I'll let you have it if you ask me nicely. | | | | | |
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 |  | ||Fancy|| I love you Tyson, you're the most important person in my life... She kissed him again | | |  | |
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| Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it. | | Name: ??? People: ??? Woman: ??? OOC: ??? TBCB: ??? | | | | He rolled her onto her back as he kissed her. He undressed them both quickly then thrust into her. Tyson: It's been way too long since I've made love to you. | | | This masterpiece was made by me. I'll let you have it if you ask me nicely. | | | | | |
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 |  | She yelled out a bit as she wrapped her legs around him holding him clsoe to her.. ||Fancy|| Oh god Tyson.. you feel so good... She moaned out as she held onto hiim, loving how this felt mising it more than she had ever thought possible | | |  | |
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| Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it. | | Name: ??? People: ??? Woman: ??? OOC: ??? TBCB: ??? | | | | He looked down at her and smiled softly. Tyson: I love you, Fancy. Don't ever worry again about me finding someone else. | | | This masterpiece was made by me. I'll let you have it if you ask me nicely. | | | | | |
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| Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it. | | Name: ??? People: ??? Woman: ??? OOC: ??? TBCB: ??? | | | | He kissed her deeply as he slowly made love to her. He moved his mouth to her neck and heard her moan. Tyson: We're gonna have to do more of this. | | | This masterpiece was made by me. I'll let you have it if you ask me nicely. | | | | | |
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 |  | She moaned out as she moved her hands over his chest and shoulders as she was loving how he was making her feel.. ||Fancy|| Mm I agree, we need to do more and more of this.. She said loving this. | | |  | |
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| Warning: This RP will most definately contain things some people don't like. If you don't like reading about people getting raped and all the other fun stuff, don't read it. If you read it, enjoy it. | | Name: ??? People: ??? Woman: ??? OOC: ??? TBCB: ??? | | | | He looked down into her eyes. Tyson: I promise to try to find time to make love to you every day. | | | This masterpiece was made by me. I'll let you have it if you ask me nicely. | | | | | |