Thanks for the advice Michael. I have tried many different writing templates and have tried templates that were recommended; and actually stating that we were specifically not looking for money. As if that would be a fear? Perhaps it is.
The tactics have been exhausted and the work load put into this behind the scenes has been enormous. I will not look at it as lost by any means but good experience and a good learning experience that will be used effectively.
I will fiddle with some things but my focus will be to try and recruit someone who can fiddle with it some more; at which point I have to step out of the "Group" for a bit and build the new site which will be a very very big task.
I do look forward to it. I think there will be much more that we can do once I build the site and open "shop". Will let the accountant decide on what the logistics of that "shop" will be; what is best suited.
There is some good talent out there that has expressed genuine interest but we have to turn the page and build the site. We cannot dive into the "cash needed" loop until we do.
So, we will keep the MSN group, no worries there. My deeper interest is to be part of a much bigger picture. I want to move and shake, sponsor projects, raise money, bring more awareness, speak up for the glbtq community in the recovery community.
My research has shown me that most websites and organizations that stand for the gltbq community in recovery usually close down within a year. My eggs are not all in one basket and I won't give up. I might change tactics, but I won't give this up. Too much is at stake. As a recovering meth addict, I've lost more friends to meth and the combinations to meth and AIDS than I have to AIDS alone. To have been one of the few that is in recovery and survived my addiction without getting infected I consider that a blessing. A blessing that comes with the responsibility to show others that there is another way.
I'm a west coast urbanite. I am not kidding nor are the articles that have been posted recently that this drug is destroying lives at the same rate as HIV at its worst stage! It's not a west coast or east coast thing anymore. It is everywhere, and the gay community is now 6 times more likely to become addicted to meth alone than anyone. There are deeper roots to this problem than just the substance and there is a very deep sense of "apathy" or complete ignorance of the problem(s) in our community.
It's time to shake some heads