</MYMAILSTATIONERY> Food MagickHere is a table of correspondance for use in food magic. Empower with intent before serving. Love - Spices- anise, basil, cardamon, chicory, cinnamon, clove, corriander, fennel, ginger, licorice, marjoram, poppy seed, rose, rosemary, thyme,vanilla
- Vegetables-beet, pea, rhubarb,sweet potato,tomato,truffle
- Fruits- apple, apricot, avacado, bannana, carob, cherry, guava, lemon, lime, mango, nectarine, orange, papaya, passion fruit, peach, pineapple, quince, raspberry, strawberry, tamarind
- Nuts- brazil nut,chestnut,pine nut,pistashio
- Desserts- apple pie, brownies., carob bars, cherry vanila ice cream,chocolate cake, chocolate ice cream, gingerbread, ginger ice cream, fudge ripple icecream,l emon chiffon pie, key lime pie, neopolitan ice cream, strawberry ice cream and pies made of any of the above listed fruits.
- Beverages- Crème de Cacao, dessert wines, Kirsch, lemonade, limeade, milk, orance curaco, white wine
- Other foods- carob, chocolate in all forms, dill bread, fish, honey, maple syrup, pickles, rye bread, strawberry jam, sugar
Protection - Spices and Herbs- basil,bay, black pepper, cayanne, clove, fennel, garlic, horseradish, marigold, mustard, paprika, parsley, rosemary
- Vegetables- artichoke, bamboo shoots, bean sprouts, bell pepper, bokchoy, broccoli.brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, chile peppers, chives, collard greens, corn, horseradish, jalapeno, kohlerobi, leek, mustard, onion, poke, potato, radish, rhubarb, shallot, soybean sprouts, sunflower sprouts, toatoes, watercress
- Fruits- blueberry, carambola, cranberry, mango, pineapple, plum, prickly pear, quince, raspberry, tangerine
- Nuts and Seeds- almond, sesame, sunflower seeds,walnut
- Desserts- bell shaped cookies, blueberry coffee cake, cranberry sauce, pineapple pie, rhubarb pie, star shaped cookies
- Beverages- cranberry juice coctail
- Other Foods- chilli, curry, eggs, fried foods, garlic bread, hot foods, meat,nachos, Olive oil, pretzles, rice, salsa, Szechuan foods, spicy foods, tofu, tortillia, twisted breads, vinegar
Healing - Spices and herbs-allspice, garlic, peppermint, sage
- Vegetables- cucumber, olive, pumpkin, sprouts, tomato
- Fruits- apple, lemon, peach, pineapple, watermellon
- Other Foods- Almond, Apple Cider vinegar, cider, honey, kummel, marzipan, walnut
Money - Herbs and Spices- allspice, basil, cinnamon, clove, dill, ginger, parsley
- Vegetables-alfalfa sprouts, bean, black eyed peas, cabbage, eggplant, lettuce, pumpkin, spinach, tomato
- Fruits- bannana, blackberry, fig, grape, kumquat, may apple, pear, pineapple, pommegranate
- Grains- barley, bran, buckwheat, millet, oat, rice
- Nuts- almond, brazil nuts, cashew, macadamiea, peanut, pecan, pine nut, sesame
- Desserts- bannana cream pie, butter pecan ice cream, blackberry pie, carob bars, candy, chocolate, chocolate covered bannanas, chocolate ice cream, ginger bread,macadamiua nut ice cream, maple sugar candy, marzipan, pecan pie, pralines, pralines and cream ice cream, whipped cream
- Other Foods- blackberry brandy, chocolate milk, crème de cacoa, maple syrup, milk, oat bran muffins
Sex - Herbs and spices- caraway, cardamon, corriander, licorice, parsley, pepermint, vanilla
- Vegetables- carrot, celery, endive, olive, sweet potato, truffle
- Fruits- blackberry, fig, mango
- Nuts and Grains- barley, sesame, rice
- Beverages-apricot brandy,chartruse,cognac,plum wine,rum
- Other Foods- birds nest soup, caviar, champagne, clam chowder, coffee, crab.eggs, fig newtons, fish, havalah, honey, omlets, oysters, parmasagne cheese, shellfish
- Especially for women- fig, oyster, mango
- Especially for men-bean, blackberry, carrot, olive, parsnip, papaya
Spirituality - Vegetables- corn, eggplant, mung bean sprouts, olive, soy bean sprouts, squash, zucchini
- Fruits- bannanas, coconut, dates
- Other foods-butter, coconut cream pie, eggs, honey, milk, olive oil, saffron, tofu, corn tortillias, wine, vegetarian foods, yougert
- AVOID THESE- artificially flavored foods, dried or dehydrated foods, meat, preserved foods, root crops, salt
Psychic Awareness - Herbs and spices-bay, celery seed, cinnamon, dandelion, lemon grass, mace, nutmeg, rose, thyme
- Vegetables- bamboo shoots, celery, mushrooms, soy bean sprouts
- Other Foods- coconut, dandelion root coffee, fish, fresh flowers, fresh juices. mulberry, pepperming tea, shellfish, soup of all kinds except potato, sprouted bread, sushi, tofu, vegetable soup
- AVOID !- alcohol, caffeine products, meat, root crops, salt
Peace and Happiness - Herbs and Spices-Cumin, marigold, marjoram, oregano, rose, saffron
- Vegetables-cucumber, lettuce, olive
- Fruits-apple, apricot, passion fruit, peach, persimmon, raspberry
- Other Foods- celery soup, cheese pizza, chocolate, fish,honey, lemon pie, lentils, milk, saffron bread, saffron rice, wine
- AVOID-alcohol in excess, heavy foods, meat, root foods, salt, spicy foods, tea
Purification - Herbs and Spices-bay, black pepper, horseradish, peppermint, thyme, tumeric
- Fruits- coconut, grapefruit, guava, lemon, lime, melon, orange
- Other foods- anissette, beer, cream de menth, flowers, fresh juices, honey, lemonade, lemon sorbert, onion soup, orange juice .peppermint tea Salt ( in moderation), shellfish, soups, steamed foods, vinegar, water ,yeast products
- AVOID- canned foods, dried foods, meat, preserved foods
Weight Loss - Herbs and spices- chickweed, dill, fennel
- Vegetables- celery, chervil, chives, kelp (and all seaweed), onion
- Other foods- applecider, grape juice, honey, pickles
- AVOID- Fats, fried foods, salt, sugar