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Slave:Pet : Ramla
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Recommend  Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname§ΐממếđ_₣Ωяىąкэמ  (Original Message)Sent: 7/4/2006 4:22 AM

Name: Ramla

Reason or Meaning of name: Prophetess in Egyptian

Nick-name: none

Reason for nick-name: not available

Age: 20

Apparent Age: 20

Sex: female

Hair: Long blue black hair that reached to her knees.

Eyes: Silver

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 140 lbs

Type of body/build: Slim, slightly athletic, voluptuous

Piercing/Tattoos/Markings or Other: None

Orientation: Heterosexual

Occupation: Server, entertainer

Alignment: Neutral good

Race: Supposedly human

Class: Bard

Appearance: see picture

Clothing: See picture

Items: none

Weapons: None

Armor: None

Personality: Calculating, yet friendly. Always diplomatic. May have a fiery temper, but has learned to control it. Can be quite sarcastic and sassy. Good sense of humor if the situation calls for it.

Special Abilities: unknown

Spell Abilities: unknown

Born Abilities: an instinct that belies her years, fortunetelling

Hobbies: Reading and singing

History: Ramla was found as a newborn babe by the village well by an elderly lady who has retired from court. She knows not where she comes from or even an inkling as to who her parents were. Due to the fact that alot of travelers come and go, the possibility of finding her parents and who she really is has fallen flat. The elderly lady who was baren and never had any children has taken her in and provided for as if she was her own daughter. Seeing the potential beauty, the lady taught her everything she knows about manners and the court. She taught Ramla to sing and dance beautifully as a lady should, to be pleasing to the eye and the ear. Eventually sold into slavery upon the death of the woman who had raised her, bought to perform in a theater until even they had fallen onto hard times and once again stood at the auction block.

Ramla found in her adolescent years that she sometimes has a knack for persuasion and the power of suggestion. For fun she divines with tealeaves, bones and roughly cut stones of very little value. She has never claimed that she can see the future, only that if what she says has come to fruitition, that it was mere coincidence.


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Recommend  Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname§ΐממếđ_₣ΩяىąкэמSent: 7/10/2006 2:43 AM
Owned by: Aries Hellstormm
Bought for: 6,060,600,000