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 | o0c: Ya its diffferent lol
Taylor had gotten a lead that there was a lot going on in the middle of the Jungle... so like the trooper she was she packed her things up and went for a hike... She wanted to scout the area and make sure that she was right... She got as close as she could with out being seen as she was checking out the place... ||Taylor Sweet|| So what do we have here.. She said as she watched the going ons in the house, as she then gasped a bit seeing who was all there, as she just discovered waht she had found... She looked around a bit and then started to back away.. ||Taylor Sweet|| I need to get to the police.. She said knowing that she had just found the hideout and where all the missing people were at... | |  | |
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 | o0c: Ya its diffferent lol
She yelled out in pure pleasure as he thrusted back into her harder and faster as she heard what he said, she tried to move, but not away from him , closer as she couldn't stop the waves of pleasure going thru her body.. Taylor: Oh god! She said as she felt her whole body starting to shake and tremble from the force of her orgasm going thru her. Taylor: Marry, yes... She said not sure if it was her saying yes or the drugs in her system making her do it.. | |  | |
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WARNING: The following most likely will contain things that you probably don't want to read. Just hit the little red button at the top. You know the one with the little X in it. Then you won't have to worry about what you might see if you read on. If you do read on and get offended, don't come crying to me. You were warned and I won't feel sorry for you at all. | Title: Insert Here Characters: Insert Here Relationship: Insert Here Children: Insert Here Occupation: Insert Here OOC: Insert Here TBCB: Insert Here He felt her orgasm causing her body to tighten around him squeezing him tight. He moaned and closed his eyes as he cummed inside of her. Malcolm: You won't regret it. I promise. | | This layout was made by Spoiled Kitty at LRU. If you want it. You are welcome to steal it. But do you really want to steal something that looks like this? If you ask I can make you a much prettier one. Just click on the pretty little picture over there on the left side and ask me for one. | | | | |
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 | o0c: Ya its diffferent lol
She laid there as her heart was racing as she heard what he said as she nodded her head as she was feeling incredible.. ||Taylor|| Mm right now I dont' think i can regret a thing that has happened. I feel so good... She opened her eyes looking at him || Taylor|| Will it always feel like this? | |  | |
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WARNING: The following most likely will contain things that you probably don't want to read. Just hit the little red button at the top. You know the one with the little X in it. Then you won't have to worry about what you might see if you read on. If you do read on and get offended, don't come crying to me. You were warned and I won't feel sorry for you at all. | Title: Insert Here Characters: Insert Here Relationship: Insert Here Children: Insert Here Occupation: Insert Here OOC: Insert Here TBCB: Insert Here He looked at her and smiled glad she had enjoyed herself. Malcolm: Sometimes better. | | This layout was made by Spoiled Kitty at LRU. If you want it. You are welcome to steal it. But do you really want to steal something that looks like this? If you ask I can make you a much prettier one. Just click on the pretty little picture over there on the left side and ask me for one. | | | | |
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 | o0c: Ya its diffferent lol
Taylor grinned as she heard him say that, she then went to move again seeing she was still tied.. ||Taylor|| Can you untie me please? | |  | |
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WARNING: The following most likely will contain things that you probably don't want to read. Just hit the little red button at the top. You know the one with the little X in it. Then you won't have to worry about what you might see if you read on. If you do read on and get offended, don't come crying to me. You were warned and I won't feel sorry for you at all. | Title: Insert Here Characters: Insert Here Relationship: Insert Here Children: Insert Here Occupation: Insert Here OOC: Insert Here TBCB: Insert Here He looked at her and grinned. Malcolm: Sure you want to be untied? It can get pretty kinky and fun this way. | | This layout was made by Spoiled Kitty at LRU. If you want it. You are welcome to steal it. But do you really want to steal something that looks like this? If you ask I can make you a much prettier one. Just click on the pretty little picture over there on the left side and ask me for one. | | | | |
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 | o0c: Ya its diffferent lol
She looked at him as she raised her brow a bit as she wasn't sure what he ment by it as it got her curiosty.. ||Taylor|| kinky and fun? How so? | |  | |
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WARNING: The following most likely will contain things that you probably don't want to read. Just hit the little red button at the top. You know the one with the little X in it. Then you won't have to worry about what you might see if you read on. If you do read on and get offended, don't come crying to me. You were warned and I won't feel sorry for you at all. | Title: Insert Here Characters: Insert Here Relationship: Insert Here Children: Insert Here Occupation: Insert Here OOC: Insert Here TBCB: Insert Here He looked at her and grinned. He ran his hand up her arms and untied her. Malcolm: I'll show you another time. You need to rest right now. | | This layout was made by Spoiled Kitty at LRU. If you want it. You are welcome to steal it. But do you really want to steal something that looks like this? If you ask I can make you a much prettier one. Just click on the pretty little picture over there on the left side and ask me for one. | | | | |
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 | o0c: Ya its diffferent lol
She nodded as she turned a bit moving next to him needing to feel him close to her, not really undrestanding why, but she smiled feeling his arm going around her as he held her. ||Taylor|| Alright, I"ll rest.. She said smiling softly | |  | |
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WARNING: The following most likely will contain things that you probably don't want to read. Just hit the little red button at the top. You know the one with the little X in it. Then you won't have to worry about what you might see if you read on. If you do read on and get offended, don't come crying to me. You were warned and I won't feel sorry for you at all. | Title: Insert Here Characters: Insert Here Relationship: Insert Here Children: Insert Here Occupation: Insert Here OOC: Insert Here TBCB: Insert Here He looked at her and smiled then kissed her softly. Malcolm: I'll be the best husband I can be to you. | | This layout was made by Spoiled Kitty at LRU. If you want it. You are welcome to steal it. But do you really want to steal something that looks like this? If you ask I can make you a much prettier one. Just click on the pretty little picture over there on the left side and ask me for one. | | | | |
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 | o0c: Ya its diffferent lol
She smiled softly as she looked at him. ||Taylor|| Hmm i came her for a story, ended up with a fiance .. She laughed a bit. | |  | |
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WARNING: The following most likely will contain things that you probably don't want to read. Just hit the little red button at the top. You know the one with the little X in it. Then you won't have to worry about what you might see if you read on. If you do read on and get offended, don't come crying to me. You were warned and I won't feel sorry for you at all. | Title: Insert Here Characters: Insert Here Relationship: Insert Here Children: Insert Here Occupation: Insert Here OOC: Insert Here TBCB: Insert Here He smiled softly when she said that. Malcolm: Consider this experience as investigative reporting. | | This layout was made by Spoiled Kitty at LRU. If you want it. You are welcome to steal it. But do you really want to steal something that looks like this? If you ask I can make you a much prettier one. Just click on the pretty little picture over there on the left side and ask me for one. | | | | |
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 | o0c: Ya its diffferent lol
Taylor laughed a bit as she looked at him ||Taylor|| I really like you, you're funny She said yawning as she snuggled close to him. | |  | |
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WARNING: The following most likely will contain things that you probably don't want to read. Just hit the little red button at the top. You know the one with the little X in it. Then you won't have to worry about what you might see if you read on. If you do read on and get offended, don't come crying to me. You were warned and I won't feel sorry for you at all. | Title: Insert Here Characters: Insert Here Relationship: Insert Here Children: Insert Here Occupation: Insert Here OOC: Insert Here TBCB: Insert Here He looked at her and smiled then pulled the covers closer around them both. Malcolm: Sleep, darling. | | This layout was made by Spoiled Kitty at LRU. If you want it. You are welcome to steal it. But do you really want to steal something that looks like this? If you ask I can make you a much prettier one. Just click on the pretty little picture over there on the left side and ask me for one. | | | | |
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 | o0c: Ya its diffferent lol
She nodded her head as she was wanting to do what he said, Something really unlike her, but she just didn't want to fight it.. ||Taylor|| Goodnight she said closing her eyes as she drifted off to sleep.. | |  | |