The Shadow of the Shaman
by ShadoWoman
In order to be an effective shamanic healer, one must first heal him/herself. It is imperative that the shamanic healer begin by confronting his/her own Shadow-side.
Everything has a dark side and the sooner we accept this, the sooner we can love all of existence for what it is.
The character of the Shadow is negative and is all the traits we keep hidden from the world and, most often, from ourselves.
We hide these traits to avoid being criticized and ostracized by family, friends, and society at large.
The Shadow (which I affectionately call my "demon") has been with us from birth and will remain with us until death. It feeds on our negative feelings--self-doubt, discouragement, rejection, and depression...just to name a few.
The Shadow gains power when we dwell on these negative feelings and/or when we deny its existence altogether. It becomes our antithesis; our personal opposition and if left unchecked, the Shadow can and will take over our lives.
Nobody, and especially not a Shaman, can afford the risk of living in denial of the Shadow's existence. Simply put--it is folly and irresponsible to even try to do so! We must take control of and be responsible for our own existence before we can be entrusted with the healing of others.
We must have the courage to go deep within and confront our shadow-self; to sit with it in pain. We must bring every negative quality out from the dark and into the light that the gifts of the Shadow may be used for good.
This is a minor example: If you've been the kind of person who is always "walked on" because of an inability to say "No," then the Shadow can give you the courage to just say "No."
By acknowledging and incoorporating the Shadow into our being, we begin to accept our strengths, as well as, our limitations. We begin to understand that bad things happen to good people and that without the darkness of the Shadow, we can never fully appreciate the greatest of all of Creator's gifts--the gift of Life!