This charm can be of two varieties. One is a general purpose charm of protection
and good luck, the other for a specific purpose.
Supplies needed For a General Purpose Charm
A length of White Cord, A length of Red Cord, A length of Black Cord, Nine Feathers,
each of a Different Color.
Red for physical vitality, Blue for mental abilities, peace and protection,
Yellow for cheerfulness and prosperity, Green for growth and health, Brown for stability
and respect, Black for mystical wisdom, Iridescent Black for mystical insight, Barred Black,
Grey or White for balance and harmony, Feathers with "eyes" such as peacock feathers
for protection and inner clairvoyant vision.
If it is possible, make the Ladder on the night of a Full Moon. Arrange your alter and cast a circle.
Use about a yard of each color yarn. Tie the ends together and braid them together while you say :
Yarn of Red, Black, and White Work Your magic spell this night.
Repeat this until the braid is finished. Braiding is a magical act because it makes three
strands into one. This represents the three aspects of the Goddess in one. Tie a knot
at the end of the braid. Starting at about a foot from the beginning of the braid, tie a
feather with a knot around the base and say : (example a green feather)
With this feather and this string Prosperity this charm will bring.
Tie all nine feathers to the cord, spacing them as evenly as possible.
Tie the ends of the cord together to form a circle.
Pass the finished Ladder above a candle flame then incense smoke.
Sprinkle it with consecrated water and say :
In the names of the Goddess and the God By Air, Earth, Fire and Water I consecrate
this charm Of feathers nine and cord of three As I will, so mote it be!
Hang the Ladder where it will not be seen by others but where you will see it every day.
To make a Ladder for a specific purpose, you need three feathers and one length of yarn
braided into a cord in the color of your need.
Mistletoe, also known as golden bough, carried in a little hand sewn cloth bag is a
traditional Celtic method of protecting the self and is also used by the followers of
the magic from America's South.
Marjoram or wild oregano is believed to absorb dangerous negative energies when
powdered and sprinkled about the home. In Italy the followers of Italian witchcraft or
Stregheria make this herb into a tea and add it to the wash and scrub water to protect
the home and its inhabitants.
Cuban and Puerto Rican followers of the folk religion known as Santeria regularly burn
brown sugar, a pinch of sulfur and garlic powder on charcoal within their homes to cleanse
them of any negative energy. When the home has been cleansed, it is protected by
praying to Santa Barbara, the saint of protection, by the light of a red and a white candle.
A pinch of sulfur powder and cayenne pepper carried in a little brown paper pouch upon
which a sword has been drawn, can be carried to ward off hostile words and deeds.
Plain bluing (used to whiten clothes in the wash) is said to ward off evil spirits in the magic
of America's South. The bluing is generally carried in a little blue paper pouch.
When a little sulfur and blue metal stone (the type often used in the process of making
concrete) are added to bluing and carried in a blue cloth pouch, the charm is said to
simultaneously ward off evil and attract lucky energies to the bearer.
Mirrors are said to frighten away dark spirits and tiny pieces of silvered glass are often
sewn into Indian cotton dresses as are bells which are also used for this purpose.
A tiny silver bell worn about the neck is a very potent protective charm as evil spirits cannot
abide the sweet ring of any bell. Travelers are especially in need of protection when in a
foreign land. A tiny mirror smeared with a clove of garlic and placed beneath the bed is
said to protect the sleeper when away from his or her own home. The mirror may also be
carried on one's person for this same purpose.