Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 6:05 pm
Is this what you worked so hard at university for, to end up to frightened to ask awkward questions about the disappearance of a defensless chid. No pullitzer prizes for you then? Paul Foot must br turning in his grave.
I read a damning article by reputable American journalist Chris Friend (or Fraind) on this subject. Coverage of this case has been met with shock horror by counterparts in USA.
I expect it will be the subject of discussions and other articles for many years to come.
It not only shames journalism, it shames the purpose of 'news'papers. Coverage of this case has made tabloids a laughing stock, home and abroad. The only reliable news is in Forums.(JAB).
Laffin Assasin
Paul Foot must br turning in his grave.And Richard Stott  |