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 Message 1 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBrandflake301  (Original Message)Sent: 9/16/2008 4:08 AM
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Eleventh-Hour Attack on Endangered Species

Walrus (Photo: USFWS)The Bush/Cheney Administration may be drawing to a close, but that’s not stopping them from trying to gut one of the most important laws that protects our imperiled wildlife.

Last month, the Administration proposed sweeping changes to the Endangered Species Act that would eliminate some of the most important checks and balances that protect polar bears, wolverines, lynx and other wildlife struggling to survive.

Take Action Now: Tell the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to withdraw this dangerous proposal -- and keep the Endangered Species Act intact.

Take Action

Feature Story

Polar Bears in Deep Water

Polar bears are in serious trouble. As Arctic sea ice speeds toward another record low this year, more polar bears have been seen swimming in open water off the northern coast of Alaska -- when they would normally be on stable ice.

Although polar bears are strong swimmers, scientists are worried to see bears swimming so far from the nearest shore or sea ice -- one was seen at least 60 miles from shore. Such long distances can lead to exhaustion or drowning in the search for the sea ice they need to hunt seals, den and mate.

“We have some observations of bears swimming into shore when the sea ice was not visible on the horizon," said biologist Steven Amstrup, a polar bear expert from the U.S. Geological Survey. “In some of these cases, the bears arrive so spent energetically, that they literally don’t move for a couple days after hitting shore.�?

Read more from the Christian Science Monitor.

Polar Bear (USFWS)
Feature Story

Be Sea Otter Aware!

Each year, Defenders and our partners celebrate the important role sea otters play in their coastal ecosystems. This year is no different. With events throughout the U.S., in Canada and as far away as Australia, we’ll be giving these playful critters their due from September 21st through the 27th.

In California, the state legislature officially recognized the last week in September as Sea Otter Awareness Week -- making it a permanent annual celebration in the state!

Visit our website for more information on ways you can participate in this annual series of events!

Sea Otter (Photo: NOAA)
Defenders Updates
Same Old Drill?
As Congress returned from their 5-week recess, one of their top priorities was energy. But rising gas prices are spurring calls to let Big Oil spoil our coasts with more drilling. More than 40,000 Defenders supporters have spoken out to Members of Congress and the Administration against more drilling off our coasts. And Defenders staff is hard at work on Capitol Hill, advocating for smarter, cheaper and cleaner solutions.
>> Learn More

Another Brutal Season
In the wake of the defeat of a ballot measure that would have ended Alaska’s brutal aerial hunting program, Defenders is preparing for another bloody season. We’re redoubling our efforts to pass the PAW Act in Congress -- legislation that would end this terrible practice, and prevent programs like it from spreading to the lower 48 states -- and will continue our fight to hold state officials accountable.
>> Learn More

Your Lands, Your Wildlife
Last month, Defenders headed out to Salt Lake City, Utah to attend the Outdoor Industry Association’s annual Summer Market convention. Our outreach activities to this growing and influential constituency included our booth and a session with renowned nature photographer Joel Sartore. We also promoted our latest campaign: Your Lands, Your Wildlife, featuring an essay contest to highlight treasured public lands.

Have you had a memorable encounter with wildlife in America’s national forests or on Bureau of Land Management lands? Tell your story and you could win $1000 in outdoor gear!
>>Learn More

North Atlantic right whale calf (Photo: NOAA)
Wildlife Heroes

Best Friend for the Black-Footed Ferret

Mike Lockhart knows a thing or two about black-footed ferrets. As a biologist with the Fish & Wildlife Service, he was instrumental in bringing these weasel-like animals back from the very brink of extinction -- and returning them to the wilds of the American Plains.

Before retiring in December 2007, Mike released the first ferrets to the Kansas prairie since they disappeared from the state decades ago -- onto land owned by Larry and Bette Haverfield (former Wildlife Heroes).

Mike has been a vocal critic of Bush Administration plans to poison prairie dogs -- a move that could derail ferret recovery since they depend on the rodents for prey and shelter.

In the meantime, the Kansas ferrets appear to be thriving, so far. Thanks to Mike’s hard work and dedication over the years, the future for the highly endangered black-footed ferret is a little more secure.

Read more about the Kansas ferrets and see a video from the Wichita Eagle

Mike Lockhart
Creature Feature
They’re the fastest land animal in the world -- but cheetahs are running for their lives. Habitat loss, declines in prey and genetic inbreeding are threatening the future of these spotted cats.

Learn More about Cheetahs


Farewell to Summer
As summer fades to fall, now is a great time to get your home ready for winter. Weatherizing a leaky home will increase your comfort, cut your energy bills and decrease your carbon footprint.

Find out more at the Department of Energy web site

Have an Enviro Tip to share?
E-mail us!

Upcoming Events
Whether you are an activist looking for ways to make your voice heard or a biologist seeking a conference where you can share your latest paper, Defenders has an event for you.

Click here for the latest upcoming events.

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 Message 2 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameChrismac682Sent: 9/16/2008 10:39 PM

Grizzly bear rebounds from extinction in Montana

  • Story Highlights
  • Grizzly bear was threatened with extinction for a third of a century
  • $4.8 million, five-year study of grizzly bear DNA shows 765 bears in Montana
  • Number is largest population of grizzly bears documented in 30 years
  • Republican presidential candidate John McCain called the study "a waste of money"

WASHINGTON (AP, Sept. 16, 2008) -- The majestic grizzly bear, once king of the Western wilderness but threatened with extinction for a third of a century, has roared back in Montana.

A grizzly bear rears up on his hind legs in Glacier National Park in Montana.

A grizzly bear rears up on his hind legs in Glacier National Park in Montana.

The finding, from a $4.8 million, five-year study of grizzly bear DNA criticized by Republican presidential candidate John McCain as pork barrel spending, could help ease restrictions on oil and gas drilling, logging and other development.

Researchers with the U.S. Geological Survey announced Tuesday that there are approximately 765 bears in northwestern Montana. That's the largest population of grizzly bears documented there in more than 30 years, and a sign that the species could be at long last rebounding.

The first-ever scientific census shattered earlier estimates that said there were at least 250-350 bears roaming the area. More recent data placed the minimum population at around 563 bears.

"There has never been any baseline information on population size," said Katherine Kendall, the lead researcher, who said the results speak for themselves. "There has been huge investments of time and money to recover (the grizzly bear) but they don't know whether their actions have been successful."

McCain, in stump speeches and in an advertisement earlier this year, erroneously said the study cost $3 million, adding "I don't know if it was a paternity issue or criminal, but it was a waste of money."

The study was backed by Montana ranchers, farmers and Republican leaders as a step toward taking the species off the endangered species list. Since 1975, the bear has been threatened in the lower 48 states, a status that bars hunting and restricts any kind of development that could diminish the bear's population.

"If it is going to remove it from the list, it is money well spent," said former Montana Gov. Judy Martz, a Republican, McCain supporter, and backer of the research. When asked about McCain's stance, Martz said "unless you live among these issues it is pretty hard to understand what is going on."

Former Sen. Conrad Burns, the chairman of McCain's campaign in Montana, helped secure the funding. It was paid in part through add-ons to the U.S. Geological Survey budget, and a $1.1 million earmark for the Forest Service in 2004.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which is in charge of regulating endangered species, is currently reviewing the bears' status in Montana as part of a five-year review required by the Endangered Species Act. The study's results will help biologists determine whether the bear still needs federal protection, a conclusion due out early next year.

Chris Servheen, the Grizzly Bear Recovery Coordinator for the service said the study "was an investment in the recovery of an icon of the American West, which is the grizzly bear."

"All the things people have been doing are making a difference," he said of the findings. "This gives us some feedback that the bears are doing really well."


 Message 3 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBrandflake301Sent: 9/19/2008 3:28 AM
Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund

Tell Everyone You Know About Governor Palin's Brutal Record

Watch our new television ad on Sarah Palin
Our hard-hitting TV ad is running in key swing states right now.

Tell others about Governor Palin’s wolf killing record and help us reach even more voters today.

Expose Gov. Palin's Wolf-Killing Record

Nearly 300,000 people have watched our ad on YouTube. Here's what some viewers are saying:

"Shooting animals from an airplane is as low as it can get. I take that back, offering $150 for each paw is even worse. "
-- utubewtchr

"I'm an independent voter - when I heard about Palin's support of aerial wolf killing, I knew right off that 'she's�?definitely NOT like me'."
-- 33tracker

Dear Brandon,

Thanks to the unprecedented support of more than 14,000 wildlife supporters, millions of voters in key swing states are learning more about vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s values -- and her brutal record on aerial hunting of wolves and other wildlife.

Encourage your friends to watch the ad online and help us reach even more people with the awful truth about Governor Sarah Palin’s brutal record aerial wolf hunting.

With your help, we’re breaking this story wide open.

This hard-hitting TV ad has already been seen by nearly 300,000 people online. It’s been covered by many news outlets, including CNN, ABC, MSNBC, The Wall Street Journal, The LA Times, several Ohio newspapers and more. And thanks to the generous donations of people like you, millions of people in Ohio and Florida know the truth about Governor Palin’s brutal record. 

Now, thanks to the phenomenal support of wildlife supporters like you, we’ll be able to extend our ad buy in Ohio and Florida, air it in Michigan -- and beyond.

If you haven't already, please consider donating now to help put this ad in front of even more potential voters.

The more voters learn about Governor Sarah Palin, the less there is to like. But as you can imagine, running a TV ad during election season is expensive.

There are still millions of potential voters across the U.S. who haven’t learned the truth about Governor Palin’s brutal aerial hunting program -- millions who don’t yet know about her proposal to dole out $150 for the severed forelegs of dead wolves.

Help us expose the awful truth about Sarah Palin before it’s too late. Tell others about Governor Sarah Palin’s record on the brutal and unethical hunting of wolves from airplanes.

With your help, we can ensure that voters know the truth about Sarah Palin.

Rodger Schlickeisen, PresidentWith Gratitude,
Rodger Schlickeisen, President Signature
Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund

 Message 4 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBrandflake301Sent: 10/2/2008 2:41 AM

Tomorrow, Governor Sarah Palin will take the national stage at the vice presidential debate. Please help ensure that voters who will decide this election see our hard-hitting ad exposing Governor Palin’s support for the brutal aerial killing of wolves and other wildlife.

We don’t have much time to buy critical airtime and web placement for our ad -- please donate what you can now.

Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund

Dear Brandon,

The countdown has begun for Alaska’s wolves as another season of aerial killing looms. Hundreds more wolves could die agonizing deaths as they are riddled with gunshots from hunters in low-flying planes -- all part of a brutal policy championed by Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.

Thanks to supporters like you, more and more voters are learning about Governor Sarah Palin’s support for this awful practice. 

 Message 5 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBrandflake301Sent: 10/10/2008 2:01 AM
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Watch Out for Wildlife

Panther Crossing Road--Photo:Robert Repenning/Transwild Alliance Fall can be a dangerous time to be on the roads. As daylight grows shorter, drivers need to be extra cautious -- not only for little ghouls and goblins on Halloween, but for deer, raccoons and other wildlife as well. Experts estimate that up to 1.5 million wildlife-vehicle collisions occur in the United States every year -- and October and November are top months for these types of accidents. Over 300 people are killed and 29,000 are injured in wildlife-vehicle collisions every year in the U.S., and 85% of deer-motorcycle collisions result in a human fatality.

Roads are also a leading cause of decline for some species. In fact, 50 percent of all endangered Florida panther deaths are from vehicle collisions.

This fall, Watch Out for Wildlife by pledging to...

  • Drive with caution in wildlife areas and tell your friends
    and family to do the same.
  • Report wildlife vehicle collisions to wildlife
    and transportation agencies.
  • Participate in state and local planning and voice your
    concern about the negative impacts of roads on wildlife.

Take the Watch Out for Wildlife pledge, download your free digital WOW kit and spread the word!

Take Action

Action of the Month

Trouble for the White Whale

Alaska’s Cook Inlet beluga whales are struggling to survive. Recent surveys estimate that only 375 of these white whales are left -- down from 1,300 in the early 1990s. Biologists and other experts have called upon federal officials to protect the Cook Inlet belugas under the Endangered Species Act -- but the Bush Administration continues to drag its feet.

Tell the National Marine Fisheries Service to protect Cook Inlet belugas -- before it’s too late!

Take Action

Beluga Whale (US Navy)
Defenders Updates
Be Wolf Aware
Celebrate Wolf Awareness Week (October 12th - 18th) by submitting your burning questions to our panel of wolf experts! This year has been extremely eventful for our legal, field and science teams. We have succeeded in making sure wolves remain protected under the Endangered Species Act and have just wrapped up a very successful collaborative effort working with livestock owners and state officials to engage in non-lethal techniques.

Our experts are available to answer any question you have ever wanted to ask about wolves, or our work with wolves. Submit your question by 11am on Tuesday the 13th of October.

Whale of a Ruling
Victory! A federal judge has ordered the Bush Administration to reinstate protections for critically endangered right whales, humpbacks and fin whales. The case was brought against the National Marine Fisheries Service by Defenders and our conservation partners. This victory will help protect these marine mammals while a long term solution is pursued.
>> Learn More

Agenda for the Next Administration
As we move toward another presidential election, read about the seven steps the next U.S. President should take to restore and advance conservation of our Nation's wildlife and habitat.
>>Learn More

Coastal Drilling
Although tens of thousands of Defenders activists spoke out against drilling off our coasts, Congress failed to include the drilling moratorium in a bill that keeps the federal government running until March. Defenders will continue to advocate for more effective solutions to our energy needs and oppose drilling schemes that threaten our coasts and marine wildlife.

Gray Wolf (iStock)
Wildlife Hero

Lifetime of Leadership

For decades, Bruce Babbitt has been a leader for wildlife conservation. As Arizona governor, he brought environmental and natural resource management to the forefront. He created the state’s Department of Water Resources, the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality and personally negotiated one of the most comprehensive water regulatory systems in the nation.

As Secretary of the Interior (1993 - 2001) Bruce led efforts to create the groundbreaking Pacific Northwest forest plan and to restore the Florida Everglades. He pioneered the use of habitat conservation plans under the Endangered Species Act and was responsible for establishing 22 new national monuments.

Last month, Defenders honored Bruce for his lifetime of achievement in the conservation of wildlife and wild places with the Defenders of Wildlife Legacy Award.

Bruce Babbitt
Creature Feature
They make up a quarter of all mammal species -- and they’re the only ones that can truly fly. They’re the frightfully delightful bats! Most dine on insects, but the vampires are legendary for their thirst for blood.

Learn More about Bats


Green Pumpkins?
Don’t let that jack-o-lantern become a rotten blob on your porch! After Halloween, toss the carved pumpkin into a compost pile. Pumpkins are full of nutrients that can help next year’s garden grow.

Find out more about composting at Earth911

Have an Enviro Tip to share?
E-mail us!

Upcoming Events
Whether you are an activist looking for ways to make your voice heard or a biologist seeking a conference where you can share your latest paper, Defenders has an event for you.

Click here for the latest upcoming events.
© Copyright 2008 Defenders of Wildlife
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Defenders of Wildlife is a national, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and plants in their natural communities.

Defenders of Wildlife can be contacted at:
1130 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036

 Message 6 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBrandflake301Sent: 10/11/2008 1:40 AM
Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund

Dear Brandon,

When you promote a grotesque program like Governor Sarah Palin’s Alaska wolf slaughter, you can expect gruesome results.

A startling example: In June, after gunning down 14 adult wolves from a helicopter, officials from Governor Palin’s Department of Fish and Game rounded up 14 orphaned wolf pups and methodically shot each one in the head in clear violation of a state law.[1]

This is a story that needs to be told. Please watch our new video on Palin’s wolf killing record and share it with every animal lover you know.

Watch the Video and Share it With Your Friends--Watch Now         /" src="" width=500 border=0>

Warning: This video contains the disturbing truth about Governor Palin’s out-of-control wolf killing efforts.

State law prohibits the targeting of pups -- a practice known as denning. Maybe that’s why Palin’s officials tried to cover it up, making no mention of the brutal pup executions in the state’s June 30th press release on the killings.[2] To date, none of the officials involved in the incident has been held accountable.

Governor Palin could be just a heartbeat from the presidency. Do we want a vice president who champions savagery towards animals?

Voters deserve the truth about Sarah Palin. Please watch this disturbing new video and share it with your friends.

If you’d like to do even more to help spread the word, please consider making a donation of $28 in memory of the 28 wolves that were killed or whatever you can afford to help promote this video and place other ads to ensure voters in key swing states know about Sarah Palin’s record.

Thanks to caring supporters like you we’ve already been able to educate literally millions of voters about Palin’s disgraceful record on aerial killing.  Our video and television spots have generated enormous media attention about Alaska’s aerial gunning of wolves, from newspapers to radio, TV news to even Saturday Night Live.

Our efforts are causing more and more voters to change their minds about Palin.  In the final weeks of this close election campaign you can help make a powerful difference.

Please watch this hard-hitting new video and share it with anyone you know who cares about our wildlife.

Thanks for all your help so far.  We’ll be sure to keep you posted on our unfolding strategy.

Rodger Schlickeisen, PresidentGratefully,
Rodger Schlickeisen, President Signature
Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund

P.S.  If you’d like to make a memorial contribution in honor of the 28 wolves killed in this savage attack, click here.





 © Copyright 2008, Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund

This message was sent to [email protected].

Please do not respond to this message.
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Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund provides a powerful voice in Washington to Americans who value our conservation heritage. Through grassroots lobbying, issue advocacy and political campaigns, the Action Fund champions those laws and lawmakers that protect wildlife and wild places while working against those that do them harm.

Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund can be contacted at:
1130 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036

Paid for by Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund at and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

 Message 7 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBrandflake301Sent: 10/15/2008 3:26 AM
Wildlife Adoption and Gift Center

New Ways to Help Wolves

Two Wolves Running (Photo: Corel)

From Alaska to the American Southwest, our wolves are in trouble. Here are three new ways to help through our new Wildlife Adoption and Gift Center�?/STRONG>

Give a Wolf-Saving Gift. Support wolf-saving range riders and other on-the-ground efforts to protect wolves.

Adopt a wolf. Get (or give) a cuddly wolf plush toy, educational fact sheet and personalized Certificate of Adoption�?all while helping us protect wolves.

Get Defenders Gifts and Gear. Support our proven wildlife-saving programs and make a powerful statement about the importance of protecting wolves and other wildlife.

Help Wolves

Dear Brandon,

Another season of brutal aerial killing is about to begin in Alaska. Lobos in the Southwest and red wolves in North Carolina -- some of the most endangered wolves on the planet -- are struggling against the threat of extinction in the wild. And anti-wolf extremists continue to threaten the future of wolves in Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies.

October 13th - 20th is National Wolf Awareness Week, and America’s wolves need your help.

You can protect these magnificent animals and other wildlife -- with three all-new ways to support Defenders of Wildlife’s proven wolf-saving efforts:

1. Give a wolf-saving gift.

Make a tax-deductible donation to help pay for tracking collars, range riders, fladry fencing, guard dogs and other items that help our on-the-ground staff protect wolves and livestock and promote tolerance for some of America’s most misunderstood animals.

Give a wolf-saving gift

2. Adopt a wolf from our brand-new Wildlife Adoption Center.

Your symbolic adoption to help support wolf-saving work comes with a cuddly plush wolf toy, a personalized Certificate of Adoption and more. And this year, you can get your wildlife adoption kit gift-wrapped in a reusable, eco-friendly tote or even opt-out of receiving the plush toy altogether. 

Adopt a wolf

3. Make a statement with new Defenders Gifts and Gear.

Donate to support our work and get free Defenders gear, including t-shirts, hats, mugs and more that let the world know that you’re a Defender of Wildlife.

Navy Defenders Cap
Our wolves need your help now! Make a symbolic adoption or gift before Tuesday, October 21st and get 15% off when you enter discount code WAW15.

You can make a difference for America's wolves. Please celebrate Wolf Awareness Week by supporting proven programs to save these majestic creatures by making a contribution or giving one of these great gifts to a friend. 

For the Wild Ones,

Karin Kirchoff Signature
Karin Kirchoff
Vice President, Membership
Defenders of Wildlife

P.S. Wildlife supporters like you helped us develop these new ways to help, so please Adopt a Wolf, Give a Wolf-Saving Gift or make a statement with new Defenders Gifts and Gear�?and you can make a real difference in the fight to save America’s wolves!

Don’t delay! Make your gift by Tuesday, October 21st, and you’ll get 15% off when you enter discount code WAW15.  


Wildlife Adoption and Gift Center | Defender's Home | Privacy Policy | Contact Us | Donate Now


© Copyright 2008, Defenders of Wildlife

 Message 8 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBrandflake301Sent: 10/31/2008 8:16 PM
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Save America's Wolves

Sneak Attack on Wolves

Two Wolves (Photo: Corel)

Even as America prepares to select a new president, the Bush/Cheney Administration has launched a new eleventh-hour assault on vital protections for wolves.

Speak Out for Wolves

Stop the sneak attack! Urge the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to protect wolves in Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies.

Dear Brandon,

It’s an awful Halloween surprise.

Earlier this week, the Bush/Cheney Administration launched another attack on wolves in Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies -- re-packaging a proposal that could lead to the killing of as many as 1,000 of America’s most important and iconic animals.

Take action now. Tell the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that our wolves deserve a lasting future in Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies.

Following several bloody months of wolf killing in Wyoming, Idaho and Montana, a federal court ruled earlier this year against an earlier version of the Administration’s proposal to remove Endangered Species Act protections for the region’s wolves. In response, the Bush/Cheney Administration actually withdrew that proposal just a few weeks ago.

But with the clock winding down on the Bush/Administration, federal officials are launching a last-ditch attempt to re-package and ram through a plan that could lead to the slaughter of as many as two-thirds of the Greater Yellowstone and Northern Rockies wolf population.

Don’t let them get away with it. Urge federal officials to come up with a responsible management plan that ensures a lasting future for these majestic animals.

Time and time again, Defenders of Wildlife has been at the forefront of efforts to save wolves in Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies, fighting -- and winning -- in court, on the ground and in Congress to ensure responsible, balanced management of our wolves.

In the last two years, caring people like you have sent tens of thousands of messages, made thousands of calls, and donated to help us fight the Bush/Cheney Administration and their allies in court, educate the public and support wolf-saving efforts in the field.

Help us safeguard wolves. Take action now.

Unfortunately, we don’t have much time to stop this audacious 11th-hour sneak attack on our wolves. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is only accepting public comments until November 28th, so please take action now.

For the Wild Ones,

Rodger Schlickeisen, President Signature
Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife
Rodger Schlickeisen, President (c)Daniel J. Cox/www.naturalexpos

P.S. Over the next month, we need to generate thousands of public comments on this outrageous plan. We need to mobilize conservation activists to show up at public meetings and speak out. And we have to prepare for what could be another long, difficult legal fight ahead.

(1 recommendation so far) Message 9 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBrandflake301Sent: 11/6/2008 2:09 AM
Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund

Dear Brandon,

We did it! Thanks to thousands of Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund supporters just like you, we were able to accomplish something amazing for our wildlife: Senator Barack Obama will be our next President -- and many new conservation leaders have been elected to Congress.

I want to personally thank you for your help reaching millions of voters in key states to make these victories a reality. Please watch my video detailing the work you made possible throughout this campaign...and what this election means for the future of wildlife.

You Made This Victory Possible -- Watch the Video!

From our powerful TV ads exposing Governor Sarah Palin’s terrible record on aerial gunning of wolves to our on-the-ground campaign that knocked on tens of thousands of doors across the country, your support made a big difference in this election. In fact, the Obama/Biden ticket won every swing state where we ran our ads on Governor Palin's record (with the possible exception of Missouri).

Please watch my short video about this historic day.

The election may be over, but there is much work to be done. Thanks to you and the tremendous support of other Defenders Action Fund activists, we now have the opportunity to begin our work to undo the eight years of damage caused by the Bush/Cheney Administration.

It won’t be easy, and there are plenty of tough fights ahead. But you can be sure that Defenders Action Fund will work with the new Administration -- and conservation champions of all political stripes -- to enact legislation and policies that protect our wildlife.

For now, let’s celebrate this historic day and the hope it holds for our wolves, polar bears and other wildlife -- and please accept my most sincere thanks for helping make it happen!

Rodger Schlickeisen, PresidentWith Gratitude,
Rodger Schlickeisen, President Signature
Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund


 © Copyright 2008, Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund

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Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund provides a powerful voice in Washington to Americans who value our conservation heritage. Through grassroots lobbying, issue advocacy and political campaigns, the Action Fund champions those laws and lawmakers that protect wildlife and wild places while working against those that do them harm.

Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund can be contacted at:
1130 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036

Paid for by Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund at and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

 Message 10 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBrandflake301Sent: 11/7/2008 3:59 PM
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Agenda for the Next President

Polar Bear Family (Photo: Suzanne Miller, FWS)Eight years of the Bush Administration's assault on the environment is drawing to a close -- by far the worst presidential record in modern times for our wildlife and wild places. To help the Obama Administration restore leadership in conservation, Defenders is calling on the next president to reverse course from the Bush Administration and move forward to address the biggest threat to wildlife -- global warming.

After nearly a decade of disastrous policies, our wildlife and wild places deserve real leadership to preserve America's natural heritage.

Sign the petition to tell President-Elect Obama to restore America’s leadership in wildlife conservation!

Take Action

Read Defenders' report Wildlife Conservation Agenda for the Next Administration (PDF)

Feature Story

Maned Attraction

South America's maned wolves aren't like their gray wolf cousins to the north. These tall carnivores enjoy eating fruit, don't travel in packs or howl and they look like large, tall red foxes. Unfortunately these solitary wolves are running out of room to roam.

Senior Editor Heidi Ridgley recently traveled to Brazil's Serra da Canastra National Park to find out more about the maned wolf for her article in the latest Defenders Magazine. Join her as she takes you behind the scenes to take a look at these unique animals and the researchers working to save them.

Watch Heidi's maned wolf slideshow

Read "Maned Attraction�?from Defenders Magazine

Maned Wolf (cc) Pascal Vuylsteker
Defenders Updates

Stop the Sneak Attack on Wolves!
Already, nearly 50,000 Defenders activists have spoken out against the Bush/Cheney Administration's last minute sneak attack on wolves. If you haven't already, please urge federal officials to come up with a balanced and responsible management plan for wolves in the Northern Rockies and Greater Yellowstone area.
>> Take Action Now

Lifeline for the Beluga!
Cook Inlet beluga whales will be listed as "endangered" under the Endangered Species Act, thanks in part to the tens of thousands of Defenders activists who urged federal officials to take action. After months of delays, these beleaguered belugas will finally receive the protections they need to recover.
>> Read More

Parrot Victory!
It will now be illegal to capture and export live parrots in Mexico, thanks to a new law recently signed by Mexican President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa. Last year, Defenders and our conservation partner Teyeliz, A.C. presented a report revealing for the first time the extent of the illegal parrot trade in Mexico. 
>> Read More

Wolf Control Program Cancelled
A controversial plan in Canada to sterilize adult wolves and kill other pack members -- including pups -- was abandoned last month after an intensive campaign by Defenders Canada representative Jim Pissot and others. The plan was part of a University of Alberta and the provincial government plan to artificially boost elk populations north of Calgary.
>> Learn More

Last Chance!
Defenders' Your Lands, Your Wildlife essay contest ends November 30. If you haven't already done so, tell us your story about a memorable encounter with wildlife in America's national forests or on Bureau of Land Management lands. You could win $1000 in outdoor gear!
>> Learn More

Gray Wolf (Photo: Corel)
Wildlife Hero

In Michelle's Memory

A highly respected member of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) since May 2003, Michelle Lawless put her passion for the protection of wildlife and wild places to work every day. Michelle was known as a tough yet fair enforcement officer who people instinctively trusted. She was an accomplished outdoorswoman with a love of hiking, mountain biking and scuba diving and her affection for wildlife came first both in her personal and professional life.

That life was cut short in a tragic accident during a routine patrol for poachers in a wildlife management area near the Palm Beach county line. The Lawless and Martin families have decided to honor Michelle's memory and her devotion to wildlife by presenting a memorial gift to support Defenders' wildlife conservation work in Florida. "We will be forever grateful to Michelle for her commitment and courage in protecting the diversity of life in Florida," said Laurie Macdonald, Director of the Defenders' Florida office.

Ofc. Michelle Lawless (Photo: FWC)
Creature Feature
WildWild Turkey
Hunting and habitat loss took its toll on the wild turkey in the late 19th century. But these symbols of Thanksgiving have made a comeback throughout most of their range.

Learn more about wild turkeys from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology


Decrease your Thanksgiving carbon footprint -- eat local.

To find food that's grown closest to you, visit

Have an Enviro Tip to share?
E-mail us!

Upcoming Events

Whether you are an activist looking for ways to make your voice heard or a biologist seeking a conference where you can share your latest paper, Defenders has an event for you.

Click here for the latest upcoming events.

© Copyright 2008 Defenders of Wildlife
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Defenders of Wildlife is a national, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and plants in their natural communities.

Defenders of Wildlife can be contacted at:
1130 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
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 Message 11 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBrandflake301Sent: 11/14/2008 7:54 PM
Defenders of Wildlife

Celebrate a New Day
for Wildlife

Mexican Wolf, AZ GFD

With more conservation-oriented leaders in the White House and Congress, Mexican wolves and other struggling wildlife will have a brighter tomorrow.

RSVP now to join Defenders and other Tucson-area wildlife lovers to celebrate a new era for wildlife conservation on Thursday, November 20th!

Join the Celebration - RSVP Now Button

Help spread the word.  Forward this invitation on to others who might be interested in attending or bring a friend!

Dear Brandon,

I don’t know about you, but I think it’s high time we kick up our heels to celebrate the fast-approaching end of the most abysmal environmental administration in modern history -- and look forward to a new era filled with the promise of positive change for wildlife and the environment. 

That’s why I’m throwing a party at the Defenders office in Tucson next Thursday. 

RSVP now to join other Arizona wildlife lovers for appetizers, drinks and lots of fun! 

What: Celebrate the Future of Wildlife with Defenders
When: Thursday, November 20th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Where: The Defenders of Wildlife Tucson Office
La Placita Plaza - 110 South Church Street - Suite 4292

The threats to wildlife from the Bush administration are nearly behind us -- but new, uncharted challenges still lay ahead as we work to undo nearly a decade of environmental disaster. 

The Southwest is facing big challenges -- like climate change, extended draught and dramatic habitat loss -- that will need big ideas and real leadership to solve.

With help from a more environmentally-committed Congress and White House, we’ll have the opportunity to tackle global warming, give endangered species the protection they need and support wildlife conservation on our amazing public lands.

But make no mistake: real change needs to be people-powered.  It’s up to us to fight hard to reclaim a wildlife legacy for future generations, and it will take lots of defense and plenty of defenders! 
So, what are you waiting for?  Come out and join Defenders on Thursday to celebrate and explore the opportunities and challenges ahead, and find out how you can be a leader in a new era in wildlife conservation.  

Don’t forget to RSVP to let us know you’ll be there! 

Hope to see you soon,

Scotty Johnson, Arizona Outreach Representative Scotty Johnson
Senior Outreach Representative for Arizona
Defenders of Wildlife

Defenders is calling on the new administration to:

  • End the political manipulation of science.
  • Responsibly manage America’s federal lands.
  • Safeguard America’s rarest plants and wildlife.
  • Make America a leader in addressing global warming and its impacts.
  • Restore America’s role as a global leader in wildlife conservation.
  • Restore our connection to nature through education and proper stewardship of public lands.
  • Encourage private landowners, states and tribes to conserve wildlife and habitat.

P.S. Car pool for polar bears!  The person who brings the most people in their car will get a special prize. 

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© Copyright 2008 Defenders of Wildlife.

 Message 12 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBrandflake301Sent: 12/24/2008 1:44 AM
Defenders of Wildlife

Polar bear and cub (Norbert Rosing, National Geographic)

Happy Holidays! Thank you for helping us protect wildlife...

Season’s greetings,

Each year at this time, I like to write dedicated Defenders supporters like you to thank you for all that you helped us accomplish for the wildlife that you and I care about.

This year, I thought we’d do something a bit different by showing you what an incredible difference you’ve made in 2008.

Please take a moment to check out some of the amazing ways you helped us protect wildlife in 2008�?/FONT>

Check out our interactive Google map of accomplishments

With your support, Defenders of Wildlife helped stop planned wolf hunts in Greater Yellowstone, secured protections for America’s vanishing polar bears under the Endangered Species Act, saved imperiled wolverines from trapping plans and won dozens  more victories for our wildlife this year.

Learn about some of the great victories you helped make possible this year on our new interactive map.

As proud as I am of our accomplishments in 2008, I know that the year ahead will be challenging. The incoming Obama Administration offers new opportunities to address important conservation issues that have been ignored (and in many cases made worse) during the past eight years under the Bush/Cheney Administration.

In 2009, Defenders of Wildlife will need your help to�?/STRONG>

  • End Governor Sarah Palin’s out-of-control wolf killing programs in Alaska;
  • Stop the outgoing Administration’s plans to once again green-light the slaughter of wolves in Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies;
  • Reverse devastating eleventh hour regulations by the Bush/Cheney Administration that would gut the Endangered Species Act;
  • Pass legislation to help polar bears and other wildlife survive the threat of global warming;
  • And continue efforts on the ground, in the courts, in Congress and on the state and local levels to protect imperiled animals and the habitat they need to survive.  

The accomplishments of this past year are just a preview of what we can do to safeguard wildlife for our children, grandchildren and future generations. Working together, I know that we can accomplish even more in the year ahead.

All the Best to You and Yours,

Rodger Schlickeisen, President Rodger Schlickeisen, President Signature
Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife

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