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Agenda for the Next President

Polar Bear Family (Photo: Suzanne Miller, FWS)Eight years of the Bush Administration's assault on the environment is drawing to a close -- by far the worst presidential record in modern times for our wildlife and wild places. To help the Obama Administration restore leadership in conservation, Defenders is calling on the next president to reverse course from the Bush Administration and move forward to address the biggest threat to wildlife -- global warming.

After nearly a decade of disastrous policies, our wildlife and wild places deserve real leadership to preserve America's natural heritage.

Sign the petition to tell President-Elect Obama to restore America’s leadership in wildlife conservation!

Take Action

Read Defenders' report Wildlife Conservation Agenda for the Next Administration (PDF)

Feature Story

Maned Attraction

South America's maned wolves aren't like their gray wolf cousins to the north. These tall carnivores enjoy eating fruit, don't travel in packs or howl and they look like large, tall red foxes. Unfortunately these solitary wolves are running out of room to roam.

Senior Editor Heidi Ridgley recently traveled to Brazil's Serra da Canastra National Park to find out more about the maned wolf for her article in the latest Defenders Magazine. Join her as she takes you behind the scenes to take a look at these unique animals and the researchers working to save them.

Watch Heidi's maned wolf slideshow

Read "Maned Attraction�?from Defenders Magazine

Maned Wolf (cc) Pascal Vuylsteker
Defenders Updates

Stop the Sneak Attack on Wolves!
Already, nearly 50,000 Defenders activists have spoken out against the Bush/Cheney Administration's last minute sneak attack on wolves. If you haven't already, please urge federal officials to come up with a balanced and responsible management plan for wolves in the Northern Rockies and Greater Yellowstone area.
>> Take Action Now

Lifeline for the Beluga!
Cook Inlet beluga whales will be listed as "endangered" under the Endangered Species Act, thanks in part to the tens of thousands of Defenders activists who urged federal officials to take action. After months of delays, these beleaguered belugas will finally receive the protections they need to recover.
>> Read More

Parrot Victory!
It will now be illegal to capture and export live parrots in Mexico, thanks to a new law recently signed by Mexican President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa. Last year, Defenders and our conservation partner Teyeliz, A.C. presented a report revealing for the first time the extent of the illegal parrot trade in Mexico. 
>> Read More

Wolf Control Program Cancelled
A controversial plan in Canada to sterilize adult wolves and kill other pack members -- including pups -- was abandoned last month after an intensive campaign by Defenders Canada representative Jim Pissot and others. The plan was part of a University of Alberta and the provincial government plan to artificially boost elk populations north of Calgary.
>> Learn More

Last Chance!
Defenders' Your Lands, Your Wildlife essay contest ends November 30. If you haven't already done so, tell us your story about a memorable encounter with wildlife in America's national forests or on Bureau of Land Management lands. You could win $1000 in outdoor gear!
>> Learn More

Gray Wolf (Photo: Corel)
Wildlife Hero

In Michelle's Memory

A highly respected member of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) since May 2003, Michelle Lawless put her passion for the protection of wildlife and wild places to work every day. Michelle was known as a tough yet fair enforcement officer who people instinctively trusted. She was an accomplished outdoorswoman with a love of hiking, mountain biking and scuba diving and her affection for wildlife came first both in her personal and professional life.

That life was cut short in a tragic accident during a routine patrol for poachers in a wildlife management area near the Palm Beach county line. The Lawless and Martin families have decided to honor Michelle's memory and her devotion to wildlife by presenting a memorial gift to support Defenders' wildlife conservation work in Florida. "We will be forever grateful to Michelle for her commitment and courage in protecting the diversity of life in Florida," said Laurie Macdonald, Director of the Defenders' Florida office.

Ofc. Michelle Lawless (Photo: FWC)
Creature Feature
WildWild Turkey
Hunting and habitat loss took its toll on the wild turkey in the late 19th century. But these symbols of Thanksgiving have made a comeback throughout most of their range.

Learn more about wild turkeys from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology


Decrease your Thanksgiving carbon footprint -- eat local.

To find food that's grown closest to you, visit

Have an Enviro Tip to share?
E-mail us!

Upcoming Events

Whether you are an activist looking for ways to make your voice heard or a biologist seeking a conference where you can share your latest paper, Defenders has an event for you.

Click here for the latest upcoming events.

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Defenders of Wildlife is a national, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and plants in their natural communities.

Defenders of Wildlife can be contacted at:
1130 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
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