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Judge rejects Montco lawyer's bid to have Obama removed from ballot A federal judge in Philadelphia last night threw out a complaint by a Montgomery County lawyer who claimed that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama was not qualified to be president and that his name should be removed from the Nov. 4 ballot. They said that Berg's claims were "ridiculous" and "patently false," that Berg had "no standing" to challenge the qualifications of a candidate for president because he had not shown the requisite harm to himself. Surrick agreed. In a 34-page memorandum and opinion, the judge said Berg's allegations of harm were "too vague and too attenuated" to confer standing on him or any other voters. Surrick ruled that Berg's attempts to use certain laws to gain standing to pursue his claim that Obama was not a natural-born citizen were "frivolous and not worthy of discussion." The judge also said the harm Berg alleged did "not constitute an injury in fact" and Berg's arguments to the contrary "ventured into the unreasonable." |
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Driver, he can donate money to anyone he wishes...he can donate, but that doesn´t mean he had a say in what they did with it. There is nothing wrong with donating money to a non profit organization they live off of donations. Seems no different than donating to any other organization such as the Red Cross. Why is that such a big deal to you? |
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Usually when you give somebody $800,000 and tell them to get out the vote you're looking for a result, Summer. Get real. |
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Bugs, show me where he ever told a single one of them to falsify registrations? Get out the vote means register people who can indeed vote. |
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Usually when you give somebody $800,000 and tell them to get out the vote you're looking for a result |
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That's OK Summer, you just go ahead and defend your hero. He has far too many questionable associations for my taste...among them domestic terrorists, convicted felons, radicals, and now even an apologist for the PLO. He won't be getting my vote, but you go right on ahead. |
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Oh yes...the he is an illegal alien, muslim, terrorist crap again...precisely the reason I am voting for him. I am so sick of the propaganda and garbage that it just makes me sick... |
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Hanging out with Ayres, Dohrn, Rezko, Wright, Phleger, Khalidi, Sam Graham-Felson, Sahole Saddiqi, Saul "The Red" Alinksy and ACORN in general is all just "propaganda and garbage?" Right. If this were a Republican candidate y'all would be screaming bloody murder from the rooftops. |
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Yes...it is propaganda...none of it that has been proven btw...Ayers first of all did his deeds when Obama was eight years old and he lives in the same neighborhood. It is quite possible he didn´t know anything about Ayers and dealt with him as a neighbor...do you know everything about your neighbor´s past? Bernardine Dohm from my understanding is Ayer´s wife..and you have not shown that he has any real relationship with them beyond being neighbors. Fact Check on Obama and Ayers Obama Turned Eight In August 1969, The Days Of Rage Occurred In October 1969. Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961. He turned eight on August 4, 1969. The Days of Rage, in which William Ayers participated, occurred in October 1969. [Obama Birth Certificate, UPI, 10/21/81] William Ayers Participated In The "Days Of Rage" In 1969. The AP reported, "In the autumn of 1969, the Weatherman, led by Bernardine Dohrn and Mark Rudd, converged on Chicago and planned a series of demonstrations to dramatize their beliefs. The riots, which came to be known as the "Days of Rage," caused thousands of dollars in damage in the downtown and Near North Side areas and resulted in injuries to several policemen. Rudd and Ms. Dohrn were named in federal riot indictments with ten others -- William Ayers, Kathy Boudin, John Jacobs, Jeff Jones, Michael Spiegel, Howard Machtinger, Terry Robins, Lawrence Weiss, Linda Sue Evans and Judy Clark. Another prominent activist, Cathy Wilkerson, was arrested on state charges of mob action and resisting a police officer. Some surrendered years ago. Two -- Ms. Dohrn and Ayers, son of the former chairman of Commonweath Edison Co. -- surfaced Wednesday. Charges against Ayers had been dropped in 1978 but Ms. Dohrn still faces charges of aggravated battery and jumping bail." [AP, 12/3/80] REALITY: AYERS CONNECTION IS "PHONY," TENUOUS," "A STRETCH" Chicago Sun Times: Obama's Connection To Ayers Is A "Phony Flap". The Chicago Sun-Times wrote in an editorial, "But Ayers, it is also true to say, has since followed in the footsteps of the great Chicago social worker Jane Addams, crusading for education and juvenile justice reform. His 1997 book, A Kind and Just Parent: The Children of Juvenile Court, has been praised for exposing how Cook County's juvenile justice system all but eliminates a child's chance for redemption. Is Barack Obama consorting with a radical? Hardly. Ayers is nothing more than an aging lefty with a foolish past who is doing good. And while, yes, Obama is friendly with Ayers, it appears to be only in the way of two community activists whose circles overlap. Obama's middle name is Hussein. That doesn't make him an Islamic terrorist. He stopped wearing a flag pin. That doesn't make him unpatriotic. And he's friendly with UIC Professor William Ayers. That doesn't make him a bomb thrower. Time to move on to Phony Flap 6,537,204." [Chicago Sun-Times, 3/3/08] |
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If you or I had any past association of any kind with known domestic terrorists, Summer.... ...neither one of us could get a security clearance. |
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known associations with felons and terrorists and past drug use, which Obama has admitted to, would prevent him from getting a job at the Post Office. |
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doubtful he could even get a licence to be a security guard in a parking lot. |
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Bugs, your candidate..McCain, how much money did he donate to Acorn and Kalhidi? Do I care? Nope. McCain was at one of the ACORN gatherings in 2006 McCain wrote a multimillion dollar donation to Khalidi in the 90´s...and I don´t care a bit, but since you are so worried about Obama perhaps you should be paying attention since this is your complaint against him... Ironically McCain and Obama were at the same dinner TOGETHER. In fact, McCain chaired the organization that gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to Khalidi...so how do you like them apples? Oh this is getting fun discrediting all the nonsense and propaganda and getting to facts.. FactCheck.org: McCain's Rezco ad is false and misleading I also don´t give one bit of crap about his pastor...that does not mean those are his beliefs so don´t even go there with Wright...not to mention that the tape that was shown was edited and not the whole thing of what was said ...God Damn America for Slavery. You know what...ironically I agree just not that harshly. Sam Graham-Felson Who? He has no connection to Obama...he is a blogger. His personal politics are his business and Obama I doubt even knows who he is. Not even close to you making a connection that is even vaguely important. IT is like saying that because KKK, Aryan Nations, and Storm front bloggers are supporting McCain that he has a link to domestic terrorists..stupid. The Sadiqi email is FALSE. Saul Alinsky just more bs and garbage...so much it sickens me since I concider myself a Conservative. |
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Driver, and what about your candidate? Personally it all seems like garbage to me ...it is a two way street you know...you cannot condemn Obama for his ´connections´yet dismiss the McCain connections that are even stronger to the SAME people. |
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Summer- If it makes you happy wallowing in bullshit..... more power to you. |
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Driver, bs? really...so you admit that the Obama demonizing crap is all bs? you do know that all of those things that were said about McCain are FACTS...including the fact that even Bush donated 400k to Khalidi, McCain donated 500k...no difference between either the Conservatives or Democrats...this blew up in McCain´s face. I am sorry I am so sick and tired of the lies that are an effort to discredit Obama. Like I said much of the same crap has been thrown my way...I have been called an illegal immigrant...just like Obama...and he is as much a citizen as you or I are. Obama has been called unfaithful to the country because he is black...I have been called unfaithful to this country because I am Hispanic. Obama has been condemned for his religious beliefs, so have I. Hell when I was a kid I was in class our principle was the brother to J Kelly Pinkerton...you know who that is? Doesn´t mean I had anything to do with him though does it? |