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Other Divination : OUIJA BOARDS
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From: MSN NicknameLadySylvarMoon  (Original Message)Sent: 11/17/2006 9:48 PM


The name Ouija means Yes-Yes.

Ellie's Ziriya Board

Talking - Ouija - boards are a form of channeling. Like all other forms of channeling - until you understand how to freely communicate with spirit - you must develop some basic skills.

The Ouija Board has been around since the time of the Roman Emperor Valens in the fourth century. It is also thought to have been used by the Greeks since before the time of Christ. It is a form of divination.

The modern Ouija Board began as a combination of two tools used for scrying. The first was a wheel made up of the letters of the alphabet. The second was a glass, usually a wine glass which is inverted and placed in the middle.

The letters are usually written on small pieces of paper which are placed in a circle around the table.

It was in 1891 that a patent was granted to Elijah J Bond on the first modern Ouija Board. The following year the rights were purchased by William Fuld. In 1966 the Parker Brothers purchased the rights to the Ouija Board and shifted its manufacturing facilities to Salem, Massachusetts. The Ouija Board ended up outselling the game of Monopoly in its first full year at Salem. Over two million copies of the Ouija Board were shipped.

The layout of the Ouija Board seems to vary from country to country and production companies - as other developed an looked to improve their boards to brining clear - more detailed - messages.

The original and best layout appears to be to place the Yes at the top of the circle and the No at the bottom.

On the basic board - the letters are placed in a circle starting with the letter A next to the word yes and continuing around until the final letter Z ends up on the other side of the word yes. The nine numbers from one to nine should be placed at the bottom next to the no.

Many people feel that Ouija Boards are dangerous to use. It depends on who uses them and the entities they attract. Dysfunctional people will attract dysfunctional entities and should never use a ouija board or channel in any way.


Boards can be made out of anything.

Most boards will work - even homemade ones.

Many readers have written telling me about the creative ways they have made their own boards.

The ouija board can be used with an indicator made of plastic - wood - or a clear drinking glass.

If you are making a board from a drawing - or design you have created - please try to remember to include:

- The Alphabet
- Words that seem relevant
- Numbers - good for dates, ages, other numerical facts.
- Astrological Signs

Cover the board with clear heavy sheet of plastic or place it under a glass surface. It must have a smooth - almost slippery top.

The indicator may be purchased from Parker Brothers - or you can buy a ouija board game in a toy store and use the indicator from that game with the board you created.

Create you image and letters in black and white or in color.

Use any type of paper - or place your design directly onto a hard surface board.

If your image is made of paper place the paper on a masonite board - piece of wood - or even a table top.

Be sure to leave lots of room around the edges of the board you have designed - so the indicator has room to move around without falling off the side of the board.

Cover the design with clear plastic or some sort of clear coating. Be sure it is the exact same size as the board. Secure the plastic covering - around the edges with clear tape - (clear wide width tape).

The top of the board should be slippery.

Place your planchette - indicator on the board.

"Warm it up' by making several slow sweeping circles over the board. You can place positive energy - white light - over the board as you initiate it!!

You are now ready to begin.

Good luck!


It is often helpful to write down the questions you wish to ask before you begin. Prepare paper and pencil or a tape recorder to record messages. You can use a camcorder if one is available. Using an infrared camcorder in a dimly lit room is a great way to see the energies of spirit.

Some people ouija best alone - others like to ouija with another person.

Make your surroundings are comfortable and seemingly free of negative energies. Some people like to say a prayer over the board - or do some other ritual. In this case envision a protective white light of energy surround yourself, the board, those you are working with, and even the room. Ask your spirit guide - we all have guides - to protect you and bring your spirits to channel who are on higher frequency.

Be sure your board is clean and free of dust. Wipe gently with a clean soft cloth before you begin.

You do not have to use 'spooky lighting' or candles.

It is best not to play music as you will also be focusing on your thoughts as you channel.

As spirits love flowers - you might want to place some in a vase of water near the area in which you are using.

Spirits also love water - as they are part of the collective unconscious which is the flow of water.

Decide if you want to place the board on a table, upon the knees of two persons, or where it is most comfortable for those who will use it.

You can ouija alone or with another person. If you ouija with others be sure they are not negative in their thinking.

Determine who wants to use the board - and who wants to just observe.

Decide which person will ask the first question - and if there is to be an order to follow for asking questions.

If everyone wants a turn at the board - it is best to go clockwise around the board with each person taking their turn.

The time for each turn will vary with the spirit you answering.

People may be contacted by more than one spirit. Sometimes the spirits argue over who is to come through at a given time. Ask for one spirit at a time and always get a name before you begin.

Though spiritual energy enters through the left side of your body - most people will use their dominate hand to work the board - which in most cases is the right hand.

If you have telekinetic abilities and feel you can move the indicator with your mind, then it is best not to use the board as you are guiding the answers.

You may also discover - as you work with the board - that you can subconsciously control the movement of the indicator - the same as using a pendulum. If you are not sure - close your eyes and allow the indicator to move alone.

Some spirits move across the board quickly - while others go very slow. An excited spirit will move the planchette faster.

One of the first questions you might want to ask when you begin to work with your ouija board is the names of your spirit guides. They are the ones who are here to protect and guide you. Everyone has at least one spirit guide.

You can start by asking for a message from spirit - or by asking spirit simple Yes or No questions to which you know the answer.

You should know the name of the spirit you are talking to. It should be your Spirit Guide. Another entity should come in when you get more comfortable with the ouija board.

Always start with general questions. Save the personal questions for later when you are comfortable with the board.

Stick to subjects with positive energy when you begin to channel through ouija.

Don't ask personal questions until you are comfortable with the spirit you are talking to.

Once an answer is given you can ask for more information or clarification of the answer. But - - You can only ask a question ONCE! Do not continue to ask the question over and over to seek the answer you want. Ask the question once and accept the answers given.

Ask simple questions that can be verified in the next few days.

Questions can be about you personally - or universal or about any topic you think the spirit would like to converse about.

You may get thought forms and mental images as you talk to the spirit.

Can things manifest in the room? Yes!

Can things move in the room? Yes

This all depends on the spirit.

If you are a teenager - it may just be the telekinetic abilities of someone in the room.

Yu can ask the spirit to stop and not to do spooky things.

When a new entity comes through - always get its name - who they came to talk to - and what they want to discuss.

A word may come through with all of the letters but in the wrong order. That is why it is best to have someone not using the board - writing the letters as they come through. A name may come through as ICMAHEL - meaning MICHAEL. Remember that not all spirits speak in your language. Some spirits have trouble spelling words or creating sentences.

You might get a 'trapped spirit' that seeks help going 'to the light. If this a matter of you releasing this spirit because you have an emotional link to it - you must 'set the spirit free' and forgive whatever it wish you to forgive it from the time you knew it in the third dimension. Many spirits are trapped here and will 'guide' you to a ouija board to tell you to release them. To do this - calm the spirit down - call you spirit guide - and ask them to guide the spirit to the next level of their experience. If they want you to help them with something so they can cross over - tell them that you are not skilled enough to do this - then send it away. If it will not leave - stop the board for that day and wait a few days to try again.

If spirits ask you to do weird things - again stop using the board. Anything negative being written on the board means you must put the board away for that session whether you want to or not. The entity should leave by your next session.

Do not ask spirits to bring you things you want but would not otherwise have. All spirit have their boundaries. You must find out the limitations of the spirit you are talking to.

Never ask spirits to do harm to others.

Never use the board to control others - or have power over them.

Do not let others use your board when you are not using it.

Keep the board in a special place.

Do not get addicted to the board.

Using a ouija board is not a channeling 'medium' for everyone. Some people get it immediately - while others never get the hang of it. This seems to have no bearing on whether one is psychic or not. Many psychics can't work a Ouija Board.

With experience you can learn to channel your deceased loved ones and entities from other realms.

Some days the board may work for you. Others days you may get no response.

Be patient - and always feel comfortable with the spirit - or do not ouija anymore.

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