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- SL RP : PWT Try-outs!
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(1 recommendation so far) Message 1 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSouthern_Heartthrob1  (Original Message)Sent: 6/21/2008 4:06 AM



The scene opens up backstage where Christian Michaels is leaning against a wall, cellphone to his ear. And folks from the looks of things the conversation isn't going that well. CM shaking his head in disappointment.

Whatta ya mean you're leaving W2K while the gettin's good?.......Ya gotta be kiddin me dude......Well yeah he is vindictive but......Uh huh.......Yeah.......Whatever you gotta do dude.......Yeah......Later.

Michaels flips his phone closed and stuffs it in his pocket. he sighs and just can do nothing more than shake his head. Its about this time that Summer Stratus comes into the scene carrying two cups of coffee. She hands one to CM and keeps one for herself. But Summer can see that something is bothering him.

What's wrong? Did you find out Rhya is coming back?

Ouch. Burrrrn by Summer.

Haha. Nah. It was nothing like that. Actually I just talked with Jay Styles

Oh? What's up then?

Well apparently after hearing some horror stories about Nic's vindictiveness, Jay decdied to book it out of W2K. By now he's prolly already back safely behind BUD's doors.

He's not that big of a loss is he?

Normally? No. He wouldn't be too greta of a loss. But right now, after some of the things we've done recently, we need all the numbers we can get.

Ah. So what are we going to do about this?

This was a good question posed by Summer. CM knew with the string of attacks his stable had performed lately they needed as many peeps as possible. But unfortunately some of the potential recruits are the peeps taking asswhippins from PWT. Hmm.

That's a good question Summer. Hey maybe you could contact Lucky? See if maybe she'd be interested in joining up with us. Perhaps even your gal Jessica? I'd love to see her beat Drew like a drum a few more times.

Maybe.....I could at least give them a call.


But I have another idea too.

CM looked at his right-hand lady.

Do tell dear dear Summer.


She starts out.

What if we held a recruitment camp?

You mean like try-outs?


Christian stroked his chin. Now lately Summer heard that if a guy strokes his chin in W2K that means he wants to jerk-off. So she moved in close to CM. Summer's hand on his belt buckle momentarily before her hand creeped down over his crotch. To this CM raised an eyebrow.

What are you doing?

I heard that in this place when a guy strokes his chin he wants to jack off. So you stroked your chin and I thought I'd help ya out.

Heh. Ya got a point there. How about you an I go and we handle this situation that is arising.....And then we put together a flier for PWT try-outs.

Summer winked at CM.

Sounds like a plan.

The scene fades out as CM and Summer walk off.

**** Time Lapse ****

Its some time later and a group of guys are standing around a bulletin board backstage. It appears that somebody has tacked a bulletin to this bulletin board. The camera pushes past the crowd to catch a shot of the paper tacked up.

Have you ever been a member of the Professional Wrestling Today roster? Well if you have then you may be eligible to join CM's PWT here in W2Krap! To try-out just come to the PWT locker room if you have ever been a member of the PWT roster. Please bring a tape of yourself in action, a list of your PWT accomplishments, and be prepared to tells us why we should select you.

Anyone named Nic E Dangerously or Dante Cross need not apply.
You both suck and are unwanted.


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The number of members that recommended this message. 0 recommendations  Message 2 of 14 in Discussion 
Sent: 6/21/2008 8:13 AM
This message has been deleted by the author.

(1 recommendation so far) Message 3 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameXEvilGeniusXSent: 6/22/2008 9:45 PM

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•�?/FONT> roleplay title. PWT Try-outs!
•�?/FONT> record. 00-00-00
•�?/FONT> out of character. My second character has arrived, lol.
•�?/FONT> to be continued by. Anyone.

•�?jessica jones.

Awhile later as Christian Michaels, Summer Stratus, Xavier Homicide, and Amber Michaels were seen in the PWT locker room. There was a knock at the door. The person didn't bother waiting for a response though as she walked right in. Summer's voice was the first one heard.

"JESSICA! You came."

"Well you called, didn't you?"

Summer went over and the two friends embraced.

"Yeah, but I didn't expect you to come."

"Of course I came. What's PWT without me?"

"Good point."

As Summer moved away from Jessica, Xavier lunged forward, but Summer caught him.

"What's SHE doing here?"

"Be nice to her."

"Be nice to her? Why would I do that after she turned on me to join with her Clan pals?"

"Because if you're nice to her I'll knock twenty-five grand off your debt and you'll only owe me about fifteen grand then."

Xavier looked at Jessica for a moment, debating, then backed off. At least for the time being things were cool. Once that situation was handled, Jessica turned her attention to Christian Michaels.

"So am I in or what?"

"We have to see your tape to make it official."

J.J. rolled her eyes and walked over to the television. She popped it in and it began to show footage of a Battle Royale.

"This is where I become PWT's #1 Newcomer."

The tape then shows her kicking Daniel Malkiah's ass.

"And this is where I became People's Champion for the first time."

The tape then shows her taking down Jason Caine.

"And this is where I earned my second People's title reign."

It then goes into various images of different matches she had in PWT.

"And that's just me kicking some serious ass!"

Jessica then clicks the tape off and turns to the PWT-ers in the room.


J.J. waits to see if she's been accepted into the group.

•�?miss. unstoppable.

»quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts for Chrissy using the character of Jessica Jones. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!

(1 recommendation so far) Message 4 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTheBigValbowskiSent: 6/23/2008 6:02 AM

ENEMIES: Everyone
TBC: Someone in the thread
MSN MESSENGER: [email protected]
OOC: thought it may be fun to add a bit of conflict to this story lol


//Xavier has now had time to think things over rationally//

Xavier Homicide:If she's in then I'm out.

Summer Stratus: What?

Xavier Homicide:You heard me, if she's in then I'm out of the group.

Summer Stratus:Why?

Xavier Homicide:WHY!!!!???? YOU KNOW WHAT SHE DID TO ME!!!!!!!

Summer Stratus:Didn't I tell you to be nice to her?

Xavier Homicide:Screw being nice to her. The first time I was nice to her her crazy ass got me thrown in jail and I was still nice to her after that. Even after you left PWT I always kept an eye on her. I always had her back when she needed me. What did I ask for in return? NOTHING!!!!! I did it out of the kindness of my heart and how did she repay me? She turned her back on me. I don't trust her anymore.

Summer Stratus:But you already don't trust anyone.

Xavier Homicide:EXACTLY!!!!!

Summer Stratus:So how is this any different?

Xavier Homicide:Like you said I don't trust anyone, even though the people I don't trust haven't even given me a reason not to trust them. And your little friend over there has given me plenty of reason not to trust her, so I don't trust her just like I don't trust people who've done nothing wrong to me, I just don't trust her to an entirely different level.

*Everyone is trying to make sense of what he just said*

Xavier Homicide:She broke my trust, I will never trust her again. And as far as I'm concerned she's dead to me. And I refuse to work with her again. I'd rather walk butt ass naked through a female college dorm when its 20 degrees below zero....even though in the cold I'm still larger than an above average man but now I'm getting off topic and forgetting what I was originally saying.

CM: You were talking about not trusting J.J. anymore.

Xavier Homicide: Oh yea. I NEVER FORGIVE ANYONE FOR ANYTHING AND I NEVER FORGET!!!!! So its either her or me. And if I leave I'll just start up my own one man stable and take on everyone in this company. And I'll call my group the "I Hate & Can't Trust J.J. Because She Stabbed Me In The Back When I Was The Only Friend She Had And Now I Left The PWT Group To For My Own Group Because I Refuse To Work With J.J. Ever Again And Now Everyone In This Company Is Officially My Enemy" Group. So what's it gonna be? And just remember if she's in the group there's nothing you can do to make me stay. Not beer, not money, and not even extremely sexy big breasted women with asses that would bring a tear to my eye. And we all know I never say no to women. Me being nice to J.J. will happen over my dead body, Summer I'd rather just write you a check for all the money I owe you with plus a bnous rather than be nice to her.....oh great now I'm rambling. Are you happy JJ now I'm rambling because of you.....

//Xavier waits for a response//

X-Man T-Shirt #6

~ The Best Damn T-Shirt Period ~

(1 recommendation so far) Message 5 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameXEvilGeniusXSent: 6/25/2008 5:03 AM

Image Hosted by

•�?/FONT> roleplay title. PWT Try-outs!
•�?/FONT> record. 00-00-00
•�?/FONT> out of character. Just something really short here. On my way to bed.
•�?/FONT> to be continued by. Anyone.

•�?jessica jones.

Jessica looked over at Xavier with a little smirk.

"You were always cute when you rambled and I'm one hell of a topic to ramble about, so yeah I'm happy about that. Anything else you want to know?"

"When are you going to leave?"

"I'm not. Better get used to me being around. And now that you've finished rambling, maybe we can find out if I'm going to be part of the PWT group."

All eyes on CM.

•�?miss. unstoppable.

»quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts for Chrissy using the character of Jessica Jones. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!

(1 recommendation so far) Message 6 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSouthern_Heartthrob1Sent: 6/25/2008 7:54 PM



What teh hell? Why everyone gotta be puttin pressure on CM here? Sheesh! well anyways he looks from one face to the other to the other. He knows that he's gotta be careful here. This situation could spiral out of control and could leave the PWT roster with one less member regardless. Hmm. Hmm indeed.

Ya know X, I don't really see why you're so mad. Sure, she did turn on ya and all for the clan, but doesn't everyone deserve a second chance?


Oh come on now. Don't be such a spoilsport.

The X-Man crosses his chest.

I said no and I'm sticking by it.

CM sighs.

Look, X, ya gotta just take one for the team as the saying goes. Look at it this way dude: If we don't get another chick in this group its gonna be just the three of us....


Two guys and only one girl......What happens if say another guy from PWT shows upa nd joins the ranks? Then its gonna be a three to one guy gil ratio. We'll have a sausage-fest going and I'm not into that. If anything we need to keep the odds even on the genders. So whatta ya say dude? For the good of our reputations, will ya hanga round with Jessica being a member of our group?

Now the attention is deflected back to teh X-man


 Message 7 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTheBigValbowskiSent: 6/25/2008 10:31 PM


ENEMIES: Everyone
TBC: Someone in the thread
MSN MESSENGER: [email protected]
OOC: thought it may be fun to add a bit of conflict to this story lol


//Xavier listens to CM and all Xavier can think is that its time for the joking and likeable Xavier to go away for a while and its time for the aggressive Xavier to start talking//

Xavier Homicide: Second chance? Second chances are for 3 year olds, Barney, and Sesame Street characters I don't believe in that shit. The first thing I said when she attacked me was that I wouldn't spit on her if she was on fire, and I meant that. So if you all want her in the group so bad then fine. But don't expect me to keep an eye on her, watch her back, tag with her or anything like that because I'd rather fly solo than help her backstabbing ass out ever again......Sabes que, I'm out.

CM: Sabes que?

Xavier Homicide: Its Spanish it means "you know what". When I get angry my Latin temper comes out when I'm pissed

CM: You're latin?

Xavier Homicide: No just my temper. But I''m getting out of here.

Summer Stratus: Where are you going?

Xavier Homicide: Anywhere she's not.

*Xavier doesn't turn around he just backs up towards the door keeping his eye on JJ looking extremely pissed*

Xavier Homicide: I would just turn around and leave but the last time I had my back towards you, you put a knife in it.

//Xavier reaches the door, opens it, and walks out.//

X-Man T-Shirt #6
~ The X-Man T-Shirt ~
~ The Best Damn T-Shirt Period ~

 Message 8 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameXEvilGeniusXSent: 6/26/2008 3:19 AM

Image Hosted by

•�?/FONT> roleplay title. PWT Try-outs!
•�?/FONT> record. 00-00-00
•�?/FONT> out of character. Just a reply
•�?/FONT> to be continued by. Anyone.

•�?jessica jones.

Once Xavier left the room, the people stood around looking from one to the other. There was silence for a moment before Jessica threw her hands up in the air and headed for the door.

"I'll bring him back."

Summer spoke at Jessica's back.


"I learned from you remember?"

"She has a point."

Jessica heard Summer say as she opened the door and walked out into the hallway. Jessica looked side to side and spotted Xavier at the end of the hallway.

"Yo X!"

Jessica started to jog down the hall as Xavier turned around. As Jessica stopped a foot in front of him, Xavier spoke in a rather harsh tone.

"What do you want?"

"The team needs you as much as it needs me."

"Well they are just going to have to do without one of us."

Jessica sighed.

"Look I'm not about to apologize for what I did. I did exactly what I had to do. You know how important being a Clan member meant to me. But I will say I feel bad about it."

"So if I go back to the locker room with you, what happens after the Clan resurfaces again? Are you going to shove another knife in my back?"

"No. That was a last hoorah for us. After the Grande Finale, the Clan separated and went their separate ways. Maybe we'll have a reunion someday but it's not likely. Who knows? But either way, I wasn't ready to let go of my PWT roots, so when Summer called, I came."

Xavier opened his mouth to speak but Jessica went on.

"Now you may not trust me and that's fine. I'll earn your trust back in time. That much I promise. But what about Summer? Are you going to walk out on her especially when she bailed you out so many times? She needs you to look after her as she always did. Are you really going to leave her solely in CM's hands? You saw what he let happen on Meltdown!"

Jessica waited on a response as she looked in Xavier's eyes. She could see she hit the weakspot: Summer. Jessica knew they weren't dating and probably never would, but they cared for the other's well-being.

•�?miss. unstoppable.

»quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts for Chrissy using the character of Jessica Jones. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!

 Message 9 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTheBigValbowskiSent: 6/26/2008 9:59 PM

ENEMIES: Everyone
TBC: Someone in the thread



//Xavier knew he couldn't leave the group, since Summer was was still there, like he said the last time him and Summer were hanging out she's like his little sister in a way so as much as he hated just being in the presence of J.J. he knew he couldn't leave//

Xavier Homicide: You might as well give up on trying to earn my trust back because it will never happen. I've got blood relatives who've tried and failed on trying to earn it back. You might as well set your goals to something you have an actually a shot at.

JJ: Yea yea, but still are you going to let Summer down after all the times she's bailed you out.

Xavier Homicide: If my memory serves me right didn't I get thrown in jail because of you. Summer asked me to keep an eye on you and I did, and what did I get for being nice? Thrown in jail.....look I got Summer's back and I always will. I'm not leaving the group even though I don't want to work with you. But the only reason I'm not leaving is because Summer is still here, but if she leaves the group for any reason then I'm out. But I just want to let you know that while we're in this group together, we're not friends nor will we ever be again. We're just two people that happen to be in the same group and nothing else. Got it?

//Xavier waits for a reply//

 Message 10 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameXEvilGeniusXSent: 6/28/2008 3:45 PM

Image Hosted by

•�?/FONT> roleplay title. PWT Try-outs!
•�?/FONT> record. 00-00-00
•�?/FONT> out of character. Just a little something to get us in the room with the others.
•�?/FONT> to be continued by. Anyone.

•�?jessica jones.

Jessica looked at Xavier as she went to speak.

"I'm not your blood relatives. I'm a three-time PWT People's Champion. I've overcome odds twice as hard as gaining someone's trust back. And if you haven't noticed when I put my mind to something, I make sure it happens. So pretty much it's only a matter of time before we're hanging in bars again and having some beers. Maybe the next time we'll even manage it without getting tossed in jail."

Jessica chuckled slightly and waved her hand at Xavier, as he went to speak.

"Save it X, we can argue this all day. We'll just see how it goes. As for right now, why don't we head back into the locker room. They probably think we killled eachother by now."

Without saying a word, Xavier nodded and the two of them headed back. As they walked into the locker room side by side, Summer was the first to speak up.

"So did the two of you kiss and make up?"

"Not exactly. But I'm sticking around and the two of us agreed to be civil towards one another."

Jessica noted that the PWTers in the room appeared to be pleased by this.

"So what did we miss while we were gone?"

Jessica and Xavier stood there looking around at the others, waiting on a response.

•�?miss. unstoppable.

»quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts for Chrissy using the character of Jessica Jones. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!

 Message 11 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname∞Everlasting�?/nobr>Sent: 7/1/2008 4:08 AM

___                         ___                         ___

That response doesn't come as their attentions all shift to the person standing in the doorway with a peculiar grin on his face. Everyone but Jessica takes a ready stance but Seifer holds up his hands, indicating that he isn't here for trouble. At his feet is simply a black duffle bag.

"Whoa, those stares coule damn near burn a hole through me, is that anyway to treat a fellow PWTer?!"

Seifer chuckles and enters the room, walking past Jessica and Xavier and stands over somewhat near Summer who backs away just enough to keep her distance.

"You'd think I had the plague or something. Now before you all go attacking me again let me say what I've got to say."

"What do you want Seif?"

"I heard you were having some PWT Tryouts, I wanted to come and try out."

"Oh boy."

Those glares just don't seem to end, why won't they believe him? He opens up the duffle bag and pulls out a laptop and a DVD. Seifer takes a moment to get everything set up and then with a small remote for his Mac he begins to sift through the tape.

"It's got a couple of my matches, I think they're some of my good ones. It's got my debut match against some guy."

We of course see brief clips from Seifer vs CM in Seif's debut.

"It's got my first Titanium title defense against that same guy."

Again, against CM. Though it seems to be a pattern here, matches that Seif won.

"I sense a pattern here."

"Don't read into everything so much man! It's not just matches I've won, I've done well in ones I've lost too."

So now we see a King of PWT tourney match involving... Seifer and CM. Even though this is one Seifer lost, the clip only highlights the parts where Seif was kicking CM's ass.

"Solid stuff."


CM reaches over and slams the laptop screen down.

"HEY! I still had that time I put your head into a guillotine!"

"Want me to slug him?"

"Don't encourage him!"

"Maybe I'll slug him again."

CM just glares, if it wasn't for the table in between them he'd probably be slugging Seif himself but he had some space between them.

"So I guess telling you my accomplishments isn't going to matter huh?"

Seifer sighs from the lack of a response and begins to put the laptop away as he speaks.

"I guess it's time to revert to plan B, then."

Soon as he says that he's whipping out a tray of nachos with only two nacho chips and the rest filled with cheese, he chucks it right at CM's face, splattering it all over. As the shock fills the room Seifer lunges towards Summer and head butts her before she can connect with a right, she goes down and Seifer turns around just in time to duck under Xavier's left hand, when he comes up he slams a right upper cut to Xavier, knocking him down near Summer. Seifer grabs his bag and walks over to the door but Jessica's standing right there, he smiles.

"That's what we call payback. You weren't apart of PWT's attack on me a couple RAGE's back and so I won't attack you."

He steps aside her and stands in the doorway as everyone is coming to again, CM's finally whiped enough cheese from his face.

"I told you I'd get my revenge but this my 'fellow' PWTers was very mild. Maybe it's the new outlook but either or, as far as I'm concerned, we're even. Now if you want to try and attack me again, then I'll quit playing nice and it'll be on. Attack me once I get my revenge, do it again and you'll start pissing me off. Which means that if I were you guys, I'd stay clear of my match with Drew. If I win, whether it's you Summer or you CM, we'll deal with that where it counts in the ring, in the tournament."

He goes to leave but turns around one more time.

"Oh yeah, I couldn't help it but I gotta give ya at least one accomplishment. CM you might run this little PWT clique, but I'm still the King baby."

With that Seifer's gone. Let's just say the mood isn't a happy one in the PWT camp at the moment. Then again what goes around comes around.

 Message 12 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameXEvilGeniusXSent: 7/4/2008 4:47 PM

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»«RP TITLE - PWT Try-Outs.
Record. 00-00-00.
Out Of Character Comment. I'm bored and felt like using Jessica for something. So here we go.
To Be Continued By.
Anyone in the Room.


Jessica stood there for a moment, thinking about what she just witnessed. This was a PWT Try-Out and one of the biggest PWT superstars EVER just walked right in and took out the whole locker room, leaving her standing since she wasn't here for the attack on him. Why would they do that? Shouldn't they be trying to bring Seifer into the group? That would make more sense, right? One would think so.

Since Summer went down in the scuffle, Jessica Jones walked over and helped her to her feet. Summer was holding her head which hit the floor as she went down.

"Are you okay?"

"Just dandy."

Summer answers sarcastically as Jessica goes to ask the big question.

"Who's bright idea was it to attack Seifer anyway?"

Summer shoots a look over at CM, "His!"

All eyes shift to CM now who was quick to defend himself.

"Don't y'all go blamin' me now. How'd I know he was goin' ta come in here an try that shit?"

"I could told you that much. You attack Seifer and he attacks back. And you pretty much have a welcome sign on the door right now."

"Hey if ya don't like the way Imma runnin' things you are free to leave."

"I can't leave. Someone's got to stay and keep an eye on Summer, who you keep putting in harm's way."

"That's what I'm here for."

"Well now there's two of us."

Xavier opened his mouth to reply back to Jessica, but Summer cut in.

"Don't start again!"

Summer turned on her heel and muttered something about being able to handle herself as she walked to the other side of the room, away from the others.


»quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts for Chrissy using the character of Jessica Jones. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!

 Message 13 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCiara-CageSent: 7/6/2008 4:00 AM

Roleplay Title: PWT Try-outs
Lovers/Haters: Xavier Homicide/ Others
Next Victim: Who knows? I don't!!!!

Titles Held:WCW Womens Champion
OOC: Well I wanted to do this awhile ago, but just kept putting it off haha. Well here I am.

After all the back and forth fun everyone had been starting since this thing began noone was expecting what was about to come their way. The door to the room swings opens and in walked the redheaded vixen Melody Sanders. They all look at her in complete surprise as they really are surprised to see her. Melody gives them all a goofy grin as she breaks the silence.

Melody: Wow you all are REALLY surprised to see me aren't you?

Everyone just nods their heads in agreement as Melody continues on.

Melody: Well this is where I was told to come if I wanted to be part of the PWT team again so here I am.

Melody looks around to see all familar faces as she sees Christian Michaels, Summer Stratus, Jessica Jones, and her personal favorite face to welcome her again...Xavier Homicide. Melody smiles as she sees cheese all over Christians face.

Melody: Looks like I missed all the fun.

Melody walks over to where Xavier is now standing with his mouth still gaping open. She closes his mouth for him.

Melody: That's really not your most attractive look you know?

Melody then surprises everyone as she grabs Xavier and lays a big wet juicy kiss right on him. As she lets him go she smacks him in the back of the head. Finally Xavier comes to with a thought.

Xavier: Ouch! Why you smack me?

Melody: That was for all those waitresses numbers you tried to get as well as showing off your abs and chest to half of the USA in the short time I was gone.

Melody pushes Xavier down on the couch making him sit as she takes a seat on his lap. She looks at everyone else nonchalant as they are all holding back laughter.

Melody: So anyone care to update me on all the fun I have missed?

Melody waits to see who will speak up and tell her what she wants to know.


TBCB Anyone

(1 recommendation so far) Message 14 of 14 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTheBigValbowskiSent: 7/7/2008 1:19 AM



//As Melody asks about what she missed Xavier Speaks//

Xavier Homicide: Why didn't you tell my you were coming?

Melody Sanders: Because If I would have warned you I wouldn't have gotten to see that surprised look on your face. Why not happy to see me?

Xavier Homicide: Of course I'm happy to see you, I just wasn't expecting it.

*Melody smacks him in the head again*

Xavier Homicide: OUCH!!!!! What was that for?

Melody Sanders: That was for those waitress' numbers. And for just showing your body off to everyone.

Xavier Homicide: But you just hit me for that like a minute ago.

Melody Sanders: I know but I thought I should do it again just for the heck of it.

Xavier Homicide: How did you know about that anyway?

Melody Sanders: I have my ways.

Xavier Homicide: If it helps me out any. Those waitresses gave me their numbers, I didn't ask for it.

Melody Sanders: And what about you showing off your body?

Xavier Homicide: Hey, what can I say I get free stuff while I'm shirtless. But that doesn't matter now. Now all that matters is voting to see whether you're in the group or not. And I vote yes.

CM: We haven't even seen her tape yet.

*Melody is still sitting on Xavier's lap and her breasts are right in his face*

Xavier Homicide: I see everything I need to see.

//Xavier smiles and looks down at "the twins" as he forgets anyone else is in the room//

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