Produced By Kathy Curotto �?Text By Jane Asper �?Photography by Eric Johnson
Holiday Memory Mobiles
You Will Need:
Holiday cards
Decorative papers
Fiskars decorative edge scissors
Glue stick
Craft glue
Photo corners
Hole punch
Narrow ribbon
Wooden dowels
Acrylic paints
Mobiles are a great way to display special cards from holidays past. In this version, a symmetrical design creates its own kind of balance. Hang it in any open space, or even in front of a mirror to double the impact.
How to make 'em:Lay your cards out on a work surface to visualize your arrangement. 1. For a single card on each end, cut ribbons twice the desired lengths. Thread two beads through ends of ribbon and space appropriately. These will be at the top.
2. Create “card collages�?from holiday cards and papers . Glue layers together with the ribbon centered and glued in place between card layers so that the card is below the two beads as shown, LEFT.
3. Thread third bead through ribbon.
4. For trio of cards in the center of the mobile, proceed as above, but change order to bead, card, bead, card, bead, card, bead.
5. Determine height of finished mobile. Cut two ribbons 2 ½ times the distance from the rod to the ceiling.
6. Thread ribbons through large bead. Push bead halfway up ribbons.
7. Insert dowel through ribbon loops in this order: first the single-card ribbon loop, then a hanger-ribbon loop, next the three-card hanging loop, then the second hanger-ribbon loop, and last, the other single-card ribbon loop.
8. Use craft glue to attach beads to dowel ends and slide ribbons on rod to adjust for balance.