With a green marker or crayon, draw a money symbol ($) on a piece of paper.
Set atop of it a green candle and say this charm:
"Flibberty, gibberty, flasky flum,
Calafa, tarada, wagra wum.
Hooky, maroosky, whatever's the sum,
Heigho! Presto! Money come!"
Allow the candle to burn itself out, or allow the candle to burn each night for a week.
The paper is then to be folded in half four times and tied with a green string.
This charm is to be carried with you for a week.
Rub a small green candle with powdered cloves. Put it in a holder and set it on top of a new dollar bill.
On a Thursday afternoon, three hours after sunset, light the candle and let it burn until it burns out.
The next day bury the candle stub; rub the bill with powdered cloves and place it in a safe place
in your home. You will never want nor need.