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The Hideout : Felicity Lost
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 Message 1 of 36 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCrystalSweetMysterio  (Original Message)Sent: 6/30/2008 10:22 PM


OOC: Whatever OOC message you want here.

She had been walking for over an hour.. She was so happy when she saw the large house and saw that there was a van in the driveway.. She ran up to it pretty much as she knocked on the door hoping to have someone there..

||Felcity|| Hello!

She said as she was knocking on the door hoping someone heard her, She then saw the door open as she stepped back a bit waiting to see who it was..

||Felcity|| I'm sorry to bother you, but my car broke down, I've been walking for a very long time... Do you have a phone I could use?

She looked at the person hoping for some help...


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 Message 22 of 36 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknametigerlilymadisonSent: 7/1/2008 1:32 PM
jaytop.jpg picture by skcaga6

OOC: You can put whatever you need in here

jaymiddle.jpg picture by skcaga6

He leaned over and kissed her softly.

Jay: Thank you, Felicity. I think we'll be happy together.

jaybottom.jpg picture by skcaga6

 Message 23 of 36 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCrystalSweetMysterioSent: 7/1/2008 1:35 PM

felicitytop.png picture by xxbadkitty

OOC -- here

Felicity thought about it for a moment as she looked at him and then nodded her head.

||Felicity|| I think so too.

She said smiling softly...

felicitybottom.png picture by xxbadkitty

 Message 24 of 36 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknametigerlilymadisonSent: 7/1/2008 1:44 PM
jaytop.jpg picture by skcaga6

OOC: You can put whatever you need in here

jaymiddle.jpg picture by skcaga6

He moved toward her and laid her back on the bed. He lowered his head kissing her.

Jay: Alot of fun too.

jaybottom.jpg picture by skcaga6

 Message 25 of 36 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCrystalSweetMysterioSent: 7/1/2008 9:27 PM

felicitytop.png picture by xxbadkitty

OOC -- here

She looked up at him as she smiled a bit, she didnt' feel scared when he put her on the bed as she was actully calm and felt safe with him.

||Felicity|| Fun?

She said as she wasn't sure how it was going to be fun, but at this point she would belive anything he said...

felicitybottom.png picture by xxbadkitty

 Message 26 of 36 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknametigerlilymadisonSent: 7/1/2008 10:44 PM
jaytop.jpg picture by skcaga6

OOC: You can put whatever you need in here

jaymiddle.jpg picture by skcaga6

He took his time undressing both of them as he kissed her.

Jay: Alot of fun for both of us.

He nibbled across her neck as his hands softly caressed her breasts.

jaybottom.jpg picture by skcaga6

 Message 27 of 36 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCrystalSweetMysterioSent: 7/1/2008 10:46 PM

felicitytop.png picture by xxbadkitty

OOC -- here

She gapsed out a bit as she closed her eyes feeling the sensation he was giving her.

||Felicity|| Oh... nice..

She said as she was liking how he was making her feel...

felicitybottom.png picture by xxbadkitty

 Message 28 of 36 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknametigerlilymadisonSent: 7/1/2008 11:48 PM
jaytop.jpg picture by skcaga6

OOC: You can put whatever you need in here

jaymiddle.jpg picture by skcaga6

He moved down her body kissing her and nibbling until he got to her pussy.  He slid a finger inside of her and smiled as he watched the look on her face.

Jay: You like that?

jaybottom.jpg picture by skcaga6

 Message 29 of 36 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCrystalSweetMysterioSent: 7/1/2008 11:53 PM

felicitytop.png picture by xxbadkitty

OOC -- here

She looked at him shocked as she moaned out a little bit nodding her head..

||Felicity|| Yes..

She said honeslty

felicitybottom.png picture by xxbadkitty

 Message 30 of 36 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknametigerlilymadisonSent: 7/2/2008 12:33 AM
jaytop.jpg picture by skcaga6

OOC: You can put whatever you need in here

jaymiddle.jpg picture by skcaga6

He removed his finger and smiled as he moved over her body. He slid inside of her and kissed her tenderly.

Jay: Feel alright?

jaybottom.jpg picture by skcaga6

 Message 31 of 36 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCrystalSweetMysterioSent: 7/2/2008 12:35 AM


OOC: Whatever OOC message you want here.

Felicity yelled out in pure pleasure as she held onto hm

||Felicity|| Oh.. I'm better than alright..

She said blushing as she looked at him loving how he felt.


 Message 32 of 36 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknametigerlilymadisonSent: 7/2/2008 2:04 AM
jaytop.jpg picture by skcaga6

OOC: You can put whatever you need in here

jaymiddle.jpg picture by skcaga6

He kissed her deeply then smiled at her.

Jay: I'm falling in love with you, Felicity.

jaybottom.jpg picture by skcaga6

 Message 33 of 36 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCrystalSweetMysterioSent: 7/2/2008 2:07 AM


OOC: Whatever OOC message you want here.

She looked at him as she heard what he said, She felt so much emotion going thru her as she held him closer to her as she kissed him again so touched to hear that, more than she had ever thought possible..

||Felicity|| I'm falling in love with you as well...


 Message 34 of 36 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknametigerlilymadisonSent: 7/2/2008 2:51 AM
jaytop.jpg picture by skcaga6

OOC: You can put whatever you need in here

jaymiddle.jpg picture by skcaga6

He kissed her softly and looked into her eyes as he continued making love to her.

He rolled onto his back pulling her ontop of him.

Jay: Make love to me.

jaybottom.jpg picture by skcaga6

 Message 35 of 36 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCrystalSweetMysterioSent: 7/2/2008 2:52 AM


OOC: Whatever OOC message you want here.

She gasped out as she came down on him, it was a feeling she wasn't use to as she started to slowly move up and down on him.

||Felicity|| Oh my...

She closed her eyes a moment as she moaned out in pure pleasure.


 Message 36 of 36 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknametigerlilymadisonSent: 10/16/2008 5:12 PM
jaytop.jpg picture by skcaga6

OOC: You can put whatever you need in here

jaymiddle.jpg picture by skcaga6

He held her waist moving her up and down on him slowly.  Once she got the hang of it he let go so she could move on her own.

Jay: A little faster love.

jaybottom.jpg picture by skcaga6

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