Ed has networked well with his constituents in Chicago and it seems a great deal of people are ready to go to work and get some things done for our causes.
It is very important that we build, build, build! The webiste has been hosted. The e-mail servers have been put together. The message forums have been selected. The blog server has been applied to the website though I'm scratching my head a bit with this one.
I REALLY, REALLY, need someone that can assist with some of these web design platforms. I am in over my head and simply do not have the programming experience needed to tie this whole thing together by myself.
Please, help me find someone who would be willing to assist in building this website! I will be looking and searching perhaps at the local college by the end of the week.
The sooner we can get the website built, the sooner, we can file the necessary licensing for our corporation. The SOONER, we can help those who would benefit from our outreach programs.
The ideas that have been toyed with for years have developed into REAL NEED, and the possibility of people and organizations willing to assist in our goals have spoken!
It is now time,,,to GET SOME REAL WORK DONE! We cannot hesitate nor simply ponder the idea of committing any longer. We need people to participate in our causes NOW!