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From: MSN Nickname๓øøŋֶąήğέ�?/nobr>  (Original Message)Sent: 7/14/2006 4:21 AM

Name: moon angel

Reason or Meaning of name: last Master liked the name

Nickname: pet/girl/property

Reason for nickname: what her last Master called her

Age: 250

Apparent Age: 20

Sex: female

Hair: Ebony Black

Eyes: Blue-Black

Height: 5 feet tall

Weight: 100lbs

Type of body/build: slender and well toned

Piercing/Tattoos/Markings or Other: she can manipulate her skin and create tattoos at will where ever she wants she has many piercing.

Orientation: bi

Occupation: slave

Alignment: lawful-good

Race: fallen angel

Class: angel

Appearance: see picture

Clothing: anything black

Items: collar and cloths

Weapons: dagger and sword

Armor: none

Personality: loyal, kind, understanding and brave

Special Abilities: those of an angel

Spell Abilities: she has learned too many to list

Born Abilities: Angelic

History: moon angel, never had a true chance at life, turned down from being able to live as an angel she was sent to the leader of a fallen angel clan and they taught her all they could, she reached the age of fifteen and could learn no more from her mentor, Terinis, who had named her for she had died at her birth and never been given a name. but the fallen angels discovered her gift of magic and they knew that they could only take her to one place for the talent she had. Terinis took her to the only one he knew who he could trust to teach moon. He left her standing in the open, flexing her ebony wings as he spoke with a young lady, who had ebony hair and ebony eyes. Terinis came back to moon hugged her and told her why she was there. "moon, I want you to stay with Miss Synful now. She will teach you the ways of magic and keep you safe..." then he had left her and Synful started teaching moon all that she would ever need to know, in defensive, attacking and entertaining magic’s. moon wandered after she completed her training but often went back to see Synful and her other friends, with her nearly all the time after she left was a large raven. Often she only had her raven to keep her company, and a traveler often found her seemingly talking to herself for the raven would never speak while there was another around.

Now she wanders from place to place, performing her magic’s for any who will watch her, she performs for her love of magic’s and asks for nothing from those that watch her, though she will not refuse anything offered to her. More often then not seen in a black blue dress and more often then not she has a rose completely made of magic somewhere on her, normally in the hem along the top of her dress though sometimes in her hair. Her raven vanished long ago and she often finds herself wishing for his company again, she has a fun loving nature as long as it doesn't go to far or turn on her, she’s all for laughter and smiles though she feels torn apart inside. She is a trustworthy 'child' and that is the way she will always be.

She met a few of her own kindred but whenever she stuck around with them, they seemed to meet bad ends. One of them was utterly destroyed by a dragon, some killed by drows and others destroyed by magic. All of these factors persuaded her to stay alone mostly, long dark black-blue hair and totally black eyes, pale skin all make up her distinguished features apart from the tattoos, one on her left forearm an other on her forehead and the last on her back between her wings, a symbol of forgiveness and love of all living beings. (Except dragons and drows, though she tends to like younger dragons) moon deals best in magic’s of her own creation and she enjoys a little trick on someone now and then. moon angel is also a high priestess to the Goddess of the Moon.

"Blackened ivory, burnt to the core.
The colour of night burns through into my soul.
No rest in my mind, pain grips me tightly to the end.
No one but the raven will embrace me now as I lay in darkness, dying.
Leaving this world will not prove me wrong.
All I can do is let go


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