Thanks again, Native �?I know you have been through the same, having lost your parents and likely others given we're in same age cohort. I recently read of your son's battle -- loss, or potential loss of child is the worst ordeal I can imagine.
Anyway, I can see the narrative voice of account may have created impression, and thank you for your solicitude, but I am not alone. Daughter and son, lights of my life, are nearby and we remain close with near daily contact. Other than more casual friends, neighbors, I'm blessed with a couple of lifelong female friends and a wonderfully supportive guy who put up with my occasionally obsessive fears, periods of sadness, and celebrate with me gladnesses. My surviving brother, his wife and kids live a couple miles away - we chat, visit frequently. Then too, I live in LA where therapist/resident ratio approaches 1:1... :-)
It's the 'public' part of baring soul that creates reticence �?to disclose some details of private life or emotional turmoil, even in relative anonymity of this setting is not my nature and never will be. Maybe reserve is genetic, the Indian in me... (You can take the Indian off the reservation, but...:-) ) Another concern is bio info wielded cruelly or incorporated into political/personal quarrels, as unfortunately happens in these places too often. Protecting privacy of others involved is in this mix too. Anyway...enough time has elapsed to have muted intensity, and reach perspective to articulate the experience - Hoped also to memoralize, honor my family and share what I hope may be helpful information about cancer.
It's nice to get away from the insanity of the board
Like I said, feel free, and anyone else who happens on retreat. Travel experiences, philosophical ramblings, whatever suits your fancy. I believe I'll stay here until November...