| Information about the sites listed in this section was supplied by the site owners. To include your yoga site and its description, see our Add URL page. | Category Descriptions - Ananda
- Gentle, inward yoga that uses silent affirmations while in the asanas (postures).
- Anusara
- Anusara John Friend developed this “heart-oriented�?yoga that respects different abilities and limitations.
- Ashtanga (Power Yoga)
- Physically challenging yoga to build strength, flexibility, and stamina. Also called power yoga.
- Bikram
- Yoga to make you sweat. A series of 26 asanas (postures) performed in a heated room.
- Breathing
- Sites that give special attention to the control of breathing.
- General
- Well-rounded sites that consider many aspects of yoga: postures, breathing, relaxation, and meditation.
- Hatha
- Many yoga styles spring from Hatha. It is the yoga of physical well-being, designed to balance body, mind, and spirit.
- Holistic Therapies
- Yoga as therapy and self-healing.
- Integral
- Used by Dr. Dean Ornish’s heart patients, it emphasizes relaxation,alignment, and finding your comfort center while practicing yoga.
- Iyengar
- Focuses on the body and how it works. It is noted for attention to detail, precise alignment of postures, and the use of props.
- Kali Ray TriYoga
- Flowing and sustained postures teamed up with breath and focus take an almost dance-like approach to yoga.
- Kripalu
- Emphasizes proper breath, alignment, coordinating breath and movement, and listening to the body.
- Kundalini
- Chanting and breathing are emphasized over postures in this ancient practice designed to awaken and control the release of kundalini, the coiled energy stored at the base of the spine.
- Meditation
- Sites that offer tips for getting more out your meditation practice.
- Sivananda
- Relaxed and gentle yoga that encourages a healthy lifestyle: proper exercise, proper breathing, proper relaxation, proper diet, and positive thinking with meditation.
- Svaroopa Yoga
- Consciousness-oriented yoga that teaches different ways to do familiar poses and emphasizes the development of transcendent inner experience.
- Tantra
- Uses visualization, chanting, asana, and strong breathing practices to tap highly charged energy in the body called kundalini.
- Vacations, Retreats & Workshops
- Long and short getaways where you can learn more about yoga and further your inner journey.
- Yoga Book, Video & Audio Publishers
- Publishers that specialize in yoga books, videos, and audiotapes.
- Viniyoga
- Gentle form of flow yoga in which postures are modified to suit the student’s needs and the breath is kept strong and flowing.
- Yoga Products
- From mats to clothing, products to enhance your yoga experience.
- Yoga for Special Groups
- Sites that offer information about yoga for children, the elderly, and peoplewith disabilities and HIV/AIDS