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Across the country, from the presidential race, to the U.S. Senate and House, to state legislative races, one thing was missing this year: ads proudly proclaiming candidates' anti-gun credentials. The gun control lobby must be distressed that many Democratic gains occurred only because the Democrat party has run so far from the gun control issue. While they fondly look back to how actively Bill Clinton campaigned for gun control in 1992 and 1996, they also remember the lesson that gun owners taught an anti-gun Congress in 1994, Al Gore in 2000, and John Kerry in 2004. This was a lesson taught by the roughly five million members of our National Rifle Association that has changed the politics of our issue across the country. Just wait until the Gun Grabbers meet some of the Freshman Democrats in Congress, people like Democrat Travis Childers, and a passionate Life Member of our NRA. Indeed, about sixty Democrat members of the House are also members of our NRA and looking forward to adding gun ownership freedoms for peaceful American citizens and raising the penalty for crimes committed while possessing a gun. Might the Democrat Party finally decoded the message Americans across the political spectrum have repeatedly sent them? LOL, time will tell, and in the meantime we are preparing for a fight that may never arrive! Curm |
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Of all the "rights" mentioned in the "bill..." ...the Second Amendment is the only one mentioned as... necessary... "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. . |
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I didn't mention the 2nd, did I? I tried to keep that one to a couple of points: morals, and concern for innocents.
The 2nd is NOT the font from which the right to go armed flows. The very nature of humans, as free individuals, is. The 2nd simply points out a good reason why the general government's delegated authority over war oughtn't be used as an excuse to infringe upon the preexisting rights of the people. |
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Cut the BS, Govels.... The US Costitution does not identify all basic human rights |
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What I say in #196 is true. The fact AlaskanFree got so angry that he even finds it necessary to throw a stalker in my face proves I hit a sore spot. The position that claims people are law abiding gun owners right up the moment they commit an atrocity and at that moment only do they become criminals is reprehensible. None of you even attempt{ except govols} to deal with the issues I raise or the concerns I express. You just keep saying the same thing over and over " She wants to take our guns away!!" You people with your unbending views are why big changes are coming. You are part of the problem and don't care. Your "rights" mean "anything and everything that has to do with guns" to you....but your wrong and you will find that out soon enough. Gun control is not unconstitutional in spite of your protestations. Your anger and hatred of me for my views show what kind of fanatics you really are. I am now finished with this thread. Throwing easyrider at me worked AlaskanFree. It shut me up. Congratulations. |
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Thanks for the insight Rose.....If that's all it takes to stop your lunatic rants....then I will use it myself.....I guess you claim that all the perps in the stories you post are, or were I should say, good legal gun owners prior to the commission of their crimes. How could you possibly know that? I will say up front some probably had not given anyone any reason to prohibit their owning guns prior to the crimes in question, but that can be said of anything..... how do you know every owner of a automobile is legally driving said vehicle? or that said vehicle was legally purchased? How about the person that snaps and grabs a knife from the kitchen or a ball bat and stabs or slits a persons throat or beats them to death? what do you do about them........how about the person that beats their infants until they die...or the person that runs their car into a crowd and kills? Bottom line Rose....you simply do not know by looking at someone if they are going to snap........ No Psychologist or Psychiatrist is going to be able to identify every single person that could at some point in the future snap..... so your arguments hold no water........The best defense is a good offense....and that means meeting force with force....and if I have anything to say about it... with overwhelming force..... I want to come out the winner..... I ain't interested in parity..... I want to be able to at least match, and better yet, outmatch the person that comes at me......... It has been said many times Rose.... you choose to go around unarmed that is your choice.....I choose to arm myself and hope the day never comes that I am forced to use my guns in my or my families defense..............but use them I will and have them I will.........And die for my rights.....you betcha! |
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If I had only known it was that easy. Use any excuse you want to bow out of a debate that you cannot possibly win. There are so many reasonable and logical arguments against restrictive gun bans and gun control measures that your overly emotional entreaties just look like silliness in comparison. I am reminded of when a certain other poster (She who shall remain nameless)' would be on the loosing end of a debate about marijuana legalization. After all her Partnership for a Drug Free America, ONDCP and DEA myths, lies and talking points were rebutted and refuted, and the facts were presented, she would invariably end up wailling: "What about the children?". LMAO! Sorry, but I have the Constitution Of the United States of America the Alaska State Constitution, Natural law, and a duty to my family, community and nation on my side. All you have is emotional BS. |
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Sorry, but I have the Constitution Of the United States of America the Alaska State Constitution, Natural law, and a duty to my family, community and nation on my side. All you have is emotional BS. { AF: You got fuck all but your big mouth and bad temper. You can't win a debate when you refuse to debate buster. You lose because you can't understand anything but your own position and that has nothing to do with the debate. You and the idiot Rbshoots never answered a question or discussed anything brought up. All you did was slap yourself on the back! Keep doing that loser! Too funny!} |
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what exactly is there to discuss? what was brought up that I or AF or anyone else that believes in our right to bear arms has not discussed? you madame have brought nothing to the table to discuss...... your complete lack of understanding of gun laws in this country makes it almost impossible to discuss anything concerning gun rights with you...........so when you have a legit topic of conversation.... I, and I am sure others will be happy to discuss it with you............. |
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Rose, LMAO! My temper? You seem to be the only one around here that is getting angry. I'm just mildly amused and mildly suprised at your naivete. I offer reasonable points and you respond with emotionalism. My big mouth? Give it a break, little sister. You are the one that ignores basic facts like the constitutional right to keep and bear arms, the Supreme Court decisions that affirm that right, the very basic fact that an armed citizen has a much greater chance against an armed criminal or overreaching government, or in my case, an angry grizzly or moose in my yard, just to whine about some "Slaughter of Innocents" all the while ignoring the fact that an armed, law abiding citizen is far better equiped to defend against that sort of thing than an unarmed victim. You may enjoy the helpless victim role. That's just dandy if that is what you are into. I'll keep my guns. My family will be far safer for it. My community will be safer for it, and my rights will be better defended for it. Enjoy that victim status. It goes well with your overly emotional responses to facts, reason, logic and common sense. I only hope that your willingness to be a victim doesn't lead to your martyrdom on the alter of gun control. Keep it up! You are a hoot when you get all emotional and nonsensical. |
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Ohhhh pleeease! Big tough man with his guns! I'm so impressed with your manly defence of your toys. I have more guts to stand alone surrounded by types like you and the idiot Rbshoots and plead my case on this thread [which you boys ignore] than you show by ganging up on me rather than even attempt to deal with the issues I raise. I see no bravery here from you guys. A lot of bluster and waving of the flag like a bunch of jingoistic morons is about all. I aways thought you were a cool guy AlaskanFree which is disappointing because the AF I have known for years would never get so down and dirty to use someone like Easyrider against me just because you lost your temper. Not cool at all. Not cool at all AlaskanFree! |
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My, my, my! Getting a bit emotional are you? Angry? Unable to make a real point? Resorting to WAAAH!? LMAO! |
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Good Lord! Yoy really are Cowboy...aren't you? |
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I still like you enough to invite you to my board AlaskanFree: Check us out. |
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Rose, No, I'm not DC3Cowboy. As a matter of fact, DC3Cowboy and I happen to disagree on many things. He is an apallogist for the Bush administration and the Iraq war debacle. I think you know darned well that I am neither. |