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From: MSN NicknameBrandflake301  in response to Message 1Sent: 9/11/2008 2:43 AM
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Daily Edition September 10, 2008


Call-In Day to End Insurance Discrimination
Today, Faces & Voices of Recovery is sponsoring a national call-in for the federal parity bill, which has significant support in Congress but faces a ticking clock as the end of the session approaches. If you have views about ending insurance discrimination facing people with addiction and mental illness, today is the day to share them with your elected officials.


Sentencing Commission to Recommend Prison Alternatives
The U.S. Sentencing Commission plans to issue a list of recommendations on alternatives to incarceration that could include drug courts, addiction treatment, or other sentencing options.

Pharmaceutical Companies Use New Media to Market to Teens
As government officials warn about the increased misuse of prescription drugs by adolescents, drug companies are using the Internet, text messages, e-mail, and even music downloads to market pharmaceuticals directly to teens.

Researchers' Fears Among Salvia Concerns
Rising quickly from its obscure origins as a hallucinogen used by Mazatec tribes in Mexico, the herb salvia divinorum has become a head-shop staple in the U.S. and played a starring role in YouTube videos depicting the drug's effects on users.

Raise Legal Driving Age, Insurance Group Says
While some advocates are proposing to lower the legal drinking age from 21 to 18, the Insurance Industry for Highway Safety says that states should raise the driving age from 16 to 17 or 18.

More Headlines


Uninsured Americans Will Cost Government $43 Billion in 2008
Governments, hospitals and individuals account for $86 billion in spending on health care for uninsured Americans, according to a new report.

More Research

Take Action
Help CSPI Make the Case Against Sparks

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Improved Care for Teens in Trouble with Drugs, Alcohol and Crime

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