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General : Here's What's Cooking>>>>
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 Message 1 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCapebretnr  (Original Message)Sent: 10/8/2008 6:37 PM
Well here's what's cooking in my kitchen.......just out of the oven....
I was trying to make a baggette with the leftover dough but I didn't have a long enough pan so it had to be curled up on the ends ha!
Here's the beans, I added a little barbecue sauce after Mae mantioned she puts it in hers, mmmmmm, they are tasty! This is supper.What are you all cooking up tonight??

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 Message 2 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameButchie1930Sent: 10/8/2008 6:41 PM
I will take one of these and one of those and a couple more of these.  The beans look great too.  Did you read my report on the beans?  I put that together mostly for you because I thought you needed a bit more education. LOL.

 Message 3 of 11 in Discussion 
From: BootsSent: 10/8/2008 6:42 PM
Woo, do you make fancy looking rolls and bread. Yummy, mine is baking as I type, its about 1/2 done. 
Yesterday I picked up some butternut squash and I cooked it last night- we had that and some leftover pork for supper. Tonight we are having squash, meatloaf (which I need to get off here and mix up before heading over to feed the calves!), salad and I may bake a couple of sweet potatoes. 

 Message 4 of 11 in Discussion 
From: BootsSent: 10/8/2008 6:44 PM
Cape, is your recipe for that whole grain bread on here? or is it one that is in your head?  If you have it I would like it. Boots

 Message 5 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTexasGrandma62Sent: 10/8/2008 7:12 PM
YUmmy lookin' bread and rolls, Cape.  Think I'll bake some tomorrow.  Haven't baked bread for weeks!  Also, those beans look so good!  Especially on a cold day.
Today, we'll have leftover pork slices (from yesterday's roast) in gravy with mashed potato, turnip and cheese mixed in.  That with roasted yellow squash and green peas should be a pretty good supper for us.
Still nothing sweet for dessert.  OK, that does it...I'm out the door to get some ice cream!
Bye for a minute or two!
Hugs, Marci

 Message 6 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlueMargaret0Sent: 10/8/2008 7:20 PM
Are you feeding the whole Canadian Army?  The bread and rolls look so good.  What time did you get up to start all that?

 Message 7 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSilverMaPoppieMurphySent: 10/8/2008 7:28 PM
Holy moly thats a big batch of bread & rolls, they look so good, is thisthe recipe that you said was out of your head. Those beans look good, but don't thing they would go over to big here, Russ doesn' like homemade beans, I know he's a bit off his rocker LOL
I'm still think of what to make for supper,  can't be too heavy as they are getting over the stomach flu.

 Message 8 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSkatergrannySent: 10/8/2008 7:33 PM
I want to come to your house!!!!:) Your baked goods look fantastic!!!! I can almost smell them!:)

 Message 9 of 11 in Discussion 
From: RobinSent: 10/8/2008 7:34 PM
Everything looks great. Hugs, Robin

 Message 10 of 11 in Discussion 
From: PhiddySent: 10/9/2008 1:01 PM
If Butchie has left any I will take the they look so good...when we go to my bil's on tues going to get her to show me how to make some then I will show you by buns lol   Phiddy

 Message 11 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamepuzzler051Sent: 10/11/2008 9:09 AM
YUMMY IN TUMMY.Looks good to me. I care puzzler

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